Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A Full Day thing.

[ Music - Eagle Eye Cherry - Save Tonight ]

You wouldn't believe me if I said that today's post was done all on paper, at least what happened til school ended. Heh.

So everything started with a bad hair day. I wouldn't say that it was exactly a bad hair day but more like it was already quite messy on its own and I just made it worse by putting more pins into my hair to neaten it up. Some puny boy just barged into our class with Jasmine Thian talking [or screaming] rather loudly to him, but I didn't think he was listening anyway.

So some happenings so far, actually nothing much interesting, but okay I'll just write it out.
  • The boys are playing poker cards
  • Rebecca's in her non-moving mode and "sleeping". [We know she actually isn't]
  • Oh, Shengwen is genuinely sleeping.
  • Wai Eng just came!
  • Bei Yu's tidying up her Geography File.
  • Michelle is just being extra next to her using her phone.
  • Priya is pressing the stapler continuously, producing that highly annoying "thwack, thack" sound.
  • Yu Xiang is sitting next to the sleeping one dumbily [Shengwen]
  • Hwee En is jumping around with her phone [haha!]

Okay, Bei Yu is screaming again and I am still sitting here alone writing this entry

* Oh god, Jin Rong just came in, that spells 'trouble' or simply put "trauma".

I'm having the most dreary period ever, double Chinese. Miss Qian is making us read the paragraphs of the lesson aloud. Oh yuck, I'm so bored.

We just did a mini debating session about a what are the expectations of a maid for her employer and what are the expectations of an employer for his/her maid. Yeah, the guys were the employer and the girls were the maid. =.= Not funny. Hahaha, oh well, it was fun, just that it was done in CHINESE.


Oh we're having a shitty lesson of Literature. Gosh Mr Tay is in an awfully good mood that it scares me. Yeah and as Jasmine and I scrutinize him, we realise that his handwriting is like a kindergarten kid, he can't even write in a straight/close to straight line!


Oh recess's over, gosh Rebecca's really such a poor thing. I'm in class with only Michelle and Rebecca. You see, we're not supposed to be in class but anyway Michelle and I can just pretend we're councillors on duty, patrolling. Ha. Reb's 'sleeping' again. She has no close friends and I really pity her. She literally walks around the school like a living zombie. It's not that I don't make an effort to be friends with her. Jasmine and I sat with her before and sometimes she just behaves a little too oddly for us? We greet her daily too! In our pretty pathetic efforts to show we're welcome to her, she responds, but in total reluctance. Guess she doesn't feel good with us? Well, she is a smartie. More about her later.

Oh good lord, the boys are harrassing the broom, throwing it to each other. Bleagh.

Stephanie, Hui Min and Nicholas Ng are trespassing. God, Jasmine and Wen Theng are performing Percussion gimmicks again. "Tarck, tack, Tarck" FLARGGH.


Why does my class have to watch verbal or physical fights everytime? Gosh, shield us from frigid blight.

Maths was pretty fun. Heh.


PCCG was fun! Just did some Mrs Lim messages and stuff, Get well messages. YEAH. Did on the topic Anger later, pretty interesting.

Home. Aah, I just argued with my mom together with my sister, she is in such a menopausal mood. Grawr. We were talking about our maternal grandma and she thought that we were talking about her, so she flared up. Chee.

Well, I've got lots of stuff to do now, later!

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