Wednesday, August 31, 2005


[ The Cranberries - Zombie ]

This was my Mom's green tea birthday cake from BreadTalk! Yum.

One sumptuous lunch at home

School ended at 9.30am today. Yes, early, and what am I doing at home this early?! Flargh! I actually went straight home after school. Man, I've got to say this to myself "Hey you're such a loser." Haha, yeah, it's unusual if I ever get home this early, unless I'm feeling totally beat that I want to pig before dinner.

So we had our Teachers' Day Celebration. I found it overrated, but oh well, school's like that, with silly celebrations for almost everything. Namely Racial Harmony Day, International Friendship Day, etc etc. Everyday's racial harmony day, it's not like we're all rioting and fighting among the races right? Why commemorate it at times? But heck, we get a half-day too, so just as well!

Awards were given out, and Mdm Kapana (ICC-In Charge) clinched two of the awards. The whole school was shocked! She is pretty low-key in my school, despite her ICC getting A LOT and I mean really A LOT of awards from here, there and everywhere. Bleagh.
Had a couple of dance presentations. From Movement & Dance, Art Club (?!), the Parent Support Group (Omg, they did cha-cha! LMAO) and the Indian Cultural Club. FYI, Timothy's mom's in the Parent Support Group - HAHAHAHA. =p

The ICC & the M&D's performance was nice. The ICC did some relatively modern dance, they didn't do it in their usual gold/silver garb, but instead this time in white tops and black bottoms. Gayathri as usual, was REALLY flexi. Haha, they are ALL uber flexi, even more than the M&D girls, I think. I LIKE MY SCHOOL'S IndianCulturalClub. Wish I could join, but I think only Indians are allowed. (RACISM!) Haha, just kidding. But really, I like the ICC.

I didn't go back to OLGC! I wanted to, but Rachel wasn't picking up her phone, and Celine switched it off. -scowl

Miss Rini from Cheryl's house has just left my house. Maids! Miss Wanti (a.k.a my maid) is getting terribly annoying these days. Bah! I think all the maids who come to my church (following their employer) are staging a rebellion! I'm sure Aunt Jasmin & Cheryl will agree with me! Ha, they're all abandoning Singapore and going back to Indo end of September. I wouldn't mind. I mean, my maid has been dressing so wildly, and she knows all these clothes will be dumped when she goes back to Indo 'cause she'll get raped (sometimes I really wish she does get raped, I mean, you deserve it whut) If she leaves now, she'll stay at the Embassy. Gah, she'll be in Singapore until Jan 05. Ha, my mom said if we wanted to be evil we could force her to work til Jan then she has to go back immediately when her contract expires, but neh, my mom allowed it anyway. Pooey.

I think I'm having a breakout. Pfft.

Ha, ha.

This is Michelle's, but I squished it on the way home. Oops.

Never ever use triple 5 notebooks! I wanted to tear a page out to write a note,
and yeeha, look at it now, totally destroyed. Ha. Cheapskate!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

A very silly survey.

[ ] I've run away from home. For a miserable four hours? Yes.
[X] I shut others out when I'm sad. Nothing more to that.
[ ] I open up to others easily. You know I don't
[X] I am keeping a secret from the world. Haha.
[X] I watch the news. SOMEtimes
[ ] I own an I-Pod. I really wished I did
[X] I love(d) Disney movies. We were all kids once right?
[X] I am a sucker for hair/eyes. That is a total fact.
[ ] I don't kill bugs. Hey, if you don't know I'm a serious bug-killer. So beware roaches.
[ ] I curse regularly. Oh NO I do not! I find it uncivilised.
[ ] I paid for that cell phone ringtone. I wouldn't.
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name. Yucks.
[ ] I've slipped out a "lol" in a real conversation.
[ ] I love Spam. Nah, if you're talking about the ham, maybe. I don't know. Ha.
[X] I bake well. Relatively well compared to my schoolmates. All they know is Home Ec.
[X] I would wear pajamas to school. Comfortable! Anyway I only wear a top and shorts.
[X] I am in love with someone. Who isn't? Besides the typical geek? No, even geeks have crushes.
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS. Aw nonono. Not even close to that.
[X] I am self conscious. Totally.
[X] I like to laugh. Totally.
[ ] I can't swallow pills. Pfft, I love swallowing them!
[X] I have many scars. I think.
[X] I've been out of this country. Duh.
[ ] I believe in ghosts. Stupidity. Only wandering spirits.
[X] I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room. Makes me feel icky, but after I kill them, it's all clear.
[ ] I am really ticklish.
[X] I love chocolate & french fries. Pig!
[ ] I bite my nails.
[X] I am comfortable with being me. It offends people though.
[X] I play computer games/video games when i'm bored.
[ ] Gotten lost in your city. Singapore's SMALL
[ ] Saw a shooting star.
[X] Went out in public in your pajamas bottoms last week. Hey I wear proper shorts to sleep
[ ] I have kissed a stranger.
[X] Hugged a stranger/acquaintance. CHURCH.
[ ] Been in a fight with the same sex. Verbally yes.
[ ] Been arrested.
[X] Pushed all the buttons on an elevator. Out of sheer boredom
[ ] Kicked a guy where it hurts. I want to & I wish I could.
[ ] Played spin the bottle. Truth or Dare?
[X] Gotten stitches. My Chin.
[X] Bitten someone. Zeslene to be exact.
[ ] Been to Niagara Falls.
[X] Gotten the chicken pox.
[X] Ridden in a taxi. Who hasn't?
[X] Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back. Perfectly normal.
[X] Lied to a friend.
[ ] Been married.
[X] Been on a plane.
[X] Thrown up. On Calista's bag in Primary 4, ha, that was funny.
[X] Eaten Sushi. Yum
[ ] Been ice skating.
[X] Met someone in person from the internet. My cousin's friend.
[X] Taken painkillers.
[X] Been so bored to take this survey. TOTALLY.

