Tuesday, November 30, 2004

helloess!!! hmphh.. today had band - okayy not really but a band 'meeting'? - We went there at 10 plus then started twisting balloons - liyana mam was like twisting the entire balloon hat and the rest of us just sat there n stared - SERIOUS! Okay, there was this one balloon tt ended up lookin like a swollen caterpillar all thks to bihui n beiyu haha. It was hilarious, doh! It looked so stupid, i nearly thot it was CC's head [*Private jokee!!] Imagine tt, tt swollen little piece of inflated pink lardd.. HAHAHA! Feeling madd now. Today, hwee en, jas n i in band rm sit together then super farnie coz jas like mad then me n hwee en were exchangin knowing glances all over. *grinns* Woots. Miss jerall!!! Dunno where she went anyways - didn't go outta the country but okay, wdv i'm kinda talking loads of crapp here. Jinghan is so damn annoyin, keep saying i spastic - you know, patience has its limits. You know when you make fun of someone, you say once or twice then the joke's over then okay! story's over! She repeats it every Sunday and I'm on the verge of tearing her little bitty body into little strips! She is so darn sensitive but so tactless! Come on lah, be more tactful n simply grow up, you damn lubber!

Monday, November 29, 2004

Heard dis on MTV this aftnoon.. found it real nice. U know now i believe what my mum always says - "Don't eat too much chocolate in a day"- . I ate a huge chunk of white chocolate just now and before tt, a small cube of dark chocolate. Ughh. I feel sick now. Hmm, I blogged six times in total today. Okay. Here's the song.

Ryan Cabrera - On the way down
Sick and tired of this world
There's no more air
Tripping over myself, going nowhere
Waiting, suffocating, no direction
I took a dive and

On the way down
I saw you, and you saved me from myself
And I won't forget the way you loved me
And on the way down
I almost fell right through
But I held on to you

Been wondering why it's only me
Have you always been inside waiting to breathe
It's alright, sunlight on my face
I wake up and yet,
I'm alive 'cuz

I was so afraid of going under
But now, the weight of the world
Feels like nothing, no nothing(down, down, down)
You're all I wanted(down, down, down)
You're all I needed(down, down, down)
You're all I wanted
You're all I needed
And I won't forget the way you loved me
All that I wanted, all that I needed now
heyy! i'm back [frm laming around, yeah?]. Seemed like I had no choice. I was so bored. I watched Home on the Range. To those who've watched it, all the lame stuff about the three ugly cows and Patch of Heaven and Alameda Slim .. yada yada. Ugh, the show was gross man and typical. Like, yay! cows save the day, hurrah... *makes sarcastic face and scoffs* and the farm family lives happily ever after. Omgg.. !! That is the lamest storyline evarr!! The first part was really boring only until the Willie brothers were trying to stuff the three cows into the train compartment then it was funny coz all the fighting and 'hae yahh!' here and there.. Haha. Oh, btw, that is like ONE HOUR later!!! Hmm. Feeling really bored. Aimm checking out Gerald's band's website. Kinda nice but their drummer ain't in the pic. Sodd! Aimm listening to Mariah Carey - All i want for Christmas is You. Haha. Arhmms. Actually, carn't wait to go back to school. Feeling really bored and 'wasteful of time' coz I'm practically nort doin anytyngg. Tomorrow can't go out. All thks to some dumb meeting after band by the band editorial comm.
Btw, I found out who the hate msg person is already. You know, the one on the class blog, insistin i copied Jasmine Thian's little totey language when i sure didn't. *rolls eyes* She actually used her own kinda language to mock me huh?, which kinda pointed out so many things pointing towards her. Sigh. I have nothing against this person tho. Jushh gotta tell her to grow up man. GROWW urPP! Lousy diguiserr... Haha...MWaHahHahahahahaA.

