Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Laura and her CNY card.

Laura sent me this e-card, haha, I tell it's so funny, with these four walk-on-two-legs dogs marching around holding the banner "xing nian kuai le" with some silly repetitive music which can get quite irritating after a while. Hahaha.

And the backdrop of the picture looks so... undesirable. Hahaha.

Okay, but I appreciate her to remember me!

Monday blues on a Tuesday.

Aye, it's the last day of the long holiday. It wasn't actually long for me because the last two days, my day was packed to the fullest with house visitations and stuff and my mom's side came over for steamboat/teppanyaki dinner yesterday night.

It was really nice! We played Cluedo & Old Maid with poker cards, it was quite funny, and Abigail kept winning! Hahaha.

Here are the gamers with Benjamin doing the mouth-open-with-victory-sign and then clockwise, Cheryl, Clarissa, Me!, Justin (the kid), Lynette, Gerald, Aaron, Thomas, Bernice and Abigail. Ah. Joel and Jonathan didn't come last night, so they are out of the picture. Yeap!

Here's Jonathan in the striped top and Joel bald! (: Yeap, Benjamin and the little ones are out of this picture. We look pretty lame because we're all not looking at the camera! Haha. Well, I'll wait for the other people to send me their pictures, then I can display them out for you all! (:

Heh, I slept at 5.30am and woke up at 12.30pm. Played Bridge for a total of 9 hours? (Yesterday night's & today's afternoon) Hahahahaha. Bridge-crazy!

Hmm, I've got E Math work to do, but I don't know what to do. -_-

I am so dead tomorrow.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Dong dong qiang.

Isn't that what CNY is all about?

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Heyho, oh merry oh.

I feel rather silly now, but I'm super duper happy and quite excited over nothing.

Just had our reunion dinner, which was a steamboat. I don't know why, but I've lost my appetite these few days. I don't eat breakfast now, don't feel like eating lunch, and barely eat during dinner time. What has happened to me?

To think that I've been eating like a pig the last few months.

Well, maybe my tummy's telling me to stop eating and start saving money for shopping. Aww.


My mom is a total turn-off. Sometimes I really wanna blurt out "I hate you". Cheapskate, stingy piece of crap.

I really hate her, hate, hate her.

What a scenario.

I was just going through some of my photo albums and clearing out the unglamourous stuff and I found this totally unglam picture of not-me! Haha. it's Cheryl, JH and Jeralyn. Hohoho, But only JH looks the most spastic. Hahahaha. So I kinda speech-bubbled what they were probably saying. Ha-ha-ha.

Laugh at my foolishness.

Girly girls.

Aren't we pretty?
Cheryl, Michelle, Jinghan, Jeralyn and Louisa.

Friday, January 27, 2006


Went to school early in the morning, without my red t-shirt & jeans 'cause I wasn't planning to go up on stage, as I said in the previous post. Haha, happened to be in the same bus as Annabel & Peishan and they were in their gaudy red shirts. =p Lina, Beiyu & Liyan wasn't wearing the red stuff as well.

I didn't want to wear those stuff 'cause I can't wear jeans for the time being, considering that I've got rashes temporarily. (Well I had a wound and it had an infection then it multiplied to rashes -_- what luck) It's not going to go away if I don't stop scratching. What! It's darn itchyyyy! Yeah, the skin behind my knees looks totally raw, red & rotting. I'm so honest okay! Yucks, it's such a turn-off.

Yup, we had our CNY celebration. I'm quite glad I went despite my complains the other day about how drab, no cny happiness and stuff. But really, this year, everything seems so bland like it doesn't matter whether we're celebrating Christmas, New Year and such, there's no nice feeling about getting presents or getting red packets. I guessed it's because CNY is on a Sunday, but I really doubt that is the total reason.

Performances, it was quite bad, except for Melissa's(councillor) one. Just that she seemed a little attention-seeking, participating in both. Hahaha. =p No hard feelings yeah.

I love Xinyi because she gave me chocolates and sweets. (:

After school, waited for Melissa then we both went to Junction 8 in our hideous uniforms! Hahaha, you see, we don't fit into the stereotype mould of deyians and we never want to be seen in uniform, although there is a possibility she'd not be wearing it anymore soon. Boohoo. We ate at Long John, I tell you, LJS's breakfast meals are so... ew. We just had a Clam Chowder each. Heh heh.

Now I feel so terrorised when I go to school! There is only one comfort amongst the many uncomforts. Bleagh. But it still makes me happy!


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Not substantial. Not beneficial.

Saw this on Juit Wen's blog. Heheheh.

I only agree with 13 & 14.



When I said jokingly that you looked very toot in your uniform (which indeed you did), you told me off showing off your total lack of humour and used these words, "You are judgmental, superficial and fake."

Don't think I don't remember.

And then the next week you tell me "I realise you're very flat" Who's the one being judgmental, superficial & fake now?

You even ever told Cheryl this as well "I realise your nose is so big"

Do you know it's so rude? I'm not offended by it, but your blatantness is getting out of hand and someone ought to tell you off as well, as much as you like to tell people off for THEIR innocent honesty.

I'm tired of closing one eye to accomodate your lack of insensitivity. Have you noticed you are so insensitive to others' feelings yet so sensitive about yourself?

J: I realise you're very flat.
L: -laughs it off- Ya lah, you good lah
J: Yeah la! I'm busty what.


I don't like big boobs 'cause they turn me off lady.

You can have yours big but I want mine small.

It's all about personal preference and luck.


I love Thursdays!

I love double Lit & History!

Had double Chinese in the morning, but because our class got punished at the parade square, so we had only one period. Siwei, Liyen and I were upstairs. Hahaha. 'Cause I had councillor duty and Liyen was late.

