Friday, February 10, 2006

When madness gets to your soul.

I've been doing absolutely ghastly things to entertain myself since five, and nothing seems to be really engrossing for me. I played net games on some websites, read some blogs I haven't popped by in a while, thought of what to write in this post.

I think I've just died, in the mind.

Braindead? Geddit? Geddit!

Okay, sorry, but I'm just slipping into this madness which has infested my soul (yes, and Einitar and Shafain and et cetera's souls) Don't know, but maybe we've all been deprived of humour and then we all just start laughing for no reason, for hours about either nothing, or everything.

Hey, what do you get when you are confined to rooms of silence for hours? Madness lah!

Whatever, so much crap is brimming in my mind.


School was so boring today, and Sha and I regretted going and I should've just stayed home because I was pale as a sheet today, sick, with lips not even tinged with a lil bit of pink.

The Sec Fours were having career thingy, and many came in formal clothes and stuff.
And many random stuff popped straight into my mind:
1. If you wanna be in the limelight (positively), dress trendy & formal and behave in a demure/manly manner.
2. If you wanna be in the limelight (negatively), dress trendily casual and like a slut and behave like a gangster in a mini mini skirt.
3. If you wanna look like a man trapped in a skirt, clobber around and kick your legs around in your higher-than-3-inch-heels.
4. If you wanna stay out of the limelight, wear the school uniform.
5. If you wanna stay out of the limelight and also don't have clothes to wear, refer to point #4.
6. If you're really trendy and such, go on, wear it, strut it, but please, don't split your skirts or pants. Please. You'll be doing many a favour.

There's actually more, but I think I'll just write out the major mistakes of dressing. Mel missed it, she would've laughed herself silly. Well, I was laughing myself silly.
Some stuff observed was:
1. Some guys looked bloody gay.
2. Some guys looked awfully casual while the girls were overdressed.
3. Some girls thought they were going for a airplane flight and dressed like air stewardesses.
4. Aha, some tripped in their heels.
5. Four girls took it as a outing, and brought their cameras to cam-whore. [and they were wearing halters, bare-backs and such indecent clothing. I mean, you're going to school after all.]

Okay enough bitching, bitch.

I even thought they would get raped - Oh what false concern.


Had FPS today. The whole day. With Mr Freddy Goh.

Was sick, dying and also bothered by Cedric, Jonathan and er, I don't know how to spell the rest of their names.


Going to school was a huge mistake. But the school was so peaceful and quiet. With only the left-behind sec 3s in school and the sec fours (which were equivalent to non-existent because none of them were seen after 7.40am) The immature brats (sec ones) had an outing. Cooool. The school has never been, so, so peaceful.

I feel like going cycling. Mmm.

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