`prayinn for you -
am i being tested for patience here? goodness! so darn bored. i almost think it's written all over my face. there's no one home now except my maid [dunn count]. Sucky. Actually i can watch Home on the Range coz i got da dvd but sian larhh.. been online for like a million years man. listening to music noww. ughhy. last time didn't put finish the almost love lyrics so here it is.
-) > dis is a one eyed smileyy ahh, copyrightts mee!!!

almost love - billy gilman
What aimm I going to gett you girl
I wanna buy you the whole wide world
But all I got is a leather jacket and a mood ring
Sometimes I see you standingg in the hall
And I can't say a tyng at all
Deep inside I'm writingg you poetry
Yes I aimm
I almost love you
I can almost feel your kiss
I almost promised my heart
With a promise that's more like a wishh
I don't know what all this means
But gurll I can't get you out of my dreamms
Everytime that we get close
It's almost
Yesterday I saw you on the hood of a car
With an older guy he was playing his guitarr
And you gave him your smile I could have criedd
But I just froze
Should I standd up to him
Should I pick a fight
Should I get you to run away with me tonight
I don't know how to get there
Or where we'd go
Don't you knoe
It's almost
The right stuff
It's almost
The flight of a pure white dove
It's almost
True love

`ever forever prayinn

Rotating Christmas Tree with white lights! Soo darnn nicee man! Posted by Hello

A lil background i made for my own desktop. HAHA. Posted by Hello
so darnn boredd manx. haiz. i blogged like a million times in a few minutes, literally. but anyways, holidays really suck. was supposed to go out today but decided not. tomorrow gort band. *reluctant yay* okay, it's nort really band practice. it's balloon hat. omg, and i hate the sound of balloons bursting. firstly, it's frightening and secondly, i feel like my eardrums just 'popped' which is also sorta scary so i hate balloons!! lol.
aimm nort eatinn oreo cookies but eating Lay's bbq potato chips. heh
So full.... nearly finished halff the packet. wadd a pigg i am!
totallie carn't wait for youth camp. yumms.
yay! i changed a new skin. haha. i really hated the previous skin until my blood was practically boiling! so i spent about an hour looking for a skin i like. nowadays the skins at blogskins.com are getting uglier = basically more typical teen and more girly and more abt love n et cetera. = which aren't my type, ugh. this is one of the most ok ones = coz it's christmassyy = . Wow. i have celebrated christmas since infancy and this is one of my greatest christmases ever - preparation n all. - i thinkk it's gonna be so damn fun. i haven't bought presents for a lot of people still 'cause of my busy schedule n lack of financial support *haha! grinns* Feeling really happy now. Haha. As i will repeat, last night's show was g - r - e - a - t! Jonathan [muhh cousin!!!] wrote me a real sweet testi - haha! - in a brotherly way, dun worry. So sWeeTT!! Haha. We actually went to give him moral support for his little skit which was wonderful anyway n typical himm 'cause his friends weren't comin after so much proddin. Haha. My dad came back from Shanghai last night and bought dis little bouncy thingy tt when you hang on the ceiling, it'll bounce [duh] and bounce and it's 'windmills' will rotate and rotate. Kinda giddy after a while huh? haha. Okay. gtg noww.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Today was a great day spent on quite silly things and gd things lah. Okayy. I went church in the morning. It is RR's 10th Anniversary! Yay! Too bad I dun hav the uniform and too bad i didn't go for the camp. But after church - after cheryl changed n all the messy stuff - we took 145 to toa payoh mrt then took a train down to Admiralty then later took 913 to LightHouse Evangelism Church!! Woots! The youth service was great then we kinda made friends with da ppl there! They are so darnn friendly man!! Anyway, after the service we hung around til the rain stopped then went to koufu next door and ate - I didn't eat lah - . then later, candice - new friend, j1 - walked us to the 913 bus stop tt takes us to causeway point. Okay. SO we went Causeway pointt then watched The Incredibles with Jonathan and Cheryl. Jonathan already watched it but watched it a second time coz
~ we didn't watch it yet
~ he loved it so much
We bought stuff to eat - popcorn etc. It was so fun. My fav character is Violett..!!! Haha. Okay. So next week probs going to the youth service again... haha. Interesting!!!

