Tuesday, November 30, 2004

helloess!!! hmphh.. today had band - okayy not really but a band 'meeting'? - We went there at 10 plus then started twisting balloons - liyana mam was like twisting the entire balloon hat and the rest of us just sat there n stared - SERIOUS! Okay, there was this one balloon tt ended up lookin like a swollen caterpillar all thks to bihui n beiyu haha. It was hilarious, doh! It looked so stupid, i nearly thot it was CC's head [*Private jokee!!] Imagine tt, tt swollen little piece of inflated pink lardd.. HAHAHA! Feeling madd now. Today, hwee en, jas n i in band rm sit together then super farnie coz jas like mad then me n hwee en were exchangin knowing glances all over. *grinns* Woots. Miss jerall!!! Dunno where she went anyways - didn't go outta the country but okay, wdv i'm kinda talking loads of crapp here. Jinghan is so damn annoyin, keep saying i spastic - you know, patience has its limits. You know when you make fun of someone, you say once or twice then the joke's over then okay! story's over! She repeats it every Sunday and I'm on the verge of tearing her little bitty body into little strips! She is so darn sensitive but so tactless! Come on lah, be more tactful n simply grow up, you damn lubber!

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