After school, had councillor video-taking. It was funny la, Julia, Einitar, Weiqi, Angelina, Liyan and I were trying to escape lah. We had to pretend we were playing catching... so we declined and forced the agreeable sec twos to do it. Hawhawhaw.

Ran off after a while together with the rest and went to meet Cheryl, then we went out and bought stuff for CNY.


Byebye, I'm so beat with my feet throbbing badly.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


School was so boring today, with double periods continuously. Only that councillors got to get out from class/got excused at 12.45 which meant no double chemistry! Yippee. The only thing is that the rest of the school gets dismissed at 1315 instead of 1330. How vicious of Mrs Chua! As usual, councillors = slave labour/free labour. Everyone treats us like slaves!

Andy and Song En were bullying me throughout Chinese, hitting me with files and pens on my head! Ahem. Nobody hits me and gets away with it! Haha. =D "Eh she's very fun to bully", "Hahahaha, so fun!" Oh, what fun for me with my skull getting hit with pens in rhythmic pattern. Bleagh. I don't like getting hit or touched anywhere. My oversensitivity to touch. Yeap.

We had to stay back for CCAB Induction Session together with quite a few CCA groups which were having either performances. (or training?) I'm wondering why the NPCC people are wearing their uniforms when they are not involved in the Induction Session. Sheeesh. Guan Yi, Selvi, Koshini and I were stationed at the Heritage Corridor, oh my, the sun was so hot there. We were all sweating like pigs in the councillor blazers. Meh, and my collar was stuck to my neck. Yikes, the feeling of dirt/sweat makes me cringe.

After that Mirliana moved me to help with the hall, yeap. Julia was like wonderwoman ushering almost all the teachers into the hall. We have to follow them around until they sit down at their seat. And I thinking that most teachers are quite confident and less behind-the-scenes-type, thought that it was easy trying to get the teachers to move up. The teachers were cramming themselves AWAY from the first three rows of the hall! Mr Minjoot was then ordering us around "Go! Go! Go!", "Go usher the people" and we were like, hello? Stop chasing us away, there's other teachers registering! Rarr. So in the end we all went in and pretended to usher the rest in then those teachers who just came in didn't get ushered. See, Mr Minjoot, in a way, we ARE smarter than you. Then he had no one to boss around when there was no one there! Haha! Then we had a briefing on the third floor.

Siripun is sooo unconfident of ushering the teachers' in, because we have to talk to them and et cetera. Bleagh, just standing around in the hall occupying space and saying empty hellos. She really wasn't doing anything- and when I told her to usher (I mean I was quite apprehensive and scared to talk hypocritical politically correct conversations with the teachers but got over it.) she told me "Hei, I'm your senior leh." -_- You don't use your 'senior' role to boss me around especially if you're hardly around for any of the councillor events or rehearsals. It's lame.

Ran around somemore, watched the band perform, we were commenting that the music wasn't very catchy. Hmm, I think the band has a problem in choosing catchy, modern tunes. Considering that TK can play the Carlsberg ad's song and other catchy ones (the fact that I can remember what they played until now means their choice of songs are good) why not our school? Seriously I think our band is just, still behind times at times, and quite old-fashioned too.

Slacked in the councillor room with the other councillors like Julia, Einitar, Banu, Daryl, Ying Chao, Aishwarya and Nura, heard all about their silly affairs and stuff, hahaha, putting Julia and I in such a weird spot, we were giving odd looks to each other. Hahaha.

Then I left my phone in my blazer and hung it up on the rack, then Rachel, Daryl, Julia and Thets were helping me find. My blazer took such a long time to find lah! Bleagh. And when I found it, Daryl had to say "Nothing inside what" then when Rachel emptied the pocket, my phone was indeed inside. Thank God! I even thought someone might have stolen it if he/she knew that my phone was in there.

So went home with Einitar and took a nap at six plus, got up an hour ago and quarreled with my mom -_- Some women are such nuisances, and my mother is one too. So unreasonable and always thinking she-is-right. Bleagh.

So tired right now, after all those walking and running around and being slave labour. "Excuse me girl, can you help me find a dustbin to throw my cup?" ........... Fine, fine, fine. But when I took the cup, other student leaders accused me of cop-ing drinks and "why you drink so long haven't throw ah" Aiyoh, I was so thirsty then!

Aye my rashes are killing me, darn itchy.

Well there's Lit homework, gotta do 'em! Ciao!

I see, the attempts made to see, feel and love from afar
It's hard isn't it? How do I ever comprehend?

This confusion of our, both fearful, souls
With fragile hearts we seek approach

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Birthday wishes from me to you!

I'm not sure how accurate are these birthday dates. But anyway-

Guilty pleasure.

I love haagen daz ice cream on sticks and in tubs and gummies too! =D

Confused nonsense.

We had double PE, which we had our height and weight taken with me standing at 163cm and at 42kg. Damn, I've put on 2kg, it's gonna be hard to lose. Did I inform you that I have an obsession with having 40kg as my weight? Benjamin's at 41kg anyway. Whoa. I had to take down everyone's weight and height. What a job- I could compare everyone's weight. And -drumroll- the lightest of the females' weights was 42kg. So I'm okay lah.

Had assembly and it was about the SSO and the string quartet, yup they had four people to play each of the string family from the SSO and demonstrated everything. Yeap. Was quite interesting, but my contact lenses were pissing me off, with it folding every ten minutes or so. Egh.

Woot, Sean called me an IJ Bimbo. Finally, I'm not just a deyian. Yucks. Gen is one too. Hoho.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Worship Him.