`prayinn ever so hard

Saturday, November 27, 2004

you know what?! i slept for like 14 & 1/2 hours straight! i slept at 5pm last night and woke up at 7.30am! Oh muhh goodness me! WahMms. So darn funny. Thk God my maidd woke up me up if not i would hav missed band! Today was quite fun but became tanner lah...- all thks to the chingay prac in the field [[with all the mudd!!!]] -and dirtier.. Jas's dad changed carr... haha. so funny. wow, i think i'm mad. i din go to the RR camp frm today to tomorrow coz I just came backk frm councillor camp and today got band. I'm so very tired anddd i gott no proper 'camp' clothing to wear [[camp clothing are my ughliest set of clothings to be specific.]] coz all bring to councillor camp lerhhs... Wah. Verryyyyy tired now. so see ya!
`prayinn fer yoo
lastt dayy

Friday, November 26, 2004

i'm back! councillor camp [[combined with psls]] was basically great!
Except for yesterday afternoon, they made us learn
drills [[haha, easy peasy for me! coz i'm in uniformed grp - Band]]. woww,
their drills suck to the core man. it was so gross! hmm, oh ya, happy birthday
Liyana mam [[Percussion SL]]! i bathed for 35 mins just now, one of
my longest. coshh i was so damn dirtyy. ugh. oh yeah, the camp - one night you
slept in the bunks[[tell u more abt it later]] on safari beds then one night in tents outside. thk god it did not rain at night last night. The bunk was previously the
Maritime Museum. ugh. there was dis two life-sizedd male figures looking
like they are goin to kill someone in there at the extreme left corner in the part
where there is no light! so friggin' freaky. zixin screamed when she saw it [[we were havin station games, were supposed to find tennis balls]] and i was behind her and
i also stopped in my tracks and gave a little shriek. it was quite ughhyy.. the bunks are spooky! they had a lot of space in the whole bunk (we only slept in three quarters of the rm [[all thks to the freaky figures - no la]]) Oh and the guys and girls slept in the same rm, jus separated by a white curtain .. lame right? dis morningg, we went 2 palawan beach [[the camp was at camp HA at Sentosa. yay!]] and then just watched the scenery while we ate our breakfastt there. yumm! i missed my bed and toilet so muchh while i was there. This camp is the best camp i've ever had [[the only one i enjoyed ya?]]. Urmm, listening to Celine Dion & Andrea Bocelli - The Prayer. hmmm, bored lahs - talking to jonathan (tan) now. MMmm... nothing much to sayy already.
`prayinn ferr yoo

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

billy gilman - what's forever for
I've been looking at people
And how they change with the times
And lately all I've been seeing are people
Throwing love away and losing their minds

Or maybe it's me that's gone crazy
'Cause I can't understand why
All these people keep hurting each other
When good love is so hard to come by
So what's the glory in living
Doesn't anybody ever stay together anymore
And if love never lasts forever
Tell me what's forever for
I've been listening to people
And they say love is the key
And it's not my way to let them lead me astray
It's only that I want to believe

But I see love hungry people
Trying their best to survive
While in their hands is a dying romance
And they're not even trying to keep it alive
So what's the glory in living
Doesn't anybody ever stay together anymore
And if love never lasts forever
Tell me what's forever for
And if love never lasts forever
Tell me what's forever for
almost love - billy gilman [excerpt only]

I almost love you
I can almost feel your kiss
I almost promised my heart
With a promise that's more like a wish
Oooh, I don't know what all this means
But girl I can't get you out of my dreams
Everytime that we get close
It's almost
It's almost
The right stuff
It's almost
The flight of a pure white dove
It's almost True love

Monday, November 22, 2004

Today had band. woots! it wass soo fun! we hadd prac for chingay and then broke for sectional. hrmph! today was quite erm, exciting? jasmine, beiyu and I for the jap bell solo for convention(nort chingayy) all play different part. thenn queena subtly chided us. haha. today she was really nicee!! *all smiles* well, i was playing the right part and then jasmine gort really pissed 'cause she gort scolded. thenn later, during announcement i was sitting with sianying and jessie then beiyu was sitting next to jessie thenn later she go and change place! hmph. soo looking forward to youth camp, heard there r gonna be ppl frm sembawang a/g. woots! soo i dunno larhhs. i was very tired today 'cause slept at 1 last night/this morning. now listening to dreams by diana degarmo. boredd to bits man. oh yah. youth camp is gonna rock and councillor camp is gonna suck. haha, pity jasmine couldn't come (actually she is, but nortt quite sure but my sis doesn't need her participation anymorree anyway.. =)) SO as i was sayinn, woots. after band then had announcement then i hadd to see queena coz i was somee co-editor with 5 other ppl for the deyi band mag or something.. 25th anniversary iff i'm nort wrongg. *'somebody' gives jealous facee- sure wan.* i'm in formation comm. with beiyu. oh ughh. it's gonna suck man. stuck wiff her first tyng then *she probs readin my blogg now. haha!!!!* drawing silly formationnss - yuek! hmms, jas told me somethingg tt was so friggin amusing that me n doreen burst outta laughin immediately coz what she said was such a liee lorh. it's a quote frm someone else. haha. after band jas's dad dropped me off at compass point to meet my mom n my aunt and we went ikeaa!! so funn. I bought a gazillion decorativee stuff *bet tt 'somebody' has never been there* then later aft shoppin for 4 hrs pluss we went to the ikea restaurant n ate the usual.. - Swedish meattballssss!!!!!!! MY FAVOURITEEE! yay! okayys, after tt came back lorhhs.. do usual stuff... *makes face* okay. i'm so lazy right now n my neckk hurtts.... ughhh! byeeeeee... nightss.. cheryll, he's online horh!!!

