Sunday, January 08, 2006

Oh woe to me.

I don't like rainy days when I'm out of the house, seriously. It sucks (especially if you lack a very trusty umbrella which doesn't flip upwards when the wind blows, hahaha). Somehow when I think of the first sentence I just wrote, it brings to my mind a scene of someone pouring a water bucket over my head endlessly - which is a scene I'd rather not imagine. That's what I call today's weather - ultimately torrential!

Anyway, I don't know why I'm here blogging, but I feel really horrible considering that I've still got the same amount of work I haven't done since Saturday (which means I haven't touched it one bit, except for, about 3 questions) Aye, I feel terribly sheepish and stupid- like I'm lamenting about how I'm such a slacker and all and I'm here blogging and not even attempting to not be a slacker and start on my homework.

Gosh, I discovered we have a Chinese compo to write about our new year, a tricycle research in Chinese and our e-learning ancient of days Sec Two homework all due either on Monday or Wednesday. To add, Tuesday is a whopping holiday which most probably I'll be with church people having some activities. Haha. O-K-A-Y, at least I won't be left at home rotting my body away with my parents around (nagging) and my sisters hogging the toilets and computer. Bleagh, I know I like to exaggerate, but sometimes it's true. Hahaha. Of course not all the time, they're not shit machines.

I am such a slacker and everytime I walk out of my bedroom and see this piece of paper titled "A Memo to the Disorganized" from Jessica after WBP201, I feel so blameworthy! Oh woe to me.

I missed CG today and I'm feeling quite bad considering its the first CG of the year. Yeah.

Piano lesson was alright. Yeap. Like what more can I say considering it's my second year of Grade 8. -.- The thought of that just makes me sick.

Well time for me to have my dinner! Ciao!

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