Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Easier Kill.

Wednesdays for the Achievers! Pep phrase for long Wednesdays, when school lasts another half hour longer. Haha, we felt as though we've been in school for a month - Time passed the slowest today, and Hiew was still on MC.

Nothing interesting really happened today. Yup. Except for some French 101 and "je m'appelle rafi mon ecole est deyi".

I have no idea why Mr Justice is on the rage, and Anoynomous, teachers have their strange reasons for appointing councillors & PSLs whom you think are unworthy of their positions. Personally I think we were chosen, instead of you, because we fitted the critera in sec 1/2 and passed our interviews. (That's all that matters, really.) If that still doesn't make you happy, then okay. Be disgusted, be that way. You're only making yourself bitter. What for?

Clear-up: I do not hate the new student council (Yes I agree I wasn't too happy with the merge because the teachers didn't even tell anyone before the merge (except new council + sec 4s), you do not just shove new introductions into the council like that, do you? Haha, how unadaptable I am.) I do not hate PSLs & I do not hate the new president (Yes Nurul, I DO NOT have a problem with your new power haha).

I have no intention of wasting half a post (I'm aware I already did) blabbering lame rationalisms to anoynomous. Don't see a need to justify myself - and don't see a need to slam you with malicious comments back 'cause it's gonna be a lame, childish vicious cycle. Yes. So this is the end.


Been pretty disinterested in everything since last week, reason for why my posts are incredibly short and with a total lack of detail, unlike my usual. Excuse me for that. I'll be back soon, with better, more action-packed stuff. (Oh this is already pretty action-packed bananas) Haha.

Thanks for making me smile, lovelies.

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