~now i dunno whyy but i feel somebody's so nice to me, a bit odds. likee normallyy she wouldn't give a damm abt me and my teenage angstt but nowadays, she actually cares!
Today had band. woots! it wass soo fun! we hadd prac for chingay and then broke for sectional. hrmph! today was quite erm, exciting? jasmine, beiyu and I for the jap bell solo for convention(nort chingayy) all play different part. thenn queena subtly chided us. haha. today she was really nicee!! *all smiles* well, i was playing the right part and then jasmine gort really pissed 'cause she gort scolded. thenn later, during announcement i was sitting with sianying and jessie then beiyu was sitting next to jessie thenn later she go and change place! hmph. soo looking forward to youth camp, heard there r gonna be ppl frm sembawang a/g. woots! soo i dunno larhhs. i was very tired today 'cause slept at 1 last night/this morning. now listening to dreams by diana degarmo. boredd to bits man. oh yah. youth camp is gonna rock and councillor camp is gonna suck. haha, pity jasmine couldn't come (actually she is, but nortt quite sure but my sis doesn't need her participation anymorree anyway.. =)) SO as i was sayinn, woots. after band then had announcement then i hadd to see queena coz i was somee co-editor with 5 other ppl for the deyi band mag or something.. 25th anniversary iff i'm nort wrongg. *'somebody' gives jealous facee- sure wan.* i'm in formation comm. with beiyu. oh ughh. it's gonna suck man. stuck wiff her first tyng then *she probs readin my blogg now. haha!!!!* drawing silly formationnss - yuek! hmms, jas told me somethingg tt was so friggin amusing that me n doreen burst outta laughin immediately coz what she said was such a liee lorh. it's a quote frm someone else. haha. after band jas's dad dropped me off at compass point to meet my mom n my aunt and we went ikeaa!! so funn. I bought a gazillion decorativee stuff *bet tt 'somebody' has never been there* then later aft shoppin for 4 hrs pluss we went to the ikea restaurant n ate the usual.. - Swedish meattballssss!!!!!!! MY FAVOURITEEE! yay! okayys, after tt came back lorhhs.. do usual stuff... *makes face* okay. i'm so lazy right now n my neckk hurtts.... ughhh! byeeeeee... nightss.. cheryll, he's online horh!!!

~now i dunno whyy but i feel somebody's so nice to me, a bit odds. likee normallyy she wouldn't give a damm abt me and my teenage angstt but nowadays, she actually cares!

