Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Kiss paper bags with glossed-up lippies.

Hmm, went shopping today during the late afternoon period with my parents, Lynette and Thomas. I was quite frustrated with my parents - especially my mom being such an auntie which really really gets on my nerves.

I was such a grouchy ass.

We went Suntec City and it was packed like a tin of sardines! Seriously. One minute you're standing next to your dad, the next you're standing next to some fat woman with boobs the size of bowling balls. It's kinda freaky. In fact you'd even think that your dad metamorphosized into the fat woman. Hohoho.

I'm dead tired from last night's Bridge and probably am gonna retire to bed right now. Haha, didn't buy anything today! But retail therapy is goooood, even window shopping.

Saw Mabelline and friend thrice too! (:

With many smiles- I've finished all my homework. Oh do I feel exhilarated.

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