Saturday, July 01, 2006

#1346 Sweltering Hot Thangs.

Arrived in school sticking out like sore thumbs with uniforms instead of PE shirts, but heh Lina and I discovered other uniform-wearers, mostly sec 3s! Slacked in the hall for a quite a while before leaving for the National Stadium.

At the Stadium, Jonathan, Sheng Wen, Zhenru & Erica were having a fun time messing around with the primary school kids. Honestly I don't know what they were there for, it's the SYF Opening Ceremony and they only look like trouble! They're tiny and look so miserably easy to get lost. Gee.

Didn't know there was such a school called Pioneer Primary.

Reached there at 3, sat at the most annoying place that was facing the super-hot afternoon sun and 99% of us were complaining so much that everybody got fed up with each other. Haha. Hot weather always brings out the worst in all of us. For me, I kinda sulked so much in 2+ hours that I think I'm wrinkly now. Haha. I was being oh-so-tai-tai, sitting up straight, holding up my umbrella for the 2 pigs (Lina & Mel hahahaha) and fanning myself with a postcard. Heh, but after an hour of that, I kinda just slid all the way into 'bored' mode + position.

I happened to check my phone every hour at 1651, 1751, 1851, so surprising.

Deyi won the Best Drum Major of the Year award (I was pretty surprised, GO SHUN WAI!) & TK, the usual with Best Display Band of the Year award. Congratulations to both! Personally I don't have any hard feelings for TK.

Rushed off after that, but got caught in the crowd, spent 50 minutes walking to Kallang Mrt, spent quite a bit of time thinking which crowd to follow (2 routes) and got a drink before heading off into the train. Boy when all the smelly people met at the bus stop, it smelled so bad!

Trained back with Lina & Kennard, then yeap, just got home at 8.40pm.

Ate seconds for dinner. Yup, and it feels good.

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