Sunday, January 16, 2005

-bling bling! dropps a whole load of coins into savings- you know, i was so friggin' peeved with myself the whole day, i dunno why, I kept grinning to myself and smiling away at the whole world and I had to keep controlling myself & close my mouth in time 'cause I look totally ridiculous now when i smile 'cause my vampire teeth are gone! Both! Today was my complimenting people day, heh, i was complimenting ppl la, duh. It was kinda fun and also, i was saying hellos and his to everyone, it was amusing mee to the max man!! So basically I was amused with myself today, much to my horror, i realise I have to keep my mouth shut and unsmiling for two whole months until my new teeth move down to where they are supposed to be. -sigh-
I love the weekends because:
- i am sick and tired of my school
- i am so sick of trying not to break the rules
- i am so sick of listening to the school
- i am so sick of getting caught by the councillor exco for my short skirt
- i am sick of being unable to wear ankle socks or push down my sch socks all the way
- i am sick of wearing my uniform properly
- i am sick of being so neat
- i am sick of listening to teachers in class
- i am sick of band
- i am sick of listening to the friggin' councillors
- i am sick of chingay practice
- i am sick of councillor duties
- i am sick of pumping for punishment after band
So basically, I HATE SCHOOL.
`who doesn't ____ *bleagh*
grr. i think i'm getting influenced by mr ernest! oh no! heh. i think i've reached the stage that I don't like school anymore. I remember in sec one, i was the only person so called 'hyped' to actually go to school. i remember cheryl groaning away whenever i said I can't wait to go back to school and jeralyn complaining and jinghan making foul remarks abt school. hohos. noww, those days are all gone, they are the ones okay to go to school while I am the one, complaining away, looks like we swopped lives or something. erg. my school friends, to add, are such losers ['cept the ones i'm close withh!] they don't go orchard or anything after school, all they go is amk central and even worse, they don't live in amk. yuckks! amk is like so totally gross canns. all the deyi-ans are there and yuck yuck yuck, mudds and minas are all holding hands, having the time of their lives there as it is less than kilometres from their homes. Urghhs. I really feel like dying, tomorrow I have councillor spotcheck, we will get it if we got something wrong [ya, like *rolls eyes*] hmm, anyway, i better cut my nails if not i will get it *imitates exco*

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