snagged from cheekyprof / with changes

Ah, mad.

I haven't been getting much inspiration to write, after I reach home, my mind just goes blank and everything I plan to write (about some interesting stuff) is totally forgotten. Am I getting dementia?

Tsk, I never ever want to wear my PE shirt inside of my uniform, it's terribly suffocating.

Listening to the radio - Sigh, life's so boring at times.


School = boredom. Book checking, yada yada. How boring!

Well school ended uber late, at around 3.15pm. 15 students were selected to take a survey after school when everyone was in the hall having assembly period, and I was selected. Gah, how annoying! Do you know how many surveys I've been draw lot-ted to take? Unfair! We had some absolutely annoying questions like these:

I am proud to be a Deyian - Strongly Disagree
I am comfortable talking to my school leaders (ie. Principal, VP) - Disagree

Bah! We rejoined the class in the hall after the survey and watched this episode of Phua Chu Kang - Omigoodness, much to my horror! I thought it was some important assembly, ended up they just watched this lame episode about Civil Defence (I think, we missed the first part you know) where King Kong has his IPT test and then he's too fat he gets stuck in the cupboard under the sink. Then during the IPT training with Chu Beng, he collapses, and PCK and PCB set up a free Tau Huay stall. Pretty corny, hahaha. But I'm laughing anyway, so how lame could it get?

Singaporean jokes are pretty silly.

After assembly and the whole PCK show thingy, we had our sec two camp briefing. I'm actually pretty hyped up. We'll be grouped in our classes (Odd and Even) - Yeap. I'd like that. That means Nurul's in my group, with Jasmine and WT. YESS. But thinking about sleeping in the hall's weird. Not because I'm scared of ghosts or something (almost everybody in my school is uber superstitious, hmm lemme learn some freaky ghost stories to scare the hell outta them LMAO), but because the hall is so giantgantic (gigantic) that it feels odd and SUPER 'open'. YEAH, so NOT cosy.

Took 25 home, much to my disgust and horror, there was this MAD INDIAN MAN in the bus! At first, everybody just thought he was a bit on the odd side, but he kept 'talking' without words coming out and moving his hands about. Yeah, really mad people are in a world of their own. -shudder- I wouldn't like to be like that next time. Mad people really traumatise me. When I pressed the bell, he turned back (I thought that his neck was gonna break off) so alertly to see who pressed it, and I was freaked la, duh right. Quickly exited the bus then! Haha.

I mean last time, there was this mad man. Definitely mad. I was about to go down the overhead bridge and at the same time he was reaching the top from the bottom, he couldn't control his whole body of nerves and stuff (I suppose) and his head was twisting here and there in a very, very strange way and his hands were like imitating door knobs. His whole body was twisting about individually - freaky! And you know you only have one straight route to get down right, so I had to get past him, when I walked past, he freaking moved towards me la! FREEAAKKK.

Man, I'm going mad already. SPARE ME ALL YE MAD PEOPLE. Oh the trauma.

Monday, August 29, 2005

When the world gets in my face.

If there's one thing I hang onto
It gets me through the night
I aint gonna do what I don't want to
I'm gonna live my life
Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice
Standing on the ledge, show the wind how to fly
When the world gets in my face, I say,
Have A Nice Day
Have A Nice Day


As I left the house this morning - Man, all I could hear was some damned cat and its scandalous partner mating in my neighbour's house, the annoying part was that my neighbours don't keep cats, they keep dogs and these stray cats are actually using their grass patchs (in their houses) as mating grounds.

It doesn't really matter to me if they mate or whatever, I mean, yeah, they've got to multiply to keep their species alive, yada yada right? But gosh, when they do, the whole street can hear it! Ugh, guess there are more down sides than up sides in living in a terrace house.

Yeah and I really, really, really, REALLY wouldn't mind if they did their little almost-nightly mating activities within the 1am - 5.30am range. Instead of mating WAY later like at 6.30am - 7am or in broad daylight when humans are actually up and moving around or like me, leaving the house to go to school.

Harrumph, enough about cats, I don't like them. Ha.

Let's go on to the topic of lizards, crows and crickets! Don't you see the similarity between all these animals/insects? They all make a lot of noise when they move around!

