Tuesday, July 04, 2006

An eyesore, true to your name.

Hiew was on MC again today so there was 4 periods + 1 free assembly period, and there's only 10 periods in a day. Double English was our reading period, so yes, another free brainless period.

As I'm writing this I'm tearing so much I can't see my screen properly. Don't know - I foresee an infection in my right eye, pretty soon, and I'm not doing anything about it. Haha, been tearing so much in school that it overflowed and I kinda looked a wreck, crying for no reason.

Zoomed home after school, and took a 3.25 hour nap. Gee, I'm trying to relive the night I was forced to roll around in bed for 2 hours, sleepless. Poo, that night was horrible.

Am supposed to go Yuki Yaki on Thursday but I have SL stuff - rehearsal for Excel Fest. -.- Damn, Lyn and I keep planning a day, and things keep cropping up. Now I'm salivating as I see the pictures on Xinyi's blog. Haha. Bleeh.

Can you actually scream until your heart stops?

Hear the sound of the falling rain
Coming down like an Armageddon flame
The shame, the ones who died without a name
Hear the dogs howling out of key
To a hymn called "Faith and Misery"
And bleed the company lost the war today

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