Saturday, November 20, 2004

*woots uncontrollably*
hmm, today had band.. OOPS. I thought today had full band
but actually it's only half-day then I have Percussion workshop that is
by this guy that actually trains the drumline in the movie - DRUMLINE. WOOTs!!!
His strokes are supeerrrr!!! It was so great I bet most of us were
droolin our mouths outt!! Fast and he never hits the snare rimss. He gave us
3 exercises and split us into two grps.. my grp lost.. Yuck.. coz gort the two
'something wrong' peepx that cannot keep rhythm and blahsss, etc. Was feeling
so gd just now. He's a New Yorker called, erhmms, Benjamin Ironside. Haha.. Has an iron backside eh? Joking!! Nahxx. Okayys. I'm starting to talk and type just like jeralyn n jh, they're frightening me!! Ugh! Feeling reallie hyper altho I'm feeling tired 'cause I slept at one last night.. more like dis morning! Coz I was reading a really interesting book about a girl in the rock band. Cool. think cheryl will knoww the title eh? Hmms. So bored. Bei Yu was fine today, didn't scold any juniors for doing wrong things today. [[B.Y. is a junior and a sec one too.. Ironic right? *dun giv me hate msgs for dis, H.J. it's a darn fact.*]] Hrmms.. Not angry today. Woots. Actually I was quite scared to play marchin snare today. I mean, i usually play the marchin bell. Marching snare? Big diff manx. It was muchh much heavier than the belll.. i understand the pain of the new snare drummerrrss... [[reminds me of the christmas song 'The little drummer boy' *grins*]] Chatting with jerall// and jh// and melanie now. Nort melanie.. stopped talking to her just now. Hrms. Okays. gotta run dearies! Miss ya!! *makes spasticc faceee*

`lovin yoo-

Friday, November 19, 2004

Hmm. What shoulda say?
Mother's saying I never accomplish anything. Da usual.
Went out with cheryll again. We went ta Bugis then went
laming around haha, there were so many 'act cool' guys lorh. So gross! Cheryl and I watched the video of Edison again and again just now. Ugh. We saw Timothy L.M. hooting and jumping with laughter in the background.. Jokerrss!!! I love the part where this guy puts a empty sch bag over Eddie's head then he started screaming....!!! That's the funniest part!
Just watched Singapore Idol. Olinda out... Sad larhh.. I know
evrybody in Deyi loves Sylvester. But you imagine him
representing Singapore a bit yee... with his lousy diction. Don't worry. I have nothing against him larh. But must be more factual
a little. I don't hate himm lahh.. I bet someone will post on my
tagboard some hate msgs after reading it.. Grow up lah. Okayys. So Jonathan (not malau) just started like supporting Oli and she's out. What a joke for him... Must not aggravate the situation.. Actually Olinda looks like Ki'ern [[cousin's sibling who is a LIME writer. Hmphhs... Unbelievable rightas?]] Haha. Hmphh.. So bored today. I like watching Survivor Vanuatu but now must prepare for Band. Whoops. I haven't bathe yet. Da dirtyy gurll*// blehhs. *makes a face.* So boreddd to bits. Thank God have Band tomolo but full band.. and then, haiz, it's gonna be TIRING.. ugh. Then have to carry marching bell 'til back breakss *makes a 'grandma' face*. Ouchhiess!! You try larhh.. Marching bell is like 5 kg. Then Snare drum is like 8 kg... Tom, ha!, is like 10kg. Wanna dieee arhhs... Marching Percussion Ruless.. But all have back probleemmss... [Just supporting my verdict?]

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Today woke up at 12pm. Actually woke up at 7.30am to go for councillor meeting but I was having such a bad headache.
Then went back to slp. Lazy pig me. Haha.
Ouch. Doesn't hurt now tho. Whoa! At 1 'o clock,
I was talking to *Jonathan(my cousin) and Jason in the
same convo on msn. So funny! But they dare say I
like George Puff from American Idol. [[George
Puff for amusement. Original name George Huff.]] We were talking
abt Fantasia Barrino and Diana Degarmo and they, the two hilarious bickering boys, were fighting over who is better? And I was supposedly
the side-taker. Currently waiting for Timothy Lee Misso [[Not Timothy Chow.
Misso - German surname]] and the video of Edison* to quickly finish transferring
to him. It is like 28000 kb.
Such a big file. But it's a worthy wait. The video
was hilarious - of Edison and his sissy self. Haha. What a disgrace to the male race! Hey, I just remembered, Jeralyn is gonna be back now!!! Today to be specific.
Haha. Not being very specific. Must sms her. Yay! She's finallie BACK! Wonder if she bought anything for me. That giRL. Lol. I'm not lesbo, i say again.
Hmm, currently listening to "The Conventry Carol by the same girl.. Charlotte Church. Nice larhh. Cannot blame. Anyway, I dunno whether I should go
to michelle's church Matthew Care Grp thingy tomorrow. 28 Nov I have a
short church camp and I'm also going to my cousin's church, Lighthouse.
Ugh! I'm feeling so pressurized. I'm supposed to go to the Salvation Sunday
thingy at LightHouse so that to accompany Jon's friends. Ugh. They're nice people
tho. Hmm. I'm gonna watch Singapore Idol. Yay! Feeling So HAPPY!
I baked Shortcrust Pastry just now. Was wonderful. So GREAT.
The cookies were 'heavenly'... [[makes it sound so wonderful to eat. It was what.]]
Okayys. Gotta go now, literally.