  • Crows CAW (and stalk me when I'm carrying food -scowl)
  • Lizards click (or whatever you call that "jek jqek" sound)
  • Crickets echo (I admit I'm bad at describing animal sounds - Lmao)

Gah, can't I just go to school in peace?
Well, school was GREAT for me! How was yours?

Most of us were just crapping around and being oh-so-relaxed today. We started off school with some serious 'studying' on the easier topics on Math like Translations & Reflections.

School was crap, we anticipated our report books, but we're only getting it on Friday, during our Sec Two camp! What a scam! They want to force us to go for the camp. =.= I mean, Amazing Race at Chinatown? Oh geddalife! Pah. But I'd prefer that then run away in my school camp tee in Orchard Road - Man, how embarrassing.

The last two periods were hilarious! Erica, Jasmine, Pei Shan, Mei Yi, Wen Theng and I, with occasional appearances by Ting Fong were bitching about the Girl. Bahaha, I haven't had such fun for a long time! It was so darn funny. Then we started talking in dialect, especially in Cantonese, which is our majority dialect. Well, I'm Hainanese, but my mom's Canto, so I therefore know how to speak that itty bit? Most of the time I'm learning the numbers in Canto from Pei Shan. Haha, so we weren't really conversing but being annoying by all speaking our different dialects and dumbily decoding all of them.

God, the weather has been HOT.

Home! (:

I LOVE MEIYI (exceptionally lol)


[ Black Eyed Peas - Don't Lie ]
Hey, baby my nose is getting big
I noticed it be growing when I been telling them fibs
Now you say your trust's getting weaker
Probably coz my lies just started getting deeper
And the reason for my confession is that I learn my lesson
And I really think you have to know the truth
Because I lied and I cheated and I lied a little more
But after I did it I don't know what I did it for
I admit that I have been a little immature
F- with your heart like I was the predator
In my book of lies I was the editor
And the author I forged my signature
And now I apologise for what I did to you
Cos what you did to me I did to you

Nononono baby, nononono don't lie
Nononono, yeah you kno know know know you gotta try
What you gonna do when it all comes out
When I see you & what you're all about
Nonono baby, nononono don't lie
Yeah you kno you kno you kno you kno you know you gotta try

She said I'm leaving
Cos she can't take the pain
It's hard to continue this love it ain't the same
Can't forget the things that I've done inside her brain
Too many lies committed too many games
She feeling like a fool getting on the last train
Trying to maintain but the feeling won't change
I'm sorry for the things that I've done and what I became
Caught up in living my life in the fast lane
Blinded by lights, cameras, you know the fame
I don't know the reason why I did these things

And I lie and I lie and I lie and I lie
And now our emotions are drained
Cos I lie and I lie and a little lie lie
And now your emotions are drained

Yo, I'm lying to my girl
Even though I love her
And she all in my world I
give her all my attention and diamonds & pearls
She's the one who makes me feel on top of the world
Still I lie to my girl, I do it

And I lie and I lie and I lie till there's no turning back
I don't know why, (and I lie and I lie till I don't know who I am)

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Thank Yous and thank yous

I visited my own blog and saw this! Man, I achieved my goal. Haha, I aimed for 3000 by the end of the week! (: Haha. Well, thanks for the support. -grins stupidly-

Friday, August 26, 2005


School was pretty alright, I started off with rushing out my chinese letter-writing assignment, and I actually exceeded one page! Ha, that's totally amazing for me. Heh. So I went for PA duties, which were a bore, with Mrs Remesh popping in and out of the Office being annoying:

Mrs Remesh: Hey ya, normally when the National Anthem is playing, you two should stand up, just for respect. (Louisa looks at Mr Goh, the DM in one 'cubicle' talking to the OM and rolls her eyes)

Louisa: Okkayy. -stands up
Bei Yu: MM. -stands up
Mrs Remesh: I don't mean that you two have to face the cupboard lah! Ah but never mind.
Louisa: -rolls eyes-
Bei Yu: -looks down in ignorance-
-Mr Goh, seeing that we were all standing at attention stood at attention guiltily.-
Farrizzzz Tahat Serdia!
Mrs Remesh: Psst!, take your pledge.
Bei Yu and Louisa: -takes their pledge resigned-ly.

Pfft, what an idiot!

Started off school badly, my class went down last, and was retained outside the staff room. Ha! It wasn't even the PA's fault! But thankfully by the time we went down, the DM sent them up so woohoohoo, we were safe. Surprisingly, the subject of class detention didn't come up.

Double Physics, we did some resistance tests, pretty lame.

English was fun, and quiet. Three quarts of the class were at the 206 stall doing stuff, and most of the guys were just there because they wanted to pon class, not to mention eat free kacang puteh. Ah! Talk about CHEAPSKATE.


CHINA - Got back my test paper, god, I flunked so badly. LMAO - expected anyway.

SCHOOL ENDED AT 11.15am! (: Oh do I love Mrs Chua!

