Tuesday, January 04, 2005

second day of school - another busy and hectic day. -yawns- i'm tired. The student leaders met up in the morning at seven then we went to the quad to hold those little white cards for the classes to queue up properly. I had to hold it for 2/5 and they were being such baddies, watching me from the second level and refusing to come down immediately. Made me so stupidly standing there waving the 2/5 plank card. Doreen was being equally annoying 'cause she poked fun at me, just because I was holding her class plank card. erg. I was sick today, had a slight fever so after school, I didn't go band, I just went home with Michelle and after I reached home, I ate lunch, took panadol and took a rest. Well, the nap did wonders! I am feeling perfectly fine, inwardly and outwardly. *griins I feel so good now, all energetic and everything, no backaches! Okay, lets go to the fun parts of today's sec one orientation program. The early morning segment was really boring, they had a discipline talk and I heard the last part, handphones are allowed and you can only use it during recess and after school, rest of the time, switched off! I am elated! Oh I love Mrs Chua! No wonder I saw students whipping out their handphones during recess openingly, without a care in the world. After that it was time for doing the class mascot, flag and cheers. Was quite bad, attitude-wise and time-wise. They took their time, didn't take any initiative, totally needed to be spoon-fed and got shouted at by all of us and Sean's brother Bryan was being such a pain, he refused to be the mascot but everyone voted him and he said they sabo-ed him. fine. after that was picking berries aka recess! what a nice name for recess. hohos. after recess, they changed into their pe attire and got ready for the trail. Oh it was so annoying, our class was the last and it was embarassing! Ms Foo kept asking who are 1/3's class leaders. *scowlls There was a problem with the register and everything, the girls were in class, the boys refused to go back to class, so there was a mess! The trail was really fun! Our first stop : the Cybrary. They had to put their arms over each other's shoulders and spell Deyi Secondary School out with their butts! The sight was hilarious. There were couple more stations and we didn't complete all though. There were a few black sheep and a couple of 'act cool' ones, which were all so annoying. Because, the black sheep tried so very hard to piss us off and the act cool ones, simply put, refused to play, saying it was childish and all. But after that, they got scolded by Thapa, quite badly. ouch. Okay, then went back to hall then to the canteen, cheered a lot, shouted a lot today too, at the sec ones. hohos. Student Leaders were excused from assembly like yeah! So we 'played' with the sec ones laa. So that's all for today! I think. Anyway, there's one more new girl in my class : wonder what's her name though. I wasn't around the class the whole day from 8.30 onwards. Oh yeah, the previous post, I talked abt my class's leaders. There's one more - Mirliana and Thapa too! Fang Shuai - I dunno whether he's my class one la, but he's always around so okay!

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