Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Complain Queen.

Piano lesson, fairytale night.

It didn't turn out as fairytale-like as expected, as usual. Haha, in fact we ended up casual and stuff, and those that brought stuff to change into didn't change into them. We started off with some games, Blow Wind Blow & Whacko. Man, I hate stressful games. I think if I'm older by a few more years I'll prolly get a heart attack and die at the event! Haha.

Renee was kinda the unofficial emcee and she made the stuff we were gonna do pretty silly-sounding heh, but oh well. It was fun, even though Jinghan was like cackling into my ears with her thousand-decibel-trademark-wahaha continuously. Eeeegh, I think I've lost my sense of hearing.

Did some skits, and my caregroup actually won! I was pretty surprised. Well, we tied with TP cell - haha they were hilarious, and Stacey was so funny with her fruit basket and pigtails! Heh. The other groups were funny too, with Yogi being zhu ba jien (that pig from Sun Wukong) and Benjamin (I can't remember what he was, shan zi?). The JR cell was funny too, with Nicholas acting super spastic at the pubbing scene and in the 'house'. Haha!

Had a load of fun there, and I realise Gie is Aggie! (;

Oh well, goodbye for now! I remember I've got homework to finish in four days. Eeegh.

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