I waited for Nurul in class with Liyan, Jiayun, Meiyi, Shuwen, Rachel and Jinrong. Man, somebody started crying and it was really shocking. Well it was Jinrong :/ Amazing right. NURUL MADE ME WAIT 45 MINUTES FOR HER. I helped Rachel with her art, erm, a bit lah huh? Haha.

Nurul and I headed for Toa Payoh's Banquet Foodcourt 'cause she wanted to go there before her medical checkup. Ha, I ate fish and chips - MAN i'm piggish. It was $5.50 and my drink cost $1.20 - I feel like a sinner. Oh god, now that I think about it, I sound more and more like Cheryl! Ah!

Slacked around, complained. Bus-ed back. Yeap. That's all.

/My blogposts are getting more uninspiration-ed. Sucky - Be back with more next time when I feel the inspiration. Well - Soon?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Hah, this post is timed at 8.54pm and I only just started blogging (Current Time: 10.12pm). Heh. Well, I'll start off with my post now! (:

School was basically alright, today was the Enterprise Fair, Day One unfortunately. We still've got one more torturous day. Sales was bad, (like I expected) but the main "committee" (they weren't official, haha, the official ones were kicked out by them) were so upset with the sales and how slowly their products were moving. We were selling some candles (compulsory, it's a class product). Apparently we didn't design candles, but calendars, but because it's already almost the end of the year, how can you sell 2005 calendars? Impossible right. Ha. Danny Chiew's price was horrendous highly-priced! The demented candles were going at $2.50 each, $25 for 10. And we can't change the price because it's set by the teacher-in-charge, well only for that dumb product anyway. Not to mention, those lame little light-producing candles were not even scented! Talk about daylight robbery!

Missed a few lessons 'cause most of us hung around at the stall. Hey, lessons were boring. Ah, I passed my Math file to Mr Lim (you know that really nice, soft-spoken and lamer new teacher, hahaha!) to pass to Mr Jo, I didn't really ask him, he offered anyway. Hohoho. Talk about such a nice teacher! Some teachers just totally ignore you when you're standing outside the staff room looking like a lamer looking for a teacher (my stupid school does not allow us to go into the staff room, instead you have to use the intercom to invite the dear teacher out -- the irony is that the lame intercom is SPOILT! Bah!)

So we had to present our CME projects today, uh, it was a miraculous success. We presented with half our information on hard copy, the rest were basically random rantings from our brains. As usual, Jasmine will be the joker talking nonsense, and Wen Theng just grinning away. Michelle talking a lot to cover up that we have a lack of facts, and me? Standing there, just smiling. HEY, I gave answers to the questions that required brains. Just told 'em to Michelle, so Michelle isn't that intellectual after all. So praise me! (: Hahaha.

Harrumph, Science test cancelled. We had great fun during-----

I think the chocolates' pretty. :) Posted by Picasa

This was yummy. (: LOVE.  Posted by Picasa

First tray of chocs - Not finished by me okay! Posted by Picasa

I happen to like a little chocolates for lunch. (:  Posted by Picasa

CHOCOLATE : Some brand I found in my refrigerator. -BINGE Posted by Picasa

Some VCDS I've been watching during the last week. Posted by Picasa

Randoms during the previous 1 or two weeks : A Certificate for completing a Digital Art & Design course. Yay. Posted by Picasa

Enterprise fair and its waste.

Hah, this post is timed at 8.54pm and I only just started blogging (Current Time: 10.12pm). Heh. Well, I'll start off with my post now! (:

School was basically alright, today was the Enterprise Fair, Day One unfortunately. We still've got one more torturous day. Sales was bad, (like I expected) but the main "committee" (they weren't official, haha, the official ones were kicked out by them) were so upset with the sales and how slowly their products were moving. We were selling some candles (compulsory, it's a class product). Apparently we didn't design candles, but calendars, but because it's already almost the end of the year, how can you sell 2005 calendars? Impossible right. Ha. Danny Chiew's price was horrendous highly-priced! The demented candles were going at $2.50 each, $25 for 10. And we can't change the price because it's set by the teacher-in-charge, well only for that dumb product anyway. Not to mention, those lame little light-producing candles were not even scented! Talk about daylight robbery!

Missed a few lessons 'cause most of us hung around at the stall. Hey, lessons were boring. Ah, I passed my Math file to Mr Lim (you know that really nice, soft-spoken and lamer new teacher, hahaha!) to pass to Mr Jo, I didn't really ask him, he offered anyway. Hohoho. Talk about such a nice teacher! Some teachers just totally ignore you when you're standing outside the staff room looking like a lamer looking for a teacher (my stupid school does not allow us to go into the staff room, instead you have to use the intercom to invite the dear teacher out -- the irony is that the lame intercom is SPOILT! Bah!)

So we had to present our CME projects today, uh, it was a miraculous success. We presented with half our information on hard copy, the rest were basically random rantings from our brains. As usual, Jasmine will be the joker talking nonsense, and Wen Theng just grinning away. Michelle talking a lot to cover up that we have a lack of facts, and me? Standing there, just smiling. HEY, I gave answers to the questions that required brains. Just told 'em to Michelle, so Michelle isn't that intellectual after all. So praise me! (: Hahaha.

