Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Taufika, padding & maids.

So my (finally I can use the word 'my') camera is pissing me off. Sure, I don't like Samsung gadgets 'cause they really suck and I got a Samsung camera. Hurray to me but ain't I quite unfortunate? Yeah I'm supposed to take it out tomorrow to 'test-drive' the functions and features. I mean, I can't spend all day taking photos of inanimate objects in my house, it just doesn't really test the camera's abilities. After all, those inanimate objects look the same even with other cameras, so, ya, that's it.

I spent my day PMS-ing away at home.

I'm effin pissed with myself because I got my menses last night (and it came at the start of Dec, so now's the wrong time ahem!) And it's christmas week, you know how bummer is that right. So, bummer!

Thomas just MSNed me this:
thomaslui: hey u got the rest of the cg ppl's email add? mine got washed in the machine.

Really, how careless can he be when he is about twice my age.

Oh yeah and I'm super-duper-effin-pissed-to-ze-point-of-exploding-in-yer-face with my maid.
  • Firstly this is what Lynette said 3 weeks ago in an sms: Desti put spring onion in egg. Oh man I'm kinda pissed. I've decided I'll just ask her not to cook my share, dumb getting fat on food I don't even like. Honestly I think it's cuz of her age that she's getting on our nerves. She's a teen who's experimentin on her artwork in food and keeps asking if I'm angry.
  • Likes to waste food to decorate the food - I mean for what!? You're not working in a restaurant.
  • Likes to play. I seriously mean that.
    Eg. When doing christmas deco, she takes songsheets and start singing christmas carols and my mom exclaimed at her rudely "You come here to work not to play, I have 3 daughters and I don't need another one."
  • Likes to scare you (aka play)
    Eg. Jump out of nowhere to scare you, and you just give the "Oh please, can you move out of the way" face. LOL.
  • Likes to lie.
    Eg. "Can you help me find my purple slippers?" "Ok" She finds it and tells you it's unfound. Then 10 mins later after you're pulling apart all your hair finding it, she comes up and says she's found it 10 mins ago. ISN'T THAT SO UBER ANNOYING.
  • Likes to disturb you.
    Eg. I am taking a nap. Knocks shower the door (and it's not hard ones, they're soft and super earsorish) then she talks (but of course, so softly you can't hear), you get out from your bed to open the unlocked door and she asks you "Can I eat the ice-cream?" (which by the way, my dad already said that it's for her!) You tell me, annoying or not.
    Eg. Wakes you up in the morning at about 11, to say "I go bathe hah?"
    ERGGGGG, makes you feel like slapping her face one thousand times.

Rah rah, she makes everything piss you off (PMSing)

Oh my aunt is in hospital, gosh.

My mom is going mad in the kitchen, sounding like she's talking to herself.

The rangers are back back back back back from Pulau Hantu, like hurray! But I heard that all of them got bitten by sandflies. Lol. But finally they're back.

I don't particularly like staring at Taufik's very eggh armpits when I get up every morning. (That's the demented lime calendar)

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