Music: Planetshakers - Cry Holy

Wondrous mystery, in the pages of history,
Of a man who bled and died for me,
Its more than a story, He’s the one who hung up on a tree,
His crimson flow poured out for me,
Gave His life to set my free

I fall down, I fall down,
And I fall down on my knees,
And cry holy is the Lord
Worship him, worship him and adore
Wondrous mystery, in the pages of history,
Of a man who bled and died for me
Its more than a story, he’s the one who hung up on a tree
His crimson flow poured out for me
Gave his life to set me free

I cry holy, I cry holy is the Lord

Planetshakers sound so pleasing to the ears now, after a short while of not listening to their music.

So random.

I was pondering the whole day on what to write for today's post, and I haven't actually thought of it. Been thinking of how to make my blog more interesting, I'm just getting bored of it. Although I really like the idea of writing out my thoughts, it's a way of expressing myself and perhaps another way of anger management. I'm sure you don't feel so peeved with whoever after you've complained and complained to the internet about what a male chauvinist pig so-and-so was. I just read a book review of The Rules by Hejin and another post which I think is awfully funny. Here's it: here & book review here. Yup. They're pretty interesting!

School was fine today, with the student leaders missing one entire period in the morning because we had so many 'meetings'! Mr Goh has decided to give us hell by informing us that we have to lead the whole school in Chinese New Year songs, much to our groaning & displeasure, we don't have a choice and we have to stay back after school to practice it tomorrow despite us having lyrics. I don't know who was saying it but somebody exclaimed "there's lyrics, for goodness's sake, there is no need for a rehearsal" which I agree with that person. How much could New Year songs change anyway?

Chinese was terrible. We had to hand up our essays and to my embarrassment, my essay was picked to be 'displayed' to the whole class by the visualizer. I tell you, it was prolly the most embarrassing time ever. I was praying so hard that mine wouldn't get picked and it did get picked. -_- So much for all that prayer. So, you know the one with the black words that is not typed out with the leaving of lines, that's mine. Laugh at me.

School passed quite quickly, we had our E Math Common test today and I tell you, the bonus question was indescribable. Bleagh.

And -drumroll- for the first time during the school year, I DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT have homework to clog my arteries! Okay, now where did that come from?


I hate Chinese New Year when all that techno mixes of Chinese New Year songs are played in shopping malls, small convenience stores and et cetera. It's so disturbing and irritating to the ears. Or am I the only one with a prickable ear? Anyway, don't you think techno & CNY songs just don't go together. It sounds so electronic and fake, those terribly mixed techno remixes. Who wants CNY to be remix-ful anyway, it just sounds wrong. Especially when CNY songs are so cheena and yucky and totally undesirable. Pooey, you wouldn't find CNY song CDs being sold in HMV or something (except those sung by lousy Singaporean actors/actresses) and I don't even know why they waste time and money on advertisements on those Singaporean products of ack music.

Well I better start coming up with more interesting rantings before I lose visitors. Does it really matter to me, really? I don't know. I just get a kick out of it.

So tag and make me happy.

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Had Caregroup today and Samuel was doing sharing about John chapter 3, his opinion was really unique in a way, not in a literature way, neither in the normal reading and analysing style. It's just unique. Haha. Constance was quite amazed, in a way.

Well Cheryl and I have to do Chapter Four next week. =D

Had lunch with Michelle while JH had to run off for Teachers' meeting. Fascinating to think that Glenn and JH are junior teachers now, and they are songleaders in the children's ministry. Yeap, they're teaching Kindergarteners! Heh.

I've got nothing to write because my brain is so fried.
  • Went for piano lesson after gallavanting in Novena with Michelle.
  • Didn't sleep at all on the way to Tamps.
  • Super brain fried & tired
  • Music lesson
  • Waited for Cheryl's lesson to finish
  • Took a lift from her dad
  • Visited her grandma (her mom's mum)
  • Went to her house for dinner
  • Made myself totally at home
  • Got molested by Justin countless times
  • Got sent home by Auntie Dolly
  • Auntie Esther is flying off to I don't know where!


And I am going shopping with her this week for CNY stuff. Wasn't expecting to be able to shop for more clothing. I'm quite broke. =)

God is gooood.

Saturday, January 21, 2006


I've been trying to get online since 11am, but couldn't. I really hate my internet system now, it's so screwed up! Last night, after I restarted the network, I was online for about half an hour, and was offline again, then I restarted it again and was online for another one hour then I was offline AGAIN.

Egh, btw, do you know whose email is blackwhyte_love@hotmail.com?

Tag me if you do.

Anyway, please people, update your msn, I'm not using the old email anymore. Now it's lxuisa okay.

Friday, January 20, 2006

With "Bored" written all over my face. But this is truth.

Pathetic, but I love the inner two circles.
Acquaintances sometimes make me feel tired of being nice
or just make me forget to be nice.

Please me, take me out.

I like talking about bimbotic delights and pleasures like shopping.
Now I am doing so, with Meiyi, what fun!

Extra, extra large!

Take this opportunity to suan me! I'm like super happy and infected with laughing gas. =)

School was fine. I felt like a dumb ass during assembly because I was wearing my PE shirt inside my school shirt when there was no ACES, hey, I didn't hear the announcement because I was busy catching people who were late for school yesterday. I think Deyi has pretty honest people, they would not bother running away from the councillors when they're late. I think that's quite immature, but well, who wants detention anyway. Yeah, so that's one plus point on Deyians. I'm actually beginning to feel okay with them, considering that now I'm sec 3 and less of an outcast. I think the latter's 'cause I caused it myself and was okay with it. Kinda like my current classmates but I can tell you honestly I didn't really like the memories of my previous class & the students' personalities. I guess it's just the case of different frequencies.