Harrumph, Science test cancelled. We had great fun during the last period. HOHO! All of us were lamely criticizing and kidding around with Mr Wong. Wohoho! He is so funny, I was asking him about whether he wears dentures, 'cause his teeth totally look like they are those plastic moulds in dental clinics which dentists use to demonstrate how to brush your teeth. Hahaha. Then he said everything on him was natural. HA!

Oh I haven't bathed yet.

I just finished my kNOw drugs poster just now, it is so hideous! I wasn't thinking of putting any effort in it since I'm so tired anyway. Ha. I just took some acrylic paint, some newspapers, and proceeded to flick paint all over my paper, well literally. Haha, I shall post a picture of it, laugh at my art! HA! (:


"When I think about the mooncake chocolate cookies, I feel like dying. HAHAHAHA!" -Louisa

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


I just read JH's blog and she was talking about birthday presents.

Yeah, FYI, he kept asking me what I wanted since his birthday. GAH!

Oh yeah - and you owe me 2 dollars.




[ Ivy - One More Last Kiss ]

I have no inspiration at all. Spent half an hour staring at this wide expanse of white space in front of me. Haha.

School was good, had our Chinese test, which I totally think I'm gonna flunk anyway whether U study or not. Man, I feel so horrible everytime I think about china. I wish I could be like Shawn and just drop Chinese. -sigh

Everything was pretty fun, but sucky. You know the feeling when everything's nice, fun and good, but you still feel like everything's so dull and dreary and sucky. Aye.

Enterprise fair tomorrow. Gah.

I'm not afraid to start over
It's just a feeling that we shared
They can't take that away
I'm not afraid to be lonely
It's just a question of how long, how long I have to wait

So one more last kiss like two prisoners
One more last kiss to hold on to
One more last kiss just to remember you
Before we fade away, before we fade away

I'm not here making excuses
But no apologies could change the way this all will end
We're only just what we're made of
I'm only sorry that we can't have this chance again.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Sinning = Spending too much money?

(written on 240805)
I had fun yesterday. Man, it's been such a long time since I actually had some serious fun with my church clique. Yes! (: But one of the down sides when I'm having fun - I spend a lot of money! Hah, I shall write down what I've bought.

Yellow top : $16.10
Famous Amos Cookies (shared) : $2
Coffee Bean drink (shared) : $2.50
Apple flavoured gummy : $0.80
Ritter Sport chocolate (shared) : $1.10

Gah, I literally spent almost one to two weeks' allowance. As our saying goes "The ultimate sinner is the ultimate shopper." Hah. Not to mention, I wasn't even hungry when I ate those stuffs, we were so busy chatting and eating, and I was like so full, yet I just continued shoving chocolate cubes down my throat.

We started off simple. Met JH, and wished her birthday wishes and stuffs, sat around in Macs while she opened her presents - She is such an idiot, her friend gave her a leather (or PVC) ROXY wallet, which I know costs about $24 - $ 35 Dang! My wallet's 33 bucks and Jeralyn's 24 (from Aussie) and JH gets it FREE. Let's throw our hands up in the air and scream "UNFAIR!".

So we slacked around for a while. I called Cheryl and realised that she was in Toa Payoh too! Went to find her with her friend, Joyce. Woohoo! We should ask her to church sometime. (:

Bought food, pigged and went home - Cheryl and I went to my place's Coffee Bean (and her place too) Then we saw like tons of single-sex school kids, who were making us feel inferior, because we kinda DEGRADED ourselves into the mixed school category from a single-sex school. YEAH, that thought makes me go bursting away. ACS brats were whining away in a corner, AJC girls were laughing hysterically, ACJC people were, man, touching each other all over (They were sitting in public, those tables OUTSIDE TCB), PLMGSSians (the butches) were flirting around at the table nearest to the toilet, and heck-caring about those ACS boys sitting in front of them. HURHURHUR. FYI, the PLMGSSians were standing up most of the time, arguing in a friendly way and pretending to punch each other. Hoho. And everytime one of them stands up in deliberate fury, the chair knocks the one ACS boy who is studying. HAHAHA. It was terribly amusing just watching them.

Went home about seven plus (I DELIBERATELY did not want to go home so early) and studied for my china test as in Chinese, not History on China or something. Argh!


Monday, August 22, 2005

Tests and more tests!

See, when I bitch and so called rationalise I feel better. And am happier.
This is what makes me stronger and I did it all by myself,
with the help of my big and awesome God. Hahahahaha! I LOVE!

read below post before reading this! (:

Understand why I'm up to my neck and uber stressed.

MONDAY - Literature Test Chapter 1-9
MONDAY - History Test Chapter 8
TUESDAY - D&T Test Chapter 11, 13, 15 & 16
WEDNESDAY - Chinese Test Chapter 19, 20, 21, 22?
THURSDAY - Science Test Chapter 6
THURSDAY - Enterprising Day ONE 8-5pm?
FRIDAY - Enterprising Day TWO 8-5pm?
SATURDAY - WBP201 at 2

And this is not the reason why I'm so easily irritated! (: Whee.

