Sunday, January 02, 2005

I just changed my skin and it totally rocks! Actually, i didn't have a choice whether to change or not, 'cause my previous skin was spoilt - as in the only things tt appear are the blog posts which = no tagboard, no nothing!!! Today, church service was, uhh, a little on the boring side but it was abt why tsunamis and earthquakes[totally sounds like geog lessons!] and yada. Today's worship like no momentum liddat, nobody jumped at all at one way, shout your fame etc. Like only Ronald and Ernest were -obviously- jumping. The rest - hmm, tiptoeing?. Tomorrow's school's reopening, and I gotta be in school at 6.20am 'cause I got some councillor meeting to prepare for the sec one orientation!!! Wow! My mental clock is like spoilt - can't sleep now and then body is used to sleeping after 12 and waking after 10. - totallie sucks man. I half wish that it's still the holidays but I half wish it was school 'cause the holidays - if i'm stoning - is so boring! Today was the first sunday school lesson and they told us the expectations and the first one was 'be punctual' and then sharon said it to specific people - me and jerall!! like whadd rubbish okaess. lols. my eldest sister is screaming outside my rm for whatever reason - hohos. hmm. I gotta sleep soon and 'bank up' on my sleep. *sighhs* I'm quite sleepy now though 'cause just now I was at bugis then later took train down to tp to buy my bks. 2 books still not bought! Like whatever loess. My favourite book somemore -- GeoGRAPHYY! Yay!
`btw, change my tagboard to doodleboard so tt jeralyn can tag! roarrss

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