We had house meeting and we were supposed to vote for our new house names. YES, they are finally changing those tarty names.

Two thirds of my Chemistry bench partners are in my house! With Lydia and someone else. I can't remember the guys.

Screw it.

Looks like I'm not the only one who doesn't want to go.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


You love me but you don't know who I am
I'm torn between this life I lead and where I stand
You love me but you don't know who I am
So let me go
Let me go
We wish we all could win
But no one really wins this time
(this two album titles put together = above)
Just when you thought I had opened up to you
I close up again and slam you with
"Yuck, I'm not that close to you"
Haha, slammed!
I'm so friggin bored.

Frail ladders- with auntie robbers.

I don't feel like blogging today.

Song En says my English is good. =D


Hmm, let me muster whatever energy I've got to write a decent post.

School was alright, for once I wasn't getting bored. Double Chinese was quite fun, although we've got an essay to write for the weekend about my feelings after reading "The Beautiful Butterfly" or whatever the title is.

Lit is fun, and something I'd look forward to in my week!

The rest of the day was fine, with History being really fun and all. Have I told you, I love Humanities - geog, hist & lit. =)

Had VE with sec 1/1, what horrible kids, but Mr Zaman was spending his time lecturing them and teaching them about how vandalism is not good. Those who didn't bring their VE files had to give up their chair (and stand up) and give it to the student leaders for them to sit on. Haha. Taught them the school song, took us quite a while to get them to get the rhythm and tune, but in the end we got quite a decent sounding song and left them. Actually they were murmuring in a montonous drone, but who am I to say that they suck? Lol. They're just newbies after all.

After school, my classmates doing the lanterns went home after much lantern-hanging in the whole parade square, while Alanna, Xinyu, Lydia, Cindy, Nurul, Einitar, Dacia and I were helping around with the foyer decorations - sticking red packets unto the walls to form words. Yeap. We weren't really doing the bulk of it. I think it was Glande and Alanna doing the most, how many people could crowd around a pillar anyway?

Yeap, went home with Einitar!



Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Music: Hillsong - Look to You

I was just browsing blogs just now and popped by Tomorrow.sg, so there was this post about blog readers and how annoying they can get. Heh, and I'm not surprised to say that I fit into one of the categories. Possibly the Lurker.

Yeap, read it here and fit yourself into either one of the categories, unless you choose to label yourself "angelic"!


I made a huge mistake today! I didn't bring home my E Math textbook but I have my E Math Exercise book = I can't do my E Math homework. I didn't bring home my A Math exercise book and I have my A Math textbook = I can't do my A Math homework. Yeah and I know I told Thets that I've got an E Math textbook at home, and stupidly, I don't know where did I put it previously... I'm becoming such a lazy bum.

And unfortunately, I have both A and E Math tomorrow. You tell me, got such thing not?

Pooey. I'm feeling like a piece of shit right now with my nose still feeling fragile.

Here's a picture of Lynette for your viewing pleasure, perhaps to cheer your dull day up:

It's not amusing, just odd. Lol.

Btw, the date is wrong.

Monday, January 16, 2006


I'm down with the flu!

I absolutely dread Physics, it's the most boring subject ever, again I was trying my very best not to fall asleep lying on the notice board. I got frightened half-way 'cause I was lying on the table and half asleep, so I decided to get up to check what he is doing now, and boy, when I looked up I had a shock, the whole class was looking at me (not exactly, hoho, read on). I was freaked out lah. Like how he exposed Einitar when she was snoozing on the table. Ahem. Actually (to my happiness) he was asking Lina a question, and she was unfortunately sitting in front of me, so everyone (duh) turned back to see right. Singaporeans can get so kaypoh sometimes. Ha! On a lighter note, Shafain was telling me about Mr Lim and we were laughing at him throughout the lesson, as usual, we were guessing his age, then she reminded me about this thing the previous class painted on their walls: "Form teacher... blah blah. Co-form teacher, blah blah... Mr Kevin Lim = ROBOT" HAHAHA.

There is councillor investiture dinner- $20 to go Safra Yishun. Hrmph, is that a good offer or a scam. I really don't know. Unfortunately it's ... compulsory. Although I think it's quite unnecessary, like is the principal going to be there? The dress code is Smart Casual. Oh please, I'll probably just go in a mini skirt and a simple top, who wants to eat with uncomfortable clothes. Haha.

A Math was mad! We finished Matrices and are on to the next chapter. Hip hip hurray. -fakes enthusiasm-

Bah, had Chinese then double English, during which we got returned our Diagnostic Test essays and I got a not-so-appealing 19/30. Haha, Andy and his 'in-the-olden-days' still amuses me. On a lighter-than-lighter note, Nurul and I scored 29/30 for our spelling! You must be really despising my school for still having spelling at fifteen, but apparently, my teacher said it was because our class had misspelt a lot of stuff in our essays and the most common words were picked out to form the spelling list. "The more mistakes you have in your essay, the more spelling words you have" and unfortunately, we had a big number 3o. Meh.

Value Education! Song En was having a fun time ripping off the papers on the notice board. While the rest were doing New Year Decor and other stuff. We can repaint our class, like hurray, one more time I have to look at that hideous mushroom man at the main door of our classroom I'm gonna go ballistic. That mushroom man is awfully hideous, and I had to stare at it for the first two weeks of school because I was sitting directly in front of it, what an eyesore! Haha! Too bad Einitar still has to look at it. I'm quite far from it. But of course, with its immense size I can still see it, perhaps I'll get a picture of it tomorrow (before it gets painted over next week)

Yeap. I think Lin Qiang is having difficulty seeing the board from the back, he's like squinting away, which can make his eyesight worse!

