Sunday, May 15, 2005

Today, hmm, was a very, very interesting day for me. Yes, I suppose you can say that. Sure, that means I should have a lot to blog about. Hmm. Let's see where should I start. Okay.

My dad fetched me to church in the morning. I reached there at 1030. Half an hour early. Erk. Oh yeah, we didn't have care group 'cause we were going tracting for the Jesus Heals conference at my church. Michelle & Cheryl were already there at ten but when I went over to church, only Michelle [the china doll, haha.] was there. Yeah, Cheryl left with her parents for breakfast. Naughty Pig. Haha. So Michelle accompanied me to 7-11 and I bought a drink, in fact, two and we ate mashed potato. Heh.

Tracting-ed. Was grouped with Jireh, Shawn, Glenn and Jeralyn. Glenn was ultra, ultra effective with his chinese la! I was hopeless and I only took English speaking people, and mostly I talked to maids. -.-" Shawn was like speaking Chinese! Haha! So funny! I was surprised Jinghan didn't come along la. Aww, she missed out. Cheryl's group consisted of Sharon, Jamin, Chris, Kai. Yah. That's all. They encountered a lady only in her bath towel. Gross. Haha. But nevertheless amusing hoh.

Went to have lunch, Jamin, Shawn and Cheryl went for rangers. So went to the coffeeshop opposite Church, majority of the church people were there. Hmm, lets see. Thomas, Nicholas, Ian, Ruth, Alvin Kok, Jeremy, Marcus. Don't know about the rest huhs. =p Auntie Jasmine was there too, with some lady from church too. Heh.

Oh yeah. We were like bursting out with laughter la. This hideous woman wearing an SIA uniform [bought from some cheapo shop one la.] And this time, I really mean hideous. Jireh was collapsing with laughter and the rest of the two tables too. Ahaha. He also took a picture of her using his phone which wasn't very clear anyway. Should've gotten Michelle to take. Haha.

Jeralyn, Michelle and I went to toa payoh. Jeralyn and I then went Junction 8. Basically I was there to while away my time before piano lesson. Jinrong was there with Shuwen and Jasmine Thian if i'm not wrong. Jinrong was like "hello!" then I was like "huh?" then later saw Jas thian and Shu wen behind. Haha, didn't know they could recognize me in contacts. =x

Went novena and took 21. The bus journey was eerrghh. Terrible. It was so HOT in the bus. Bleagh. There was this like cheena pok couple in front of me, speaking terribly colourful mandarin. I don't mean vulgar but extremely profound maybe. Oh gross.

When I finally reached the Tamps area. A lot of people got up at Tampines Mall, oh my god. Tons of lians & bengs [mortified!!] came up and there was this gross bf gf la. Some idiot from behind had to put my ears to torture by playing tonghua super loud. SCREAM. and that girl was like singing along with it. Slap your face la. How annoying. I was already having a terrible headache and she was seriously not helping with her horrible cawing voice huhs. Yewk.

Jeralyn and I lost it. Especially her. She's been trying to be nice and trying to be less bitchy. I'm less bitchy now compared to last time, but only to everyone but two people. Haha. Too bad. But Jeralyn was plain vicious today. My BP* is back! x)

*bitching partner. =pp

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