Saturday, September 17, 2005

Listening: Ashlee Simpson - Love Me For Me

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAEL! is it your birthday ah? haha.

By the way, people, please add me at my new email (MSN) : I'm pretty sick of looking at that burping email, it sounds so lame and puerile. Haha, so remember to add me okay? Thanks!

My mood has hit a real low. Ah, PMS. Being female is totally alright with me, with exception of that blood-shedding every month and all that PMS crap.

I have changed my skin. Finally, BlogSkins got their server up.

I am going church later, ah, for the moment I don't wanna leave the house and move around but I have to go church so ah, yes, I know it's wrong, but I can't help it at times. My mom has just left for some parenting workshop at my school. (Ahem, who actually goes to these dumb workshops anyway and turn out okay?)

I guess Meiyi isn't meeting me later. I was actually looking forward to leaving the house, but not after she messaged me to cancel because she just quarreled with her dad and parents, knowing that they can use their authority to spoil kids' days, said she couldn't go out. Like what the-. Fine.

I'm going to Cheryl's place after church, because of some dumb mooncake festival celebration there. Gee, after all I think Mooncake Festival/Mid Autumn Festival is LAME, I don't even give a damn about the stupid woman in the moon and yada yada. They always make her sound so heroic! Pfft. Not to mention, it's such a china legend la.

Aiya, freak la.

Now your emotions are drained.

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