Lynette met me around 4 at Bishan to walk around and get her birthday stuff. Did I mention her birthday is in 2 days? Yeah well, I was like super tired and we saw Samantha, Samuel and family at Macs, they looked so cute and Samantha looked so sweet lah! Just can't believe she's already sec four. Time flies dunnit? Met some freakish pervert on the bus who was really gross (and ahem ahem *sniff sniff**cough cough* was sitting next to me! Ew!) After sitting next to some guy who was masturbating throughout my 10 minutes of bus journey to school (much to everyone-in-the-bus's horror), I'm pretty sensitive about sitting next to old and ahpek males. Those unhelpful passengers didn't even bother to tell me lah, they just gaped and widen their eyes. Thought I didn't see har!

Ugh, I don't even want to think about it. I absolutely hate such uncivilised barbarians. Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew. Males, why do they have such funny natures?

Women are such nuisances. Seriously. So difficult to please and all. (Including myself, when I'm feeling girly- 40% of time =p)

My nose feels like it's gonna fall off from over excessive mucus (yeah yeah, it sounds gross) or because I have to keep wiping it making the skin over there pretty sensitive like they're gonna tear up to shreds if I wipe it once more. Ouch.

I think I have a pimple on my calf. What a place to have a pimple. -_-" How revolting.

When you don't know.

I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy.
I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy. I'm so happy.

I am taking Pure Literature! I don't know whether there was some mistake in the appeal thingy, but I appealed for Pure Lit or Double Science and the appeal failed. And suddenly this lovely Einitar told me I was in Lit, with Julia confirming! -cheers- I LOVE EINITAR! Heh. But whatever it is, I'm in Lit, but no books - and 24 bucks wasted on the last batch using this textbook accounts textbook. -.- Need money to get my new books.

I love portugese egg tarts!

Anyway, some1, if you're not planning to tell me your name anytime soon, I'm not gonna entertain you, hoho, of course I'm avoiding this awful person so I have to avoid anyone who is anonymous.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Scared to bits.

Hey you!

I feel like I haven't been on the computer for a loong time, although it's just a matter of one day. Haha.

Had caregroup today and we discussed about Jesus's first miracle and Jinghan was the devotion-er. Yeap.

Had rangers interview- don't know whether we're in, (or I'm in).

Ahem, I'm not sticky to Jeralyn and I making the decision about not joining rangers has totally nothing to do with Jeralyn. Firstly I'm not lesbian. Secondly we are not as close as you think. Thirdly, there are two outcomes which will happen when I join rangers.
  • Jeralyn will feel left out and join all of us in rangers too (GOOD)
  • Jeralyn will feel left out and make herself scarce by not coming to church so often = backsliding = BAD

Jinghan, Michelle, Cheryl and I are quite worried as she seems to be really caught up with all that popularity and ehm, school stuff including something that was not supposed to happen between she and - ... Yeah, I figured something was going wrong during sec one, but that time she was still close to us, so the matter wasn't too outstanding for us to really bother. But now, it's majorly outstanding. It's like, a lot of people know about it.

Well, my sister says it's just a stage.

I really hope so cause we're really, worried and scared for her.


Something I read in a pretty nice email.

Although things are not perfect
Because of trial or pain
Continue in thanksgiving
Do not begin to blame
Even when the times are hard
Fierce winds are bound to blow
God is forever able
Hold on to what you know
Imagine life without His love
Joy would cease to be
Keep thanking Him for all the things
Love imparts to thee
Move out of "Camp Complaining"
No weapon that is known
On earth can yield the power
Praise can do alone
Quit looking at the future
Redeem the time at hand
Start every day with worship
To "thank" is a command
Until we see Him coming
Victorious in the sky
We'll run the race with gratitude
Xalting God most high
Yes, therell be good times?& yes sum will be bad, but...
Zion waits in glory- where none are ever sad!

"I am too blessed to be stressed!" The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance between your knees and the floor. The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything.

Love and peace be with you forever, Amen.

Hillsong: Deeper

Light of men
Love of God
Healing for the wounded heart
Like a child quiet my soul
Hear Your voice surround me Lord

Jesus, hold me into Your heart
Into Your heart
Lord my soul delights
And I know You hear my prayer
Take me deeper Lord

Glorious Son to You I shall bow
Bow my knee, bow my will
Cherished by the strong and the weak
Humble hearts shall hear You speak
And by Your love Lord You opened my heart
Now Your light will shine always
By Your Word Lord Your promise secure
And my soul will live always
Take me deeper Lord

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Tagboard replies

Jinghan: A Math is fun! Especially with me having such a great teacher! E Math is... challenging and mind-boggling. Haha. Eh stop reminding me! =)
Some1: Haha, not sure what are you talking about, but I'm not guessing.
Dacia: Your english doesn't suck, but my Chinese does! Hoho. It's quite okay what, you're like trilingual- with malay too...
Michelle: Queen is out! (:
Audrey: I only went for the first lesson silly. Not planning to take anymore.
Cheryl: Miss you like crap.
Regina: I miss you like crap too! Yeap I still do have the swing. Projects were fun with you, Phyllis, Michelle Leong/Lee/Lim! =)

Friday, January 13, 2006


Saw this on MSN.com, don't you think Lindsay Lohan looks super snottish.


I wanted to post something, then realised that I have to leave the house in 40 minutes, better not start a post- Heh.

To the orthodontist!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

(: I'm happy, are you!

