Sunday, January 30, 2005

cheryl's post on friday was one smacking good post. seriously. it was 'touching' in a way and really really full of depth. i never knew she could write that well. i mean, she can write real well but not to this extent of emotional talk and all. what can i say but applaud her. it is really so moving yet so true. i agree with her 'emotional' talk too. it is so good mans. i feel quite miserable too -looks at cheryl and frowns- same here. hey, cheer up! same parents, same genes, same torture, same kind of mortification for us. right?
my mom is kinda driving me nuts day by day and i really, really don't wanna shout at her or scream at her. nowadays, i've learnt to control myself from doing all these not-honouring-your-parents stuff. i learnt to shout/scream less and think positively like that she is scolding me because she loves me or something along that line.
this is just so saddening. i feel so lonely at times.
so lonely, i can cry.
but i enjoy my solitude at times, though.
well, sometimes, i really, really feel like i've got no friends,
i'm anti-social,
i suck at my social skills,
and people think i'm some ill-bred,
proud, boastful, gossipy [er, ok, maybe that's true.]
and I hate it when people start spread it around when they don't even know me as I am yet. all they've heard is just rumours and rumours and rumours with no basis at all. i don't have much rumours in sch going around 'cause i don't really talk much so i'm not quite a bitch there. i used to have them though in primary school and you know whadd? both of us were best friends but friendly-ly spreading gossips about each other. call us best friends. pah.
but it's weird. we can talk to each other (and insult celine. bwahhss!) really well still even though we've gone off to our own separate ways. quite cool actually. i mean, she's a nice girl and all but she's a bitch too. if you don't know her she will be a stone cold object to you. and to tell you the truth, she's colder than mee. brr. -shiver-
i've been thinking alot today ('cause i had a lot of free time)
somebody has been chiding me, so subtly. but i take it so badly.
i think i suck.
if you think i'm gonna defend myself against your insults,
nope, i'm not gonna try.
it's just about me putting myself in other's shoes
and what would jesus do..
i feel so hurt at times, i mean not because of what 'it' said.
i try so hard.
it's working.
but these little things can ruin everything.
oh forget it, you're not gonna understand.
i understand the pain of cheryl.
i feel it too.
quote zeslene`we've never felt so, so alone, we are?

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