Where it all comes out.

I'm sick of her - I'm sick of The Mother. You know sometimes I really feel like Dave Pelzer and his three award-winning books all about his life since his childhood times up to being an adult. I almost understand and sympathise with him that he has a Mad Mother.

I got driven out of my mind just now and I've decided, why should I even bother being mad at The Mother? She acts all nice and like everything's alright when it isn't and then she gets all nasty with her everflowing string of insults. Yeah, I'm telling you, she insults the whole world but herself [and oh-so-unfortunately I see the resemblance in my sisters and I]. Bitchy, yeah I know.

That's why I'm bitching about her here. Oh yippeedoo. You want to lecture me right? Yet you want to get the family together because you are afraid that it might fall apart. The only reason why it's gonna fall apart is because YOU are driving all of us mad, together with Your Brainwashed Maid. So much for you telling us that you're OH-SO-Independent and you don't need a maid. So much for you telling us that Paps uses the maid as a scapegoat everytime he loses and spoils something. BUT HEY, YOU USE HER AS A SCAPEGOAT TOO.

I'm gonna give her the silent treatment for the rest of the week, let's see how she likes it. Anyway she loves doing that and being ever so rude about all the conversations we even have. I won't flare up at her, in fact, let's just put it this way. I shall be sick and just smile at her when she yaks away. Anyway if I flare up, this is what I predict will happen. Tsk.

TM [TheMother] : Blahblahblahblahblah! -quarrel
Lou: BLAH! Blahblahblah! -quarrel
TM: I sacrificed my phone and changed your phone because it's FAULTY! (makes herself sound oh so noble)
Lou: HELLO? It's MY phone line's 2 years plan that's finishing and therefore you are cheating and trying to snatch the phone promotion thing with me.
Lou: HARRUMPH! -rolls most fierce looking eyes-
TM: Nowadays, don't know what's wrong with you, becoming like Clarissa, I think you should go to the mental hospital and seek psychiatric treatment.
Lou: pissed- GRRAAAAAHH! -slams door and stays in room forever.

*brackets in red are MY thoughts___________

Bohoho. Sometimes I really wish she sends me to Woodbridge : Institute of Mental Health [or send herself ALSO CAN] so that I can skip out on that shit school that I am which I really abhor but nobody believes me anyway AND I don't have to see her if I want to! If she happens to visit me, I can have one of my "MAD" fits and then those caretakers will put me into the room with cushiony walls. How fun! And everytime they want to consider letting me out, I shall go attack someone, then I'll have to stay there longer. Woohoo! Ain't it fun, and it'd probably bring tears to her eyes and send her on a heart attack. Maybe then I'll decide to come out.

By the way, I happen to have very amazing acting skills.

She comes in now, and tries to make things up to me. Oh I'm so sorry, I've been rubbed the wrong way already and nothing's gonna change that Missy! Yeah she bought stuff for me, and she gives them to me now, in hope of me forgetting her little yank-out-of-bed shouting. Where have I learnt the psychological warfare thing from? Jonathan? Nah, I've got a natural gift. It came from TheMother herself. Yep, she uses that all the time and messes with your mind. Since she loves messing with her mind, why shouldn't I just fulfil her Highest Priority Wish and go SUBMIT myself to the Woodbridge hospital. Anyway, I agree I can be put there 'cause I seem to have anger management problems.


Everything was bad just now, but I'm feeling all fine and dandy now. (You see I told you I was mad) Sometimes being too strong all the time sets you off too easily. Maybe I should be whimpy and start crying everytime, then she will suddenly feel that I'm so WEAK and MEEK. She knows I'm one VERY mischievous child.

"You know that you will get a huge scolding when dad's/TM's having his/her menopausal mood swings and you know it's wrong to say something ultra rude to shoot them but you all the more want to say it to agitate anyone of them. Ha, you love digging your grave right..." -Lynette

Sometimes I really love myself.


Sunday, August 21, 2005

THE BOTTLE TREE. THE FINISH LINE. ---- We won y'know. HAHAHA. (:  Posted by Picasa

HUMAN PYRAMID! Posted by Picasa


ORCHID GARDEN. --- Is this the only time Shawn isn't doing something silly? LMAO. Posted by Picasa

SHARKIE SHARKIE Posted by Picasa

#13 or #15? DUNNO. LAST STATION!!!!  Posted by Picasa

ISLAND LIFE SHOP Posted by Picasa

WATERFALL! Posted by Picasa

JUNGLE TRAILL Posted by Picasa

RUIN CITY. I said that statue was CHEENA and Shawn said it was Philipino! RAR and I WAS RIGHTT! Posted by Picasa

LOST CIVILISATION? Or issit RUIN CITY? Posted by Picasa

OLD MAN.  Posted by Picasa

SENTOSA. #1 station: Took ages to find it! STUPID COIN MACHINE.  Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 19, 2005

Don't you think they all look the same?