I have finally found someone who supports me and bitches with me.
And finally I don't feel like I'm the odd one out when actually I'm even and they're odd.
Well, it's time to wait for their maturity calls, long lost twin.
It's time to wait.
I bet it's gonna take way more than 4 years.
What fun.

I'm in a good and happy mood.

Music: The Afters - Someday

Don't know what is wrong with Mr-Sado-Hiew who piles us up with homework- apparently I think all the teachers have all planned together to drain us mentally and physically for the first term of school. Every class has been piled up with work reaching up to our noses already and everyday, we can't even leave our textbooks in class 'cause there's almost homework for every subject.

I tell you, I'm so friggin' tired now and have been having a bad headache for the whole day already! My eyes hurt too! I think I'm gonna take a nap now, yeah call me a pig- but my eyes really are hurting badly resulting in a headache too.

School was great, alas we didn't feel so lost (the SLs who missed lessons during the Secondary One Orientation) and we've got a lot of homework again. Yeap and our seating arrangements got changed. I'm currently sitting way at the back with Shafain which is great, 'cause I actually like sitting with malays 'cause they speak purely English to me. Ha-ha. The only thing I dislike is that I have to sit with some Normal Academic stranger (who is taking express chinese) during chinese period. But besides that, it's perfectly alright. I tell you, that Shafain is one big smartypants. (:

  • Chemistry worksheets
  • A Math
  • E Math
  • 2 extra journal entries
  • Wrap up vocabulary book

Yeah, I think there's another two more, but I can't remember them.

Oh gosh, I just finished another packet of Jack and Jill Potato chips (Ahem, 20% more). That is like super scary.

Talking about school, after school I stuck around with Beiyu and Liyan and saw Daryl- haha Beiyu and I didn't know he wore glasses and he looked so hideous with it on (we kinda forced him to put it on) Hahaha, no wonder he doesn't wear it around. Lol.

So we really mugged until about 3.30pm when we became quite restless and went to get food and drinks. Then I left at 4.15pm and got my dad to send me home! (:

I still've got A and E Math work- I'm done with the wrapping and the journal.

Who wants to get me eyedrops?

Here, some photos for your viewing pleasure from Carolling 2005.

Okay, that's enough. =p

You know, you can please me by buying me the Nokia 7370. Ra-ha-ha-ha. =p

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Kiss paper bags with glossed-up lippies.

Hmm, went shopping today during the late afternoon period with my parents, Lynette and Thomas. I was quite frustrated with my parents - especially my mom being such an auntie which really really gets on my nerves.

I was such a grouchy ass.

We went Suntec City and it was packed like a tin of sardines! Seriously. One minute you're standing next to your dad, the next you're standing next to some fat woman with boobs the size of bowling balls. It's kinda freaky. In fact you'd even think that your dad metamorphosized into the fat woman. Hohoho.

I'm dead tired from last night's Bridge and probably am gonna retire to bed right now. Haha, didn't buy anything today! But retail therapy is goooood, even window shopping.

Saw Mabelline and friend thrice too! (:

With many smiles- I've finished all my homework. Oh do I feel exhilarated.

Pretty, pretty, muack!

OH MY GOSH. This phone model is superbly pretty! Yikes, I'm itching to have the 7370! -wail- But I can't change my phone anytime soon 'cause I just changed mine during August. Haha, I do have a short attention span you know? I get bored easily!

Some eye candy would be nice!

Besides, it matches my template! =p


Slept at 5 plus after some prata at 2/3 am, and then played bridged, daidee and old maid (hahahaha, we were just fooling around). Yeap.

Let it snowww.

I'm craving for food - anything. I want to eat Hotcakes tomorrow morning!

I'm flaking, not because of dandruff, but because of sunburns (on my blasted head). Eeegh!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Candy sweet, almost bittersweet.

Music: Lindsay Lohan - Confessions of a Broken Heart

Oh my lovely bed, I remembered this morning I was awoken by my sister slapping me on my shoulder and I was peeved enough with her slapping me that I fell asleep again after a while and gosh, I woke up 20 mins late, so I got my dad to fetch me to school (I was late to report for councillor even though I wasn't late for school) and I got scolded by both my parents for being a spoilt brat. Okay.

I know I sleep like a pig, eat like a pig and am as lazy as a pig, but hey, I only pig around when I'm done with what I'm supposed to do, which reminds me, I still have got Wednesday's E Math homework and Thursday's. I hate Math! I'm actually quite elated there is a holiday tomorrow, that I don't have to get out of the house unless I have appointments on. Well, that's one thing I totally abhor about Chinese New Year, although the money's rolling in quickly, the unattractive "duties" you have to do on that day is so unappealing. There are always some aunties who insist that you have to do something before you can receive your red packet from them (ahem, a kiss, a hug, sing a song etc.) I don't like bribery and I don't think stupid aunties should use this method. Come on, it's so overused and so gross. Hello? I'm not freaking desperate for your red packet. Yeah parents always say that we should be grateful - but why would I want to do something just to get $4-$6, horribly, the ones who get people to do stuff to get the red packet always give the least money, oops did I expose you? If yes, ha-ha to you! If you're asking me for a kiss, I'm gonna pass man. Yikes! (*this does not happen to me, it's just examples) To add, to be nice and at least seem civil, I have to keep smiling like my face is botox-ed in that position, even though I'm really aching at the cheeks or itching to roll my eyes at how auntie can some aunties get.

Anyway, this reminds me. Every Chinese New Year, I think this Indian lady (Let's call her Tamille) whom my family doesn't really know really well, she used to be my neighbour if I'm not wrong and she comes by every single year to visit and warm my sofa seats. I shall tell you the horrific details of an annual nightmare.