*Names mentioned in between the two asterisks are all from Montfort. Except George Huff. Haha.

`lovinn yoo too-

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Erhm. Hmm.
I shouldn't be here at this hour. Haha. Can't wait for dear
to come back. Haha. I was sms-ing Julia just now and we
were like disgusting ourselves at the stupidity of all the councillors, literally.
[[with their dumb forfeits and more. Ask Chern Ron or Bei Yu.
They'll understand]] She is from 1/8.
Quite nice people in my councillor grp. Too bad they change
grp again for the councillor camp.
They actually torture/humiliate you for their own entertainment. IDIOTS!
Omg. I can't believe it!! Councillor camp is 1 week away and
I'm totally not looking forward to it. Yuek! Oh no! I can't remember all the impt people in the student council. You're supposed to
memorize all their FULL names. How? I can't even remember anybody except Norimah who is the next president. Bei Yu doesn't like her.
Always telling me how much she hates Norimah and more.
Dunno why. Haha. Amusing. Jonathan (not malau) asked me go to his
church for Salvation Sunday. Hmms, I duno whether i should. If I'm going, then i
guarantee Cheryl is going too. DUH.
Okayys. Oh yarh. I just finished reading a book called 'Bish Bash Bosh'. Quite cute a bk. I read it in an hour! It's not as thin as our sec 1 lit texts lorhH! DUH!
Haha. I should be slping now. Coz got councillor meeting early in the morning tomorrow. Sigh. =)

`lovinn yoo-
I'm feeling so happy!
Christmas is coming!
Yay! I'm so happy! Presents and more!
Meeting up with old friends.
I really pity those people who are brought up not celebrating Christmas!
Sincerely! Christmas is truly a time to love and more!
And my favourite holiday too!
So, you guys out there that don't celebrate Christmas can join me - my christmas party with all my family n friends. [[If you dare, haha, no larhhhs]]
`lovinn yoo too-
Have yourself a merry little christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on our troubles
will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little christmas
Make the yuletide gay
From now on our troubles
Will be far away
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more
Through the years
We all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself
A merry little christmas now
=) Have Yourself a Merry Christmas Midi (=
Today got Band. Quite fun actually. Jasmine and I had a nice, hearty chat on the phone last night. Until 12.30am! Ugh! I'm feeling so sleepy now.
Currently chatting with Jonathan (Tan) and Cheryl on Msn Messenger[[muh cousins!]].
Bored to bitss.
Hmm. Band was quite fun.
We were doing the opening block of Chingay and blah-dy blah.
The Sun was like baking us!!
It was so hot and we all stink now. *makes a mortified face*
My tagboard is SO inactive. I'm going to the class blog later to check out comments for the new skin. Haha. Okayys.
So BORED MAN. And tired. Blehhhsss..
Jeralyn is still nort back from Bangkok. *SIGH*
Stuck in Singapore with retarded CHERYL.
Cheryl so totally wants to go out everyday and I'm like her source of amusement.
I feel like smacking her face. Went with her Plaza Singapura yesterday and there was this helmet guy that we ran away from, literally. Gross!

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Jing Han is Sooo scolding me
She is scolding me on Msn.
I'm so pissed.
Cheryl is at my house.
What am I talking about?
Yeps. I'm mad
Okayys.. I'm sick of my skin already.
That's it with geminis.
Not tt I believe in horoscopes but it's
pure coincidental. Urmms. Wdv.
Geminis change their minds super fast.
That's me.
I'm mad.
*Trying so hard to be annoying!!! No way.*

`lovinn yoo-
I am like SO PISSED OFF with my momma.
Like I said just now, she's sure to get me annoyed with her attitude.
She said just now that I had to go to the NDC wiff herr [[National Dental Centre, I'm getting my braces done, yeah! Okay, back to what I was saying--]] and I told her that I was going out with Cheryl to the library and she said, 'which is more impt, library can go anytime.' I was SO TOTALLY PISSED.

