Saturday, November 20, 2004

*woots uncontrollably*
hmm, today had band.. OOPS. I thought today had full band
but actually it's only half-day then I have Percussion workshop that is
by this guy that actually trains the drumline in the movie - DRUMLINE. WOOTs!!!
His strokes are supeerrrr!!! It was so great I bet most of us were
droolin our mouths outt!! Fast and he never hits the snare rimss. He gave us
3 exercises and split us into two grps.. my grp lost.. Yuck.. coz gort the two
'something wrong' peepx that cannot keep rhythm and blahsss, etc. Was feeling
so gd just now. He's a New Yorker called, erhmms, Benjamin Ironside. Haha.. Has an iron backside eh? Joking!! Nahxx. Okayys. I'm starting to talk and type just like jeralyn n jh, they're frightening me!! Ugh! Feeling reallie hyper altho I'm feeling tired 'cause I slept at one last night.. more like dis morning! Coz I was reading a really interesting book about a girl in the rock band. Cool. think cheryl will knoww the title eh? Hmms. So bored. Bei Yu was fine today, didn't scold any juniors for doing wrong things today. [[B.Y. is a junior and a sec one too.. Ironic right? *dun giv me hate msgs for dis, H.J. it's a darn fact.*]] Hrmms.. Not angry today. Woots. Actually I was quite scared to play marchin snare today. I mean, i usually play the marchin bell. Marching snare? Big diff manx. It was muchh much heavier than the belll.. i understand the pain of the new snare drummerrrss... [[reminds me of the christmas song 'The little drummer boy' *grins*]] Chatting with jerall// and jh// and melanie now. Nort melanie.. stopped talking to her just now. Hrms. Okays. gotta run dearies! Miss ya!! *makes spasticc faceee*

`lovin yoo-

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