Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Earwax: Feeder - Just The Way I'm Feeling

I can't get logged in to MSN messenger! Screw!

Well today I went for my dental appointment at three o'clock and paid for my changes (in braces materials lah) It cost $32.10?! Like, three quarters of my allowance away, darn, and after that trained back and got about three presents, then went out with my sister for like fifteen minutes (is this believable? yes) then she went to work and I got another two presents, ha, I've got two females and 6 males left on my list. Ah, I'm getting those males' stuff tomorrow, so no problamo. Gee, that sounds stupid coming from me.

Then in the evening, after dinner, went with my parents to collect my aunt's keyboard from her place and boy do I have many many many praises for Gerald! That pretty boy is just as sweet (I hope he reads this and thanks me although I doubt so, I mean, reading it.) as he used to be, well as long he's not with that airhead Benji. -.- Yeap, then went to my other aunt's place for my mum to hand over some prescription thingy then went to pick Clarissa up from her workplace. Actually I'm still wondering why I tagged along. Oh ya! I've been craving for that fatty fried thingy called... bak kua! So my dad bribed me to do something (yes, play piano accompaniment with his harmonica) so I could get my bak kua, and yep, I got it. Oh fat food.

Then after picking my sister up went to Mos Burger and had shakes for each of us except my mum with Hot Lemon Tea, hokay. Ahuh, Clar said I was a good promoter since I introduced the strawberry shakes to my dad and her, which I think are pretty sweet tooth-y. Haha, well thanks to Audrey and her great idea to get me hooooooked on those shakes. I wanna try the coffee flavour.

I'm feeling pretty happy right now, don't you feel the happy tone coming out from this post (Say yes and not agitate me! =p) ??

You know what, Msn says it can't log in because my contact list is unavailable. I'm like whhhat?! My contact list is unavailable? What rubbish.

Anyway, I wanna go swimming tomorrow, hopefully there's a little sun and no rain, pretty please please please. Heh.

Toodles~ and kudos to Jason for copying me so well! (Hahahahahaha, I'm really, just kidding.)

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