Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Erhm. Hmm.
I shouldn't be here at this hour. Haha. Can't wait for dear
to come back. Haha. I was sms-ing Julia just now and we
were like disgusting ourselves at the stupidity of all the councillors, literally.
[[with their dumb forfeits and more. Ask Chern Ron or Bei Yu.
They'll understand]] She is from 1/8.
Quite nice people in my councillor grp. Too bad they change
grp again for the councillor camp.
They actually torture/humiliate you for their own entertainment. IDIOTS!
Omg. I can't believe it!! Councillor camp is 1 week away and
I'm totally not looking forward to it. Yuek! Oh no! I can't remember all the impt people in the student council. You're supposed to
memorize all their FULL names. How? I can't even remember anybody except Norimah who is the next president. Bei Yu doesn't like her.
Always telling me how much she hates Norimah and more.
Dunno why. Haha. Amusing. Jonathan (not malau) asked me go to his
church for Salvation Sunday. Hmms, I duno whether i should. If I'm going, then i
guarantee Cheryl is going too. DUH.
Okayys. Oh yarh. I just finished reading a book called 'Bish Bash Bosh'. Quite cute a bk. I read it in an hour! It's not as thin as our sec 1 lit texts lorhH! DUH!
Haha. I should be slping now. Coz got councillor meeting early in the morning tomorrow. Sigh. =)

`lovinn yoo-

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