I wanted to take a nap just now [PIG], but I decided not to, and while I was up - I watched THE PACIFIER. What an adorable show! I'm thinking of watching Bridget Jones's diary & BJD's Edge of reason. Yeah, but one of them has sexual references. Ha. Not like I'm some immature pig anyway. I've watched Sex And The City tons of times - and I GET the jokes, not pretend to laugh at it. Haha!

Oh man, tuition just now was SICK. It was incredibly BORING! I was yawning my face away, not to mention I was pondering about my piano exam End September while doing my graph work. I'm a good multitasker! PRAISE ME. Hurhur.
[I heard Peishan saying that to Hengjie. HAHA. That was funnaye.]

I don't really have a mood to blog properly nowadays because of the copycats that copy my style of writing and et cetera. We all know Deyi people can't write a proper sentence of English, and the obvious chimology [comparatively to the school, not to Singapore's smart asses standard] in their sentence constructions are far too out-of-this-world. And anyway, most of those I see in my recent previous posts. Talk about lousy ripping.

Yeah, so Nurul, Michelle & Wen Theng better watch their butts.

Btw, Michelle's address was copied from Michelle Lee from SJC who is on my links. YES. Michelle Lee's address is
Michelle Copycat Qua's address is

See the resemblance? And I asked her, she said yeah, she got 'inspiration' from there. Inspiration? Gah! It's wholesale copying. Just a change of word, although I know Michelle Lee's a very creative and smart girl. Yes, and she's an IJ girls.

That's why I say mixed school kids are all the same. Example - AH LIAN.

Don't you think they all look the same?


And if somebody's gonna follow me and go write a profile just after I did mine, that person's screwed. Trust me, I've been having a few anger management problems nowadays - I'm getting more and more short-tempered. Yes. So don't think that I can't manage to beat you up. Cousin and I don't beat you up physically, we use psychological warfare, loser. Why would I want to touch your mixed-school skin anyway?



[ Sonicflood - God Is Great ]

I made changes to my skin, font-wise. Yeap, I hope my church people will quit complaining about the size already! Hmm.

I've got tuition in an hour, how boring! I wanna sleep! Erg, my eyes hurt like MAD, but I can't cancel tuition. Bleagh - more blogging later.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

All about FLASH.

[ Nichole Nordeman - To Say Thanks ]

School was good, we did 2 chapters of Geog today because of Miss Rachael's absence on Tuesday. Yeah and it sucked. I think we all felt pretty stressed, that was why we were so quiet! I mean, which class is actually quiet during lesson time, there at least would be some muttering and whispering here and there, and maybe some kiddy giggling.

Now that I'm talking about Geography, I realise that I haven't done the assigned work due tomorrow. Double Art tomorrow! Mr Lim better not barge in and give us a whole talk out of boredom. That's what it seems like. He comes in any time he wants just to scold people, AND during morning assembly, he loves picking out students and asking them to stand. HEY, you've got to understand this undeniable fact that listening to the DM reading out detention-ers names and yada yada announcements every single day is BORING. Not to mention, some of the names are actually repeated almost everyday too, so it's like history's repeating itself everyday.

Man, that sounds freaky after much thought.


Okay! We had the Macromedia Flash course today and yesterday. It's good. We had to do a final product today, and I did a pretty lame but pro [BHB!] one. Hmm. The wordings : Let's treasure the trees on our Earth! on frame one. And on frame 60: If not they will become like this... There were two drawings, some birds flying around [I added those lame-os to have four layers, it's compulsory to have four layers. Bleagh! They make my product look LAME and my masking failed --- resulted in lame birds, see the link? I can't believe it!] and then the morphing of the words and pictures and stuff like that. COOL. Let's go on to praising myself --- my drawings were sooo pretty! (: Eh, lots of people said that too. AHA. There you have it!

MACROMEDIA was MAGNIFIC with cookie crisps cereal, skittles and cuttlefish [oh smelly]. Haha, Mr Moses let us eat! He didn't on Wednesday.

I video-ed my Flash stuff using my phone. Hurhurhur. Talk about annoying. (:

Okie doks. I should be off now - Ah. Calista's turning 14 in less than 10 minutes, let's prepare the fireworks! Oops, it's banned in Singapore - =.="



A cheap class picture : Erg. This is genuinely our class picture. Yucks! [Picture darkened as the sun made all of us un-see-able.] Posted by Picasa

Randoms - My blogger thing can't seem to post pictures -.-" Posted by Picasa

Birthday wishes.


So unconsciously.

They copy my style of writing UNCONSCIOUSLY.
They copy my lingo UNCONSCIOUSLY.
They copy whatever I have UNCONSCIOUSLY.
They copy my speech and my pep phrases UNCONSCIOUSLY.

