Monday, January 02, 2006

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

I actually miss blogging.

I'm actually trying to abstain from using the computer 'cause my sister was nagging that "the computer is a vice, aye, Louisa has a lot of vices in her life" and I do know that vices are bad. I explained that when I'm bored I'll find something to do, and the most interesting thing to do is using the net right? I mean, I can read the book, but I'll lose interest and turn to the net soon enough. Well, nobody believes that I've really got "nothing to do"

Heh. The past few days have been eventful and if you were wondering why I wasn't online or blogging was because my internet connection was being a prick, not because I was being an idiot and not blogging nor coming online. Yup and also because I haven't been sleeping well the past few days, I'm pretty lazy to get the internet connection up and running again.

Well, enough of the boring chatter here - let me start on the events! (I think I'm just gonna do a summary longer than a normal summary. =p)

31st December 2005
I went out with Jeralyn early in the morning - we met at a whoppingly amazing time 10am. Heh, you see, we both sleep like slugs on a couch. Okay, I guess that doesn't make sense does it. Haha! We tanned at the swimming pool and now I'm lobster red, hurray to me. Then we towned the whole day after that until at about 6 plus when we left town for church. Had watchnight. It was really nice and sweet with all of us after the whole "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" hullabaloo hugging and wishing each other a happy new year and not to forget, I haven't wished you guys (the blog readers) a nice and blessed HAPPY NEW YEAR. Yeap. After watchnight, my family and I went to my neighbourhood prata place for tea and much laters at about 2, I played Bridge until 5! Like gosh.

1 January 2006
New Year's day! Woke up at 9.20 and was nearly late for service. The service was nice with prayers for the new year - and yes really, I hope it's gonna be a fulfilling 06 for me! Then went Novena with Michelle and we chatted a long while about nonsense and really serious stuff too heh. Then took 73 home, met Cheryl at the bus stand at Toa Payoh Interchange then we went home then I went to my aunt's place later (seeing Cheryl again) and had great fun with all my cousins (and seriously thank God Benji didn't come) Jonathan wasn't there - 'cause he was busy with his church friends watching Narnia! Poo, Gerald was being really funny and exclaiming about crucifying Mr Tear-my-Skin out (aka Justin -I was sunburnt) Ahuh.

Yeap, my aunt's place was nice with sparkling stuff for us and wine for the adults! Nice. Besides, Auntie Diana was a laugh!

Lastly to end off 2005 here's two pics with the sisters and I and my snowy pink & white themed house party. (:

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