Monday, December 19, 2005

Bored people do stupid things.

Slept in your bed: Cheryl?
Made you cry: That was quite long ago.
You shared a drink with: Lynette
You went to the movies with: Christopher, Kai and Michelle
You went to the mall with: Michelle and JH
Yelled at you: The Mother
You kissed: I don't kiss soft toys, so none. Lol

Said "I love you" and meant it?: Nope, it's a pep phrase for me.
Wish you were the opposite sex?: Always
Had an imaginary friend?: I'm normal up there.
Red or blue?: Red
Last noise you heard?: TV
Things you like in a guy?: Wit and the way he carries himself.
Do you have a crush on someone?: :)
What book are you reading now?: Currently, Women in Love. Haha.
Worst feeling in the world: Apologetic.
What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: What time is it.
How many rings before you answer?: Depends on caller.
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?: Yup
Siblings: 2 older sisters
Piercings: 1 on left, 2 on right.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Zilch.

What clothes do you sleep in?: Shirt & shorts.
Who is the last person who called you?: Michelle
Where do you want to get married?: Hmm
Are You Timely Or Always Late: Depends on how much I wanna meet the person LOL.
Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: Eh, no.
Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: Not fat people, with exceptions.
Do you Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: Ya.
Ever liked a close boy/girl friend: Think so
Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: Doesn't matter much, I wanna be successful!
Sang like at a performance: Small scale kinda.
Met Someone New: Ya.
Had A Serious Talk: Always with people who need it.
Missed Someone: Yea, like Cheryl now!
Hugged someone: Eh always after altar calls.
Fought With Your Parents: Ya
Dreamt About Someone You Can't Be With: Yeah, freaky.

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