Friday, January 14, 2005

just came back from SGH, ugh!, they extracted two of my teeth, and in march, they're gonna extract one or two more, MOLARS/CANINES! oH my GOD. my mouth's really numb and I can't talk 'cause I've got cotton gauze shoved in my mouth. This really sucks 'cause I carn't go band 'cause the lady said you can't eat ... or drink anything too hot or too cold. ergo! If I don't eat, I'm so going to faint during band - not really but possibilty and she gave me a one day mc for band and a half day mc for school. oh god, i'm like itching all over - not because i'm dirty okay? - just now a stupid mosquito was on my hand, trying to suckk my blood - yuck and i shook my hand and it came off. erg. like gross canns. I'm not going band again.. erg. i really wanna go, 'cause I still can't dance and play spiderman together, the dance is like so difficult, but i got it anyway. =)) budd I can't play and dance together la. whoa! I can't lie down [stomach on bed] at all, my 'excessive' saliva will stop flooding and leaking outta my mouth, like tt is so gross and shiitty.. erg. well, I'm going to do stuff noww, will be back later? =)

`you gedd the like and love facts right first

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