Monday, January 31, 2005

bountiful, bountiful, bountiful.
today is my most fruitful day ever in my history of going out with friends ever! i totally love jeralyn although we sinfully spent loadds of money. heh. let me tell you about the not-so-happy thing first. today, school was kinda fun and I spent half my day laughing my head off or literally rolling on the floor in lame laughter at jonathan, jasmine and ervin's jokes. bwahaha! heh. one of my best days ever! history was so totally boring today, erg. mrs lim was teaching the lesson with those powerpoint slides and you know what, she was so lamely talking to the wall. it was so obvious the whole class can't be bothered to listen to her chatter. the whole class was busy entertaining themselves, chatting away, cutting and sticking their history notes and some, even singing and I was lying on the table, falling asleep. mind you, i do not sleep in lessons, but i just lie on my table with a constipated frown plastered on my face and will be just dreaming away. i shan't talk about the more than agonizing but amusing thing that happened today, bwahhs, it so became my fault even though technically it wasn't la. i don't mind la, i get blamed. people side me anyway.
`little things don't put me down and [little peopledon't put me down too.]
whadd a crybaby, sorry to say. i was too but I've changed already so i believe you can change it!
okay! lemme talk about after school! i left school with jasmine and we walked slowly to the bus stop and waited with jasmine until her bus came. heh. then i went to the mrt and went to meet jeralyn at tp. she was late canns but it was okay la. i waiting for 'bout 8-10 minutes and duh, there was Oh yarh!! at amk mrt, this disgusting old man so brushed his shoulder against my shoulder SO hard and it was on the escalator, he walked past. it is so totally ergifying and mortifying. he is suchh a true j.k.p (jikopei). the escalator's so wide, he has to brush against me meh?! PERVERT. okay, backk to the story.
jeralyn and i dropped off at orchard and we hung around in wisma and bought quite a lot of stuff. she bought 2 topshop tops [i wanted to buy too but the colour i wanted didn't have my size ..but smaller.. boohoo.] then we went to ig's heaven, oh man, that is one horrid place to go. we were feeling quite disturbed by those dolls. they really looked like voodoo dolls, you gedd whadd i mean? erg. the rest of the things are fine la. we both bought some bag and one box of cute stuff and I also bought a blackk pouch. quite cute and super super cheap. heh! cheapo freakks = jeralyn and mee. bwahahahass!
after that, we went precious thots and jeralyn spent a million years looking for her friend's present. she is like giving valentine's day girls. she always makes me so pressurized to go buy things. ((: mwahhs. it's some closing down sale and everything is like shupper cheap canns. oh, and jeralyn bought this prince doll at five buckks so adorable! but i prefer the soldier/warrior. CUTER. so after that we were talking about skirts, and we came to the subject of --. we were like so bitching on the way to bugis laa. heh. we were feeling extra turned off by the skirt conflict.
immature, copycat, gross, inoriginal, desperate, typical herself
whadd can i say to describe her?
ERG. like have some integrity please? -gawk-
so we went to bugis and checked out loadds of stuff and of course, bought loads of stuff too! woots. in total, i spent about $40. and I boughtt ... *drumrolll*
`one racer back tank top
`one blue bag
`one black pouch
`one wallet
`three pairs of earrings.
oh yeah! i didn't talk about one pair of the earrings I bought. I so got tricked into buying this earring pouch, i feel like killing the sales girl can. she asked if i wanted a pouch .. i said yes 'cause she so totally didn't give me a plastic bag and i had to pay a dollar for it! jeralyn also had to, 'cause she bought a necklace and she so forgot to tell mee loes.. ergg. i felt so cheated. fyne fyne fyne...
whoaa so tired now. am gonna buzz now. =) [not sleep larr]

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