Friday, June 30, 2006

The Merger, and the Split Up.

Prepare yourself for a long post.

School was incredibly short, with 4 periods taken over with the leadership handover ceremony, it seemed so odd, like you question yourself "Didn't I just attend this ceremony?", and now a year has passed for the incoming to take over the outgoing.

It was a very dull ceremony, with muster parade via 'live telecast' (WHA SNAZZY NAME SIA) & the ceremony itself. I tell you, the live telecast idea is stupid. We had fun ignoring the emcee (at the muster parade) and making our own goo-goo-gaa-gaa imitations.

All I have to say. I am fully disagreeable to this - THE STUDENT COUNCIL MERGE WITH PSLs. But of course I congratulate Sean, Liyan and Mirliana most sincerely for snagging your CCAs' 1st or 2nd positions (aka President, Vice-President) AND the New "Student Leaders Council" Vice President position. Btw, I miss Liyan so much, and Beiyu and I are so proud of her! Everything, all these. Done by the work of her own hands. YES she ought to be admired.

Oh yes, I think Genevieve is super girl! (; Positively. I didn't even know she was in the executive chairperson council. Gee. Now she's President. I doubt she'll read this. But yes, congratulations to her.


Today is a strange day.

Went for piano lesson and at my house bus stop, I met a boy. A mad primary school boy. He was loitering around the bus stop like a little mini pervy, and then when I sat down, he walked around me countless times, he was talking to himself, making strange actions, and playing with his (I later found out in the bus) bookmark. Apparently he was talking to his school bag and his trusty bookmark, which he clutched oh-so-steadily in his hand.

Boy: -points @ schoolbag- Don't bluff! I don't believe you cannot see her. Come, shake her hand -shakes imaginary hand-

That's one eery conversation I overheard. Another cute adorable boy, his school mate, was also there, and he thought I was mad to sit next to him. Well I didn't know he was mad! I think he has imaginary friends, so yeah, and it's rude to ostracise him because he's, queer.

Got there. Crossed the road. In the middle of the road, (with the curb, not those painted on lines) I fell down. Strangely, I fell in push up position, and I have this weird feeling that I was pushed. I heard footsteps, running. My imagination was running wild (I was like, omg, is that person chasing after me?) and then, I fell. Then I stood up, and crossed the road. Then I looked back. Empty.

Result: I grazed my knee, damn.

The even stranger part. It didn't hurt that much as I expected it too. In fact, it didn't hurt at all. I was aware it had that very acid feeling like acids destroying your skin, but, no, no pain. I just took a tissue and blotted the secretion (It's like 15% blood, 5% skin, 80% yellow secretion). No blood! My god.

Well then, went for my lesson. On the way home, took a bus of horror. I sat in front of a undermatured long-pants boy, who talked, very much like Yong Liang x20. If you thought YL was quite disgusting, wait til you meet this guy.

He was blasting his 10000-decibel voice in my ear (the whole bus could hear his damn childish conversation). He was talking to this little soft-spoken boy from primary school, and I thought he was lower sec, HE WORE LONG PANTS. Ah, ah, ah, disgraceful uh.

Blasterboy: You know when you are my age you will know. It's very easy to get A1 and A2 but I got 56, don't know why though! ... ... I tell you when you get to lower secondary, everyone will get into Friendster and all these web programs and stuff ... ... My god, one day I woke up at about 8am, no, 7am, ah, normally I wake up at 8am then I used the computer and do like all the games + Friendster + I have a lot of friends on the net so I chat and then suddenly my mom came in and told me it's time to sleep. I was omg! I used the comp the whole day already. Now it's time to sleep?! AHHAHAHAHA (10000 decibels X5) -louisa dies- Oh yeah you know what is blogging? Oh it's like you know diaries right? Then it's like a diary you put on the website! Yeah. You know I got A2 for one of my subject la then the girl got like super bad and I'm gonna post on my blog and say I got A, MAYBE she'll read this then haha! She'll feel so horrible. Oh yeah those girls in my school ah. They pretend they like me, call me honey and dear and all that, but I told them "I have a girlfriend", "My girlfriend is my computer"

I was covering my face with mock horror and the rest of the people in the bus felt horrible too. It was RESOUNDING ah his voice. -.-

1. He acts like he's senior of the world - an old man! "When you are my age, you will know"
2. He talks about a lot of computer stuff and all the kinds of browsers, Firefox, IE, Opera... etc. WHATAGEEK.
3. He is knowledgeable but super annoying with it.
5. He misunderstands females' flamboyant bimbo chatter.
6. HIS GIRLFRIEND IS A COMPUTER. Even when my sister says it about me (my boyfriend), I know it's such a loser statement. But he thinks he's so cool when he says it. Off!


For the strangest fridays of my life, isn't it 7th month tomorrow? (Or so I've heard from Lina)


What would you feel if Happy was stripped away from you?
What would you feel if your loved one was torn away from your heart?
What would you feel if your friend betrayed you more than once?What would you feel if you lost what you invested in?

You would not feel.


We are not happy about it.


Even if your hope burned with time
You will be fine

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