Monday, January 10, 2005

Councillor duties beginn. erg. I had duty but I didn't do it... oops. I din know okay! It's carpark duty, and I dunno what the hell I'm gonna do there. Duty with Rudy.. OMG, that's totally gonna suck.. erg! Wednesday - linkway duty.. I think I'm going to DIE. 'cause the dumb sec ones are gonna be tryin to push past and everything else.. erg.erg.erg. today i did/helped in duty for beiyu and michelle, just helping .. 'cause they couldn't control the 'kids' .. the kids were being annoying laas.. pains in the butts. wednesday, i think it's gonna be funn doing the linkway one. at least better than patrolling! I'm doing with mirliana... she's also 1/3's class leader... woots. =) gonna stay up til 12 to msg jeralyn happy birthday... yay! hrmm *faiints* tomorrow I got dental appt.. so I carnt go band practice.. half gd, half bad.. I dunno what to do!!! boohoo.. being SL totally syuckks.. LIKE YUCK man. The first job I did, I got scolded by weifong.. roarrs.. ! forget it.. I dun wanna do anything anymore! *dies on floor, tumbless off chair*

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