Friday, July 21, 2006

Make me laugh.

TGIF can't be used for today. Cause today + the weekends are gonna be busy + bad.

I'd spent so much time on Math today, and I'm feeling so accomplished yet so unsatisfied! Suddenly Math has become food and there's a hunger for it. Zi Hui thinks I'm going mad. Lol. I've just spent 2 hours from the time I reached home til dinner time on Math homework. That's 4.30 - 6.30.

Today's schedule is
7.30am - 7.45am Assembly
7.45am - 9.10am Racial Harmony Celebration
9.10am - 12.30pm Lessons as usual
12.30pm - 1.10pm Chinese Listening Compre
2.50pm - 3.45pm Math Remedial
3.45pm - 4.00pm Packed the locker
4.20pm - Reached home
4.30pm - Started work!
6.30pm - Dinner

Therefore I was supergirl today, especially with my late night last night I had not enough sleep, yet I could do so much Math.

Hmm. Well, the racial harmony concert was a joke, with the most memorable things being Ruby's 'vital' pronounced as 'veetal' and Genevieve's 'cohesion' as 'cohehsion' and 'mutual' as 'matual'. So as we were saying? Triple-science drama club girls? This is terrible.*

That's about all for today - with me walking Mel home and then going back to school. I had too much time to kill y'see, and during that free time I did more math!

This weekend is gonna be busy, busy, busy!

Post-note: I'm sorry this post is so choppy. I'm laughing at a secret told to me by the victim, observing my sister wrapping my dad's present, talking about the secret, and laughing more about it.
* I foresee that this will welcome the same anonymous from last time that slammed my attitude towards the new SL board to slam me again.

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