Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Brain-fried, brainfreeze.

Liyan and I kept commenting about ourselves that we were getting obsessive with our study materials - especially me. Every single short free period of time, my eyes would be scanning my textbooks quickly and noting them down on my foolscap, with more than 15 double-sided pages worth of Geography and History notes on it.

I even gave up eating during break! (Considering the fact that I would die without eating, that is one noble act.)

I spent so much of my time and effort on my Geography and due to my lack of time, I can't even finish my History notes by tomorrow therefore, I even resorted to doing it on the computer - but I