YEAH, that's what they always say to defend themselves :

How about if I shove a cucumber up your nose, and say that it was done UNCONSCIOUSLY.
Same context hmm?
Get a life people.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Rob Thomas : This is how a heart breaks

Don't you wanna go for a ride
Just keep your hands inside
And make the most out of life
Now don’t you take it for granted
Life is like a mean machine
It made a mess out of me
It left me caught between
Like an angry dream I was stranded
I was stranded

And I'm steady but I’m starting to shake
And I don’t know how much more I can take

Well, this is it now, everybody get down
This is all I can take
This is how a heart breaks
You take a hit now
You feel it break down
Make you stay wide awake
This is how a heart breaks

And I'm sorry but it’s not a mistake
And I’m running but you’re getting away

You're not the best thing that I knew
Never was
Never cared too much for all this hanging around
It's just the same thing all the time
Never get what I want
Never get too close to the end of a line
You're just the same thing that I knew
Back before the time when I was learning the ropes

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


I'm so tired.

Monday, August 15, 2005

AM A SLUT NOT A SLUT? Get your facts right Miss Contradictory

Stupid people side with stupid people.
Smart people side with smart people.
ahahaha, I'm still wondering whether to leave the post there, or to delete it, hmm, we'll see we'll see. Since she called me a slut, I SHAN'T!
Considering the fact that you called me a slut without fully understanding the meaning of it, I've looked up the dictionary and decided to give you the exact meaning.
It means a woman who is dirty or untidy.
when a woman is very immoral in her sexual behaviour.
That's not true for me at all 'cause I don't sleep around [hey, maybe YOU do, but I don't know who would lah?] and I'm not dirty or untidy!

Such saccharine.

Replies to tagboard posts:
Serene: Aiyah Serene, your blog is so unfamous you should be thanking me for leaving it there!
Michelle: It's really smart to keep little histories to use as evidences. Oh, I've learnt a good lesson today.
Pamela: PAMELA! I so love you!
Hiserene: I don't know who you are, but I sure agree with you.
Jael: LOVE YA!
Jinghan: You've got it all wrong. Michelle's good. Aha!


Yes, I'm feeling so sweet all over! Hahahaha! I've got myself a new phone, nothing impressive but good enough for me. (:

Took bus with Jonathan and Michelle to Compasspoint, Mich and I went to KFC for lunch while Jon went to buy Macs to takeaway home, so he left after buying it and we stayed at KFC to eat.

I feel like a pig. Went to check out my holey wallet and decided that it wasn't worth it.

Slacked around Compasspoint, HOME.

Checked out phone deals, went to AMK to buy. Saw a lot of my school people there. -.-' Much to my horror of course.

Aye, I'm so tired. Tomorrow!

Sunday, August 14, 2005


You know what? I hate people who like to jump to conclusions before they actually find out all the facts, and whoopee. Somebody just incurred my wrath when I'm having one of my extremely bad-mood days. Today is one of those days, those once in a blue moon days. Yes.

Serene, oh Serene. I'm so sorry I have to do this, to shame you on my blog. I think that I shouldn't even put your name on my blog because it's gonna be a disgrace to me. But I think I shouldn't let you go away scot-free just like that. You framed me mind you? You used my name and accused me of something I did not do.

Mind you, I don't visit stupid blogs and tag, instead I visit famous and intellectual blogs or at least my friends and acquaintances' blogs. And oops, you're not my friend! HA! Does your blog have any of those traits? Sorry to expose this but NO. Your blog sucks. I don't care if my blog sucks too, but at least I use proper english and I write for purely my own entertainment and also for me to keep track of nice events with my FRIENDS.

You're jealous of everybody. Jealous of Michelle and putting her through more than a year of your meaningless comments, thinking you are oh-so-noble. Yeah I know, people used to hate Michelle so badly and insult her, but now she's different. Almost immune to your pointless inferior comments. I think you're insulting her 'cause you're inferior to her. She has relatively nice-looking friends, and you don't - so get a life.

You have never been a popular icon in our school or the band. In fact you've been hated. You try so hard to get into everyone's good books. But I'm sorry, despite your very persevering methods of getting into them, they always fail you. Aww, how sad -pats. Yeah you tagged nearly every band member in my class, asking them to link you and tag you, like please, they would do so if they want to, so don't try so hard LAH.

I won't get into the superficial insults 'cause that would be plain mean and unforgivable. Yes, you better thank me. SERENE deleted all the tagboard posts on her board that I used to scold her, simply four VERY malicious posts. She has no face already. She's a LOSER.

I had to do this because you insulted Michelle, her church and her Christian faith, and I don't think you should go around insulting people's religion, whether Taoist, Buddhist or whatever other religion. In a general point of view, if I was Buddhist [I AM CHRISTIAN] I wouldn't side with you 'cause you insulted someone's religion which is WRONG in whatever way you put it!

Ahahahaha! I LOVE you so much, because you called Michelle's church mates pieces of shit, it just expresses your inferiority to her and the lack of friends you have! HA! Yeah, and don't think you can win me by sending your BengLian army. I wanna laugh just thinking about it!

Hey you should go repent and surrender your life to God, then you wouldn't feel so inferior to Michelle ah?

I will take down this post in due time, after you've suffered your losing face-ness.

But anyhow - No offence darling.

Call me a bitch! I'd love that!
Some basic information to know.
She is 19 and has a mentality of a 12 year old girl.