*Who cares one bit abt all this teenage angst of mine...*

She is like so, erhm!, beyond description! It is like so "I TOld You." I just said it in my prev post and there, it happened in the next. So, so pissed. Jerall is like so nort here to listen to this so i'm so sad. I miss herr lots... It's funny. Jerall is nort my school friend at all but she's my childhood cum church friend. And we've been like the best of friends since like, forever! Haha. Don't worry. I'm not a lesbo. But anyway, she's in Bangkok, probably having the time of her life! And I'm stuck here in sunny Singapore with the person-who-drives-me-nuts-and-to-the-edge-of-civilisation. UGH! Sod that larh. I hate my blogskin. I can't seem to find something nice. And Jerall is supposed to make me one. Custom-made, dearies! But as I said, she's havin the time of her liffeee in Bangkok and also as I was saying, I'm stuck in dear sunny singapore. Sad. My mother, aka the person who always drives me nuts, is so innocently being herself but that is what is getting me pissed off with her!! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! I was reading a lot of ppl's blog and I was like rolling on the flr luffing when i read Jing Han's one. It was SO funny. Haha, about the Nature Walk at MacRitchie Reservoir organized by my church yesterday. She was carrying her soya milk and the other friends of ours were carrying loads of food with them and there was this load of monkeys in the trees and they p o u n c e d on heR! What a great joke! She'll kill me when she reads this but- heck- who cares... She is such a JOKER! Wahahaha. I'm practically on the flr already. Everytime I think of her since young, she has been amusing me since forever with her lameness and unfortunate-ness [[I know there is like, NO SUCH WORD. But Heck.]] Okay. Continue with my story about the monkey-pounce-on-jinghan thing. Then her friends, being smart, threw away their food. *Nort saying Jing Han was stoopid.* Wow! This is enough to make the headlines. I can just see it in the papers.

Monkey Pounces on Unsuspecting Girl.
Girl uninjured but shocked to death.

WAHAHAHA... laugh with me ppl. *Lame*

`lovinn yoo-

Okay. Morning ppl. =)
I'm feeling quite good today so decided to go
and change the blogskin and do some admin stuff for the class blog.
Wow! I feel great doing good deeds
[[very gd deeds meh? *bleaghx*]].
I'm so bored you know?! I'm going to the library with cheryll today!
Yippee! Not that I have the mood to read nowadays.
Tomorrow got band yay!
I love Wednesday band when they have
sectional or the short 4 hour practice. It's more 'entertaining'. I have
yet to convince my cousin that blogs are not lame.
It is if you write lame things and goof around on the net, but
you can do anything you want with your blog right? So he is such
a computer illiterate, that's why he finds it lame. *bleaghx*
Sick of arguing with him - heh!-
Currently listening to Charlotte Church -
Dream a Dream (Elysium)
So nice! I listen to the CD every Nov/Dec holiday.
I din regret buying it 'cause it's so nice.
Yip! I think I'm in a very gd mood today,
talking and laughing like a mad woman.
But my mother sure spoil my mood by being annoying.
She's at home! Not working today! What a horror!

`lovinn yoo too-

*Update for the class blog!*
#1. I have already put up the four class photos into the class blog's album
So check it out if you want to.
#2. New blogskin! It's quite comical looking [[like our class, heh]]
It actually says 'Life's a comic bk' at the top but the stupid blogger bar covered it
What am I to do? Haha. It's by David Schwartz by the way, quite nice.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Me, Michelle, Yu Ying, Amanda and Bei Yu at j8.. heh heh. Old pic larhhs Posted by Hello
Hmm, oh dear oh dear.
Today I wasted my day sleeping and lazing around.
Oh GOD. What a sinner I am. LOL
I woke up with a bad headache
and I felt like throwing up. Then I woke up from 10-11 am
Then I went back to sleep 'til abt 1 pm then woke up.
So lazy right. Gawd. Aimm listening to Draw Tua Bethlehem
by Charlotte Church. So nice.
I think my heart is already
preparing for Christmas! It is my favourite
festival or holiday in the year!!!
Plus, I get to see all my cousins and we'll get to
stay up late and more on Christmas Day. Cool!
Then you know make friends with my cousin's friends.
*I'm feeling great now! I've just taken a Panadol. My
Headache's GONE! Yay!
I'm so happy! Yay! Julia* smsed just now [*my councillor friend in ma grp!!]
and asked abt councillor meeting. Darn. I think there is meeting
tomorrow. So DARN silly, and boring!!
I'm supposed to help Cheryl with her 'collection'. Darn. I bet
she hasn't started. UGH.

