Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Today got Band. Quite fun actually. Jasmine and I had a nice, hearty chat on the phone last night. Until 12.30am! Ugh! I'm feeling so sleepy now.
Currently chatting with Jonathan (Tan) and Cheryl on Msn Messenger[[muh cousins!]].
Bored to bitss.
Hmm. Band was quite fun.
We were doing the opening block of Chingay and blah-dy blah.
The Sun was like baking us!!
It was so hot and we all stink now. *makes a mortified face*
My tagboard is SO inactive. I'm going to the class blog later to check out comments for the new skin. Haha. Okayys.
So BORED MAN. And tired. Blehhhsss..
Jeralyn is still nort back from Bangkok. *SIGH*
Stuck in Singapore with retarded CHERYL.
Cheryl so totally wants to go out everyday and I'm like her source of amusement.
I feel like smacking her face. Went with her Plaza Singapura yesterday and there was this helmet guy that we ran away from, literally. Gross!

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