Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I've spent more than 6 hours on the computer today. I vowed to finish some of my homework today, or most of it, and I ended up only doing one journal entry. -.-

So I've been touching up Jinghan's stupid skin (That Roderick friend of hers had the image put together with the stupid background), doing Jael's skin, and doing up my own skin.

Well, comment! Haha, I've already got a funny comment from Valencia that the picture scared her. -points and laughs- I agree it's a little creepy because it's quite big. Haha.

Here's what I drew on Val's blog, she is sick. Aha, and I'm sick too.

I cannot wait for Church Camp 2006! 5 more days! This week seems to pass really slowly. Urgh.

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