Saturday, August 13, 2005

Morning 'sickness' and fat folks.

[ Electrico - Runaway ]

Bleagh, I got woken up by Jamin and his stupid phonecall! RAR. I didn't go to the Peirce Carnival and I'm feeling rather annoyed, yet so sleepy and weirded out. Heh. Talk about mood-swinging. Aha!

I'm on Host duty today, all thanks to Nicholas and his canoeing I suppose? Hmm, I'm nice, yeah I'm nice, I'm replacing him. Oh great and I'm gonna get a drink tomorrow! He better treat me like he promised, if not I'll unleash my feminism! WAHAHAHAHA. -evil laugh.

Okay oops, let's pretend you didn't see that! Heh.

I was just reading the paper and I came across this quote by Lydia Sum:

"When your daughter is fat as a child, that's
cute. When she's fat as an adult, that's a burden"
Lydia Sum on her dieting daughter Joyce

Oh hoho, I was just thinking, is obesity hereditary? I guess it is. Lydia Sum is BIG and famous for it! How unfair to other fat folks! How sad for 'em.

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