Monday, January 17, 2005

today, school was great! I was having fits of laughter every now and then. Haha, well, my blog is colourful, jamin is such a blurdo cann. omg. wahaha! jeralyn is so funny! sorry about not accompanying you during RR, you are so cute man. I just love my church friends! *muack*
I was so friggin' good today, well, i didn't have morning duty today. I was in a good mood today, trust mee, rachel and hwee en were nuts in class and I was actually 'entertaining' them, normally I just ignored their excessive lameness... hee. They are suchh sweet people! [see, i'm complimenting everyone! success, success, success!] Oh god, I am really in such a good mood, i'm becoming lame and crappy, uh oh! Anyway, as I was saying, I passed my spotcheck by Amabel/Emabel [forgot spelling] in the morning! She changed her glasses! Today, i kept 'meeting' Simone canns. And I saw her after recess, and I was without my hairband after selling ice cream. erg. So i kinda got 'caught'. My short skirt also got caught by her last week, she is such an eagle! I had to see the UIC after assembly la and I went there and this girl, called Bi Hui, she is a newbie from Ping Yi Military Band - like that is our 'enemy' .. but everyone knows they can't be a threat NOW, 'cause they are a newbie in the grand finals and deyi, tk and bowen hav always been there, i mean for at least 3 or more years la. She is a flautist and she is so ah lian-ish and rude cann. She looked me from head to toe and I was like making a face every now and then 'cause it's quite uncomfortable after a while. Hello? She was looking at mee like I was some vixen or some lousy band member, I'm like an NCO okay?!!! Okay. We had laughs in Mr Jo's lesson today, he like got angry la and his voice got all high and pitchyy and it was really amusing and Jasmine, who was like so rude, kept imitating him and I kept bursting out with laughter. After school, we had to stay back for band for a while, we were doing our chingay masks. It was fun. We had to stick loads of sequins on our mask and I got like SUCH AN UGLY colour, erg. It looked like it belonged to some cannibalistic tiki person. Hohos. My imagination is sure wild. I failed the mask twice by Yingmei, so I went to Chern Ron, haha, guys, they're not so particular about everything and actually he failed Jasmine then she whined then he said okay! Hohos. That scene was cute canns. After band, I walked with Sian Ying and Wen Theng to the bus stop and I took bus with Sian Ying laas. She was so cute and we were talking about Bi Hui la 'cause she had to teach her everything on all the band rules and the smooth dance steps. She was saying Ping Yi was so slack and all, they didn't call their seniors sir or mam, tt sorta thing. S. Y was saying that Jia Yi and her first impression of her was negative la. Same here! Anyway, so what about tt Bi Hui loe, Sian Ying is the upcoming flute SL okay... so she better not piss the members off, cause if not, she's gonna hav to live with us for another 3 years. Oh noo. Bwahahaha. Okay. I was sooo supposed to meet cheryl to go orchard to buy lyn's present and I was so late and I couldn't contact herr so in the end we didn't go. I so totally wanna smackk her face on friday! woots. sentosa outing with the youths on friday, actually I'm quite afraid of the games they're gonna play. whoa, whoa, whoa. Must be sporting. Anyway, if I'm not wrong, Bei Yu said that we hav to take the student leaders pledge tomorrow during assembly, ugh, I'm gonna be like SO stressed. Yawnns. Well. My brain is like still sleeping although I just took a nap. Had Lynette's b'day dinner just noww. Kinda nice. =) hrmm. be right backk!

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