`lovinn yoo-...

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Hmm, nice day today. I was just playing net reversi n backgammon just now. BORED TO bITs. HarHar, today got band. Doing self practice for Chingay. Then after that go to eat lunch with jasmine at the opposite coffeeshop. So BORED. Yay! Tomorrow go church, then see my gd fwens. Not Jing Han especially. She is so annoying, always thinking I love her or something. I don't!!! Argh! Now I dislike the 'smallness' of my font of the skin. Haha! I'm so choosy. Maybe I'll change it again. Haiz. So MA FAN. [[Oh yah, Bei Yu is happy today.**]]

**Private Joke between Me and Jas.

Friday, November 12, 2004

I LuFfE this song from Diana Degarmo.... Mmm.. Can hear it ringing like a nice little bell in my ears.

Diana Degarmo - Dreams
Dreams are just dreams
When it's stuck inside your head
And all it takes is a little help from you
You know it's true
That dreams are for real
When you see what I see
And you feel it too
We took the longest road
Just to make it harder
Let's do it all again
It only makes us stronger

I guess we’re just made of dreams
Nothing else matters
As long as we believe
I'm looking at you
And I see my life
Passing before my eyes
And when the journey's over
And all my dreams come true
I dream of you

What do you see when you look inside your heart
A little thought can walk a thousand miles
And change your life when dreams lead the way
The impossible is suddenly in sight
Every step you take just brings it all together
You’ve got to keep the faith when all seems lost forever

I guess we’re just made of dreams
Nothing else matters
As long as we believe
I'm looking at you
And I see my life
Passing before my eyes
And when the journey's over
And all my dreams come true
I dream of you

You're the one
That keeps my hope alive
My vision clear
I'll spend my life with you
Conquer fear
We'll make it through

I guess we’re just made of dreams
Nothing else matters
As long as we believe
I'm looking at you
And I see my life
Passing before my eyes
And when the journey's over
And all my dreams come true

I'll dream of you
I'll dream of you
I'll dream of you
Woohoo! I love YOO so much! Hmm, in a gd mood today! Haha, I was just reading `qiUlinG's blog. She's so cute. Haha. No larh. I'm not a lesbian. This morning went to school for councillor meeting. They were doing cheers. I was afraid they'll ask us to do stupid things [[as usual?! Like humiliate the traineess]] I'm listening to Diana Degarmo's Dreams now. So nice. Jason sent it to me heh heh. He's such a great fan of Diana Degarmo so everything hers must download. Wahaha. So amusing. Now his msn no sound... become my problem. *bleaghx*

Monday, November 08, 2004

Hey, i'm dying, oh yet again. I practically feel tt a terrorist's van decided to stop round the corner and drop a bomb on my head. My head is throbbing and i'm in pain!!! What a horror. Although I'm recovering [[after a week i should be!]] Tomorrow i might be going out with -the same old same old- Jasmine! But dunno whether i can make it. I want to die already. I can't believe Jas bought the whole stack of like ten triple 5 notebks.. She can share it with the whole percussion haha. I think people like Bijay need it most. Most forgetful guy on Earth. Almost like he wakes up at the wrong side of the bed. Lol. I dunno why is Jin Rong going to work... Haha. He asked me whether i've found a job and I told him no and tt I'm not planning to. He's working in a Clementi COFFEE SHOP!!! Oh my goodness me! But I guess it's gd money. Needless to say, he cares a lot for his parents *Okay whatever louisa, stop being this stupid angel* Okay, POoF!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

I'm back after a whole week of not blogging. I'm sick! Badly sick! I've never been sick for such a long time. I missed my grp meeting, my camp briefing and not to mention the band camp! Boo.... I'm not feeling too well here anywayy, I feel like dying at home. All i do is lie in bed and sleep n eat. That's so sick! Haha, I wanna change my skin. Sick of the two children running and the dumb rose picture. Hahaa....

*feeling s.i.c.k