Thursday, September 15, 2005

Birthday cum banana bash.

[ Delirious - My Glorious ]


The er, Hwee En, Erica etc etc. gang gave Jonathan some stuff and a bunch of bananas. Haha, because of his very unfortunate and uncanny resemblance to a monkey/gorilla. Heh. Well. Happy birthday!

The bunch of bananas.Mei Yi: Jonathan, are you tempted?

School was FUN today, I rushed home for tuition (after cursing her in class for about three times for her to cancel my lesson because she is sick) and she cancelled it when I was walking home. Haha! Talk about coincidental, I'm getting really freaked sometimes. A lot of things I've said somehow just come true, oh well, coincidence.

Replies to Cbox posts:
Woonie: Haha, yeah, it's troublesome right? I think Chinese is alright, just when Ah Lians and Ah Bengs start using Chinese in their own modified way of lingo, it's gross. No! Even if I study or not, I happen to fail anyway. -.- BAH!
Anonymous: You forgot SPO in spoilt. I've already said if you don't like reading my blog or find me a spoilt brat, you can choose not to read, but if you choose to read and get irritated/offended then I can't help nor stop you. And anyway, posting anonymous tags are so childish. Leave your name, trust me, I doubt I'd be offended anyway.
Joey: Thanks Joey! I love ya so much! I hate this skin, it's some lousy default skin. Haha. YOU CAN ACTUALLY CLIMB OVER YOUR GATE, hmm actually that's pretty much possible since you're small sized and super agile eh? Don't you have your gate number? Hahaha. Maybe you were younger then. You're not flooding! Love ya! <3
Jamin: Can I kick your face? Rar. I think I'm dropping to Chinese B anyway. (:

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