Sunday, February 19, 2006

Chi choo. Dating at 15 and 30, and blah.

Ah, I woke up at 8.30am today. I was pretty surprised actually, considering the fact that I slept at 3am. Yup. Slacked around all morning, and had many many pieces of bak kua for 'breakfast' heh.

I haven't done my homework, laziness is so bad.

Went for CE class about moral choices, it was quite fun, and I was the silly 'choice' person. Hahaha, had to think of a dilemma and let my group discuss. And I was being 'suaned' the entire time! Sheesh.

Service! Ah my eyes were so dry during the entire service, was squinting away.

Headed to Novena for dinner. I banged into a glass wall while viewing the handphones. Darn, Mella was just telling me about her banging into a glass wall on Friday and here I am, banging into one.

Aye, home. Happen to take the same bus as Kevin (and Cheryl duh). Haha.

Okie doks. I'm waiting for my hair to dry.

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