  • Lynette and Louisa see Tamille coming through the main gate.
  • Lynette and Louisa (especially the latter) runs into the room and locks themselves in.
  • Parents force both to come out. I am extremely reluctant.
  • Forced to listen to extremely stale small talk
  • Tamille wants to leave, insists and requests my parents to force me to give her a goodbye kiss.
  • Does it with total disgust.
  • Starts screaming and complaining like shit after she leaves.

Now that I think about it, it really makes me feel so vexed with my parents. Like firstly the grossest thing, is that I don't kiss people on the cheek and you ask me to kiss her, I mean hey, if it's your culture, don't impose it on me 'cause I'm not from your race okay? Secondly, I don't even kiss my parents, like WHAT is my blasted relationship with you?- no link, nothing, zilch! Thirdly, why didn't you EVER stop her?! Don't say that the first sentence is racist, 'cause it isn't. Like how you don't just FORCE people to believe in heaven and hell 'cause you're a Christian. They can believe whatever they want and it really isn't any your business. If not you're just being a prig- so ... scram.

Haha, I think I've been forced to do that for about 4 years until she disappeared to God-knows-where which equals endless exhilaration for me (and my sisters, but they weren't too much terrorized by her) That reminds me, I've been so terrorised since young, boy it's so unfair. I still remember that irritating Jacky/Jackie (He is a very irritating and idiotic guy who finds amusement in basically teasing me, and I used to think he looked like a pervert at 7 years, tell me, isn't what kids below 10 say absolutely true? YES!) Yucks! And I even had to run away to service with my parents 'cause he used to terrify me in Annex, another building in my church. EW. What a nightmare.

Okay back to school- well it was fine, Mr Duncan Hiew, my A and E Math teacher was on MC and everybody in my class was clapping their heads off, I mean all he does is really pile Math homework on our tables which is really quite scary after a while especially when you can't finish your work.Had VE and OICs and AICs of any secondary one class had to accompany them around. Felt so lame. The kids are rude, rude, rude. Aye, I still have to tabulate the survey forms because that stupid MCP Muthucurryy doesn't want to, and Yang Lin too, since when hasn't she been enthusiastic about doing anything? I was surprised she didn't want to tabulate it. Haha, really! Well if you're wondering what's VE, it's Value Education. Comfort me and tell me that is not the lamest attempt at trying to make CME sound way more intellectual. It's not working so too bad!

It rains everyday and I'm getting annoyed 'cause my umbrella is so spoilt and missing- so I can't get home everyday- Hwee En, Michelle, Rachel and I were supposed to cab to the MRT station and then Rach and Michelle will continue taking the cab to Hougang. But in the end, since our street is so deserted, we walked in the rain to the bus stop, which after that in the end I left, it's more convenient for me and them lah. (: Aw I'm nice. Hahaha. Just kidding!

Oh I received such an oh-so-sweet sms in the morning today.

Tabulations of Survey: I have some pictures of some really nice people who just made it easy for the tabulator (ahem me!) by putting all Strongly Agree or Agree, which is perfect! Woot. I'm contemplating whether you'll read until here considering that this post is like uber-super-duper long.

I love Abbas for filling all the boxes of Strongly Agree. Ha-ha-ha!

Who's going tomorrow morning to the Esplanade Hide&Seek?

Sunday, January 08, 2006


I'm quite teed off, seriously. I read other people's blogs (those that I do know that they read mine) and I'm getting a little disgusted with them. Hey, everyone has their style of writing which makes them special- with all of you sounding like me with exact same vocabulary used I won't sound special, and neither will you.

I've been quite okay with it 'cause it's flattering, but after all it's just gross, I don't want to see myself in their posts not as in "I went out with Louisa today" or something, it's just the feel.

Too, they're starting the capitalisation thing all of a sudden. Amazing kids they are huh? (Maybe after they read hatekimmi and got scared of being slammed for not capitalising)

I predict someone's blog is going to have teed off soon enough. -.-

Blogs are personal expressions of themselves in various ways, if you have a blog and are copying someone unconsciously (seriously...) then your blog is not exactly yours.

So far the most honest person on her blog is Cheryl and I like her for her honesty. Who cares about how cool you are when you are not really cool to start with. Some things just cannot be done.

We all like special people don't we?

Who likes copycats and dishonest bloggers? They're quite a fraud ain't they.

Oh pity.

Daughter to father, daughter to father
I am broken but I am hoping
Daughter to father, daughter to father
I am crying, a part of me is dying and
These are, these are
The confessions of a broken heart

Oh woe to me.

I don't like rainy days when I'm out of the house, seriously. It sucks (especially if you lack a very trusty umbrella which doesn't flip upwards when the wind blows, hahaha). Somehow when I think of the first sentence I just wrote, it brings to my mind a scene of someone pouring a water bucket over my head endlessly - which is a scene I'd rather not imagine. That's what I call today's weather - ultimately torrential!

Anyway, I don't know why I'm here blogging, but I feel really horrible considering that I've still got the same amount of work I haven't done since Saturday (which means I haven't touched it one bit, except for, about 3 questions) Aye, I feel terribly sheepish and stupid- like I'm lamenting about how I'm such a slacker and all and I'm here blogging and not even attempting to not be a slacker and start on my homework.

Gosh, I discovered we have a Chinese compo to write about our new year, a tricycle research in Chinese and our e-learning ancient of days Sec Two homework all due either on Monday or Wednesday. To add, Tuesday is a whopping holiday which most probably I'll be with church people having some activities. Haha. O-K-A-Y, at least I won't be left at home rotting my body away with my parents around (nagging) and my sisters hogging the toilets and computer. Bleagh, I know I like to exaggerate, but sometimes it's true. Hahaha. Of course not all the time, they're not shit machines.

