Sunday, June 11, 2006

Start of something new.

My last post before I go off for church camp! I'm not that excited though haha.

My arms are still aching from that stupid ET game Michelle and I played as a so called tie-breaker. We stood pointing to each other for one hour, like omg la.

Heh, well, a hot bath soothed the arms anyway. So well. We practically turned blue, and I think I had cold fever earlier in the day!

I just woke up from a short nap, less than one hour. Heh.

I can't wait, yet I'm scared. Haha, of getting robbed & some screw-ups.

Oh well, I have to wear spectacles tonight... gah. Remind me to bring my contact lenses! (;

Toodles, and I'll love you guys later!


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