Sunday, September 25, 2005

Church yesterday and today were GOOD. (:

I went to church this morning, yes, and I was 5 minutes late for CG, and Thomas had to be irritating and had to keep saying "Yes, the Louisa who is always late for CG" everytime he talks to me. We did the Parable of the Renters, it was pretty confusing, considering the fact that Thomas kept getting OUT OF POINT halfway. We shared about stuff then Jinghan left straight after CG to go to her 'nai nai' house. Aye, so Michelle accompanied me til about 12 plus when service ended.

After that, I was like what, abandoned in church myself, Glenn went off with his family, Michelle went shopping with her parents, and best of all, Jeralyn didn't even come! Cheryl, hmm, I didn't see her ALL DAY.

So I went for lunch with Nicholas, who had politely disrupted my changing time by asking me on msn to go for lunch, ha, when I WAS CHANGING! All thanks to Lyn using my account to send stuff to her on her laptop. Pooey. So he occupied my time til I went for my 201 makeup lesson with Jessica! Ah, I look forward to lessons actually, fortunately (and unfortunately) this is my last lesson with her. The lesson was pretty funny, what with us having lesson in Pastor Ong's office, then he came in and did his work, so we had to accomodate him yet treat him like he was invisible. Then when Jess said some 'wrong' things, then she'd correct herself, 'cause Ps Ong was just sitting there. Hoho.

Chatted with her about my school (btw, was also her Secondary School) and stuff like that and some problems faced until about three, when she had to leave for a meeting with Ps. Alvin. Hmm, so I went to buy some food then I walked to the bus stop, called my dad and he offered to fetch. Dang, he took 45 mins to get there, wasting like 45 precious minutes of my life making me sit in the church foyer like a dummy. So he reached at FOUR o' clock. Harrumph.

Oh well, END. (:

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