Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Rules & Such. Break em.

Cynicism is quite a hard habit to break, isn't it?

There was spot-check in the morning on the girls' attire, and the guys were annoyingly cheering while kiasu paranoid girls who didn't wanna ever ruin their (im)perfect reputations were stuffing in their shirts when they already looked like insects (short body, big bottom = shirt super tucked in, skirt a mile long).


Hiew was in a bad mood today, perhaps (most probably) because of half our class failing E Math last Thursday. He stood in front of Melissa and I and yelled at the girls in my class, oh the shame, everyone was looking at us, especially Melissa and I since we were right in his face. Damn.

Z for Zachariah by Andrew Leigh, that's what we spent our entire hour of precious Lit reading. Ironically the prose had nothing to do with the letter 'Z' or Zachariah, and it was somehow a diary entry of a female. Yeah, but we are reminded repeatedly that Andrew Leigh has hilariously annoyingly* profound stuff, and it's difficult to just do an analysis of his prose/poems.
*Hilariously annoying because it complicates your thinking, and each person will have a different analysis. While doing it, you want to laugh out loud at your stupid analysis or you get super annoyed.

Oh there was a false alarm of fire drill, I imagine the day the school really gets burnt down, and everyone, thinking it's the usual false alarm hangs around in class and acts oblivious. Then we all die, quite tragic eh? Delinquents, don't smoke where smoke sensors are, you're gonna cause them to sound, and everyone will just go "Oh shat, I was having such a good sleep, darn that alarm, and the person who sounded it!" Haha, imagine that! Plus that united jeer of the school.

Boy do I love that jeer.

We had that singing competition, it's the second 'season' and it ain't that good, but I'll refrain from any sardonic, mean comments. Diana (4/5) was okay with 'Unfaithful' by Rihanna, the rest sucked quite a bit, I'm sorry, they all just went out of tune, and I have perfect pitch hohoho. Seriously, pick the right songs that match your voice, not something totally out of your range because you wanna be a yaya papaya, action-packed banana. We were commenting about the girl who sang "One for Sorrow", yeah, she IS One for Sorrow.

I guess that's about all for today. From now on, I'm gonna be that toot girl with her shirt in and her skirt looking a mile long, even our socks has to be changed. Guess Hiew is coming down hard on us, and I really wonder what goes on in his mind.

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