Sunday, February 05, 2006

Love profusion.

I'm beginning to feel sickly and queasy and it's a really bad omen that I'm probably gonna get sick soon. My throat feels dry and prickly, I've got an ulcer on my cheek caused by my braces hooking onto the 'skin' there, I look kinda pale and my mood has been going down, down, down to the dumps because of the queasy feeling.

Yesterday had church, and had to rush home after that with Thomas and Lyn to be early for my house function. My daddy's side came over and they were really nice and funny. Besides, Nicola, Joanna, Weiting & Weihertz were so adorable with funny styles of laughter. Haha. They don't even laugh with 'ha-ha-ha' but with prolonged throaty crescendo-ing 'hhwerrrrrrrrrr's. Ha! Not to mention, we didn't know why they were so happy and fascinated with themselves, they were just running from my second hall to the backyard and back for the entire night and it just struck me that we all were once so easily contented with just running around the house. Now, it seems to me that everyone wants more of everything, wants something new when they just got one new want and basically don't really appreciate what we have now with all these materialistic greed. I myself am guilty of that, but I've stopped shopping for quite a long while 'cause I'm saving up!

It's so terrible that I can save for weeks and then just splurge it in one day at Orchard/Chinatown or something. It's so scary! And it can be JUST on jewelry, accessories or just one or two tops. Ah, the stuff out there are getting so darn expensive, everything burns a hole in my pocket. And I'm not rich either, so that's even worse.

Okay enough of that. Had CG this morning and Cheryl and I shared devotion, I admit I did quite a lame job today 'cause what I had planned to say, she said, so I think it kinda seemed to Constance that I didn't really do my job because I did it like at 12am - 1am last night and I was sooooo exhausted and braindead during CG. Bad, bad, bad.

After that had lunch at macs, and I just ate a Medium fries. Hahahaha, the whole packet with lots of garlic chilli. Nice! And I realise that Mella can't eat chilli! Hahaha. So we're not that twin-y. Haha. Ah, but she can learn how to eat chilli. =D

Rangers. We had quite a good start to it with overview of 2006 and stuff. Mark was quite funny and then after the whole thing we played a game. All about throwing a ball to someone, guessing whether he or she was female/male and then if you guessed correctly you feel the person's hand and identify the person. Ha! I kena-ed twice or thrice but they didn't guess correctly hahahaha. Jamin thought I was Rachel (he said she had fat fingers, so he's trying to say I've got fat fingers. Rah) and then Cheryl thought I was, eh, Audrey (whom Jamin thought was Rachel also which means he's trying to say I've got fat fingers.) Double bummer!!!

I do not have fat fingers. In fact, my fingers are long, skinny and wiry. Hahahahahahaha.

Okay I just came back from my piano lesson. Still gotta do my exposition essay on teenagers being fashion victims. Ah, enough with crapping lou!


"She is with her favourite friend lah, the computer." -Lynette, about me! Hahaha.

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