I am such a slacker and everytime I walk out of my bedroom and see this piece of paper titled "A Memo to the Disorganized" from Jessica after WBP201, I feel so blameworthy! Oh woe to me.

I missed CG today and I'm feeling quite bad considering its the first CG of the year. Yeah.

Piano lesson was alright. Yeap. Like what more can I say considering it's my second year of Grade 8. -.- The thought of that just makes me sick.

Well time for me to have my dinner! Ciao!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

It's the memories that last, really.


The Afters

My heart is as frail as a dove
And my spirit is as weak as a rose
See my sorrow, feel my pain
You're my refuge, You're my reason,
My strength in this beautiful place
That's where I find God

You're in my heart, You're in my soul
You are my heaven, You're my home
You're my best friend, You're my true love
You are my treasure, You're my God

I watch as the mountains fall down
And the rivers part at Your feet
Your creation sings Your praise
Even winds obey and angels bow down
At Your beautiful voice
That's where I find God

You're in my heart, You're in my soul
You are my heaven, You're my home
You're my best friend, You're my true love
You are my treasure, You're my hope
You are my peace, You are my joy
You are my Savior, You're my God

Friday, January 06, 2006

School doesn't stink, at all!

The way you are.

Until You came
I was just the same as everybody else
Whoever saw the light and turned away
You love me now
You loved me then
And every now and again
You show me how it would be if I'd gone the other way
After all this time
I've come to find my soul's fragility
But You've rectified my frailty by your strength

It's like the sun swallowed up by the earth
Like atomic bombs in reverse
As if a glass could contain the sea
That's the way You are in me
That's the way You are

Now here I stand looking back
To the way things used to be
But I will never be alone again
You're with me and now I see
What it means to me
To be a part of such a mystery
After all this time I've come to find my soul's fragility
But You've rectified my frailty by Your strength


Let me see who I can remember that are in my class.

There's Melissa, Xinyi, Song En, Rebecca, Eveline, Crosby, Johnson, Alanna, Erica, Dacia, Einitar, Shafayin (I have no idea how to spell it). Oh my, I can't remember anymore. =p

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

First day thanks!

School was okay, Sec One Orientation was bad. I don't really wanna talk about it.

Hmm, actually I realised that I have about three thank you cards on my table which I haven't given to whoever (and am not already) So perhaps I'll write a couple of thanks over here, but only to the dearest and bestest!

Michelle Tan: Thanks for being such an insensitive little prick when I whine, but at least you listen right. I think that's good enough. Yeah and also for letting me gorge myself silly at your house and play sims and not let you play. Lol.

Michelle Qua: The only one who listened to my whiny anti-secondary-school mean complaints and agreed to it! Haha.

Jeralyn: Uh, thanks for being the shopping partner.

Jinghan: Oh the crybaby! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh just kidding. Yeah for being very generous with food, you should know what I'm talking about.

Ernest: Thanks for being one big ass. Haha, okay la I'm not so mean. Thanks for listening to me warble and complain! Haha (btw there's no such word as warble)

Monday, January 02, 2006

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

I actually miss blogging.

I'm actually trying to abstain from using the computer 'cause my sister was nagging that "the computer is a vice, aye, Louisa has a lot of vices in her life" and I do know that vices are bad. I explained that when I'm bored I'll find something to do, and the most interesting thing to do is using the net right? I mean, I can read the book, but I'll lose interest and turn to the net soon enough. Well, nobody believes that I've really got "nothing to do"

Heh. The past few days have been eventful and if you were wondering why I wasn't online or blogging was because my internet connection was being a prick, not because I was being an idiot and not blogging nor coming online. Yup and also because I haven't been sleeping well the past few days, I'm pretty lazy to get the internet connection up and running again.

Well, enough of the boring chatter here - let me start on the events! (I think I'm just gonna do a summary longer than a normal summary. =p)

31st December 2005
I went out with Jeralyn early in the morning - we met at a whoppingly amazing time 10am. Heh, you see, we both sleep like slugs on a couch. Okay, I guess that doesn't make sense does it. Haha! We tanned at the swimming pool and now I'm lobster red, hurray to me. Then we towned the whole day after that until at about 6 plus when we left town for church. Had watchnight. It was really nice and sweet with all of us after the whole "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" hullabaloo hugging and wishing each other a happy new year and not to forget, I haven't wished you guys (the blog readers) a nice and blessed HAPPY NEW YEAR. Yeap. After watchnight, my family and I went to my neighbourhood prata place for tea and much laters at about 2, I played Bridge until 5! Like gosh.

1 January 2006
New Year's day! Woke up at 9.20 and was nearly late for service. The service was nice with prayers for the new year - and yes really, I hope it's gonna be a fulfilling 06 for me! Then went Novena with Michelle and we chatted a long while about nonsense and really serious stuff too heh. Then took 73 home, met Cheryl at the bus stand at Toa Payoh Interchange then we went home then I went to my aunt's place later (seeing Cheryl again) and had great fun with all my cousins (and seriously thank God Benji didn't come) Jonathan wasn't there - 'cause he was busy with his church friends watching Narnia! Poo, Gerald was being really funny and exclaiming about crucifying Mr Tear-my-Skin out (aka Justin -I was sunburnt) Ahuh.

Yeap, my aunt's place was nice with sparkling stuff for us and wine for the adults! Nice. Besides, Auntie Diana was a laugh!

Lastly to end off 2005 here's two pics with the sisters and I and my snowy pink & white themed house party. (: