Saturday, January 08, 2005

hey, hey, hey. today, hrmm, was quite an eventful day, that's what I can say. Well, woke up at 5.30am, damn early. Just to get ready for school/band performance. Although it's the five-day week thing, this is exceptional - sec one cca orientation. woots. =) - Many CCAs (performable ones. *griins) performed! Band performed first after the CCA talk by Mr Wong. He was so naggy and I totally can't stand him, he's so stubby and fat. hohos. After performance, everyone packed up to go home except NCOs, one of them is me *-.-'* We had to go and attend to the band booth [it's actually a classrm.. heh] for like 3 hours plus. yuck. so little people came to the percussion area except when shikin played the jazz set then she started attracting sec one boys and even sec four boys! +) *griins cheekily and chuckles* Feeling so tired noww. erg. Gotta wake up early for church tomorrow and carn't be late - erg again - if not i'll get punishment... erg. lol. okay. so after band I went home for like half an hour only then left for yf, we reached there early 'cause my dad fetched cheryl and I so we went to shaw plaza and walked around sportslink and etc. After that, bought sweets from ntuc then went back to church, it was 3.50 already. Half the people were already there. +) then we sat down, it was really weird. heh. okayy then we had praise and worship, then testimony timee, then sermon by ps. lindsey. It was about getting your priorities right and et cetera. Really suited for my needs, surprisingly. Gee, after the sermon, we had to write our top five priorities in our life and then find a partner of the opposite gender to share it with and pray for the person. I got Jamin, hohos, 'cause he's sitting in front of me. *griins. So prayed for him and his sister to get along well and strengthen the ties between them etc. After that, socialized for about twenty minutes then went orchard to meet uncle david and auntie veron at jack's place. I ate chicken and mushroom spaghetti. Shawn, Cheryl and I took 130 [which supposedly was supposed to go novena which it did not anyway] then later dropped and took 166 to novena! We took opposite trains, he took to Bradell while we took to orchard. heh. So i think that's all for this day of mine.. Tiredd to tearss.

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