Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Let me thank those people who have prayed for me while I was wailing and complaining about my lousy grades because my grades have miraculously improved! Up 12 whopping places, nothing exactly awesome, but good enough for me. I almost thought I was at the end of my line already and that I had nothing else left to bank on and I feel much better too!

Being put through this short period of time, during which I experienced the ultimate horrible feeling taught me to trust in God and just hope for the best after much prayers and bible reading. Now, after all the hullabaloo (wailing and etc) I feel that I can let go more easily than usual, and leave it to the hands of God.

If you're wondering why I'm suddenly like so holy-moley. Well, now I know what it is like to depend on God and to submit to his plans for my life and it indeed results in better results! YES. This almost feels like breakthrough or maybe just not that drastic. Hurhur! =D

For the others with sucky results, pray, trust in the Lord and hope for the best, because it might be God's will for you to go to this certain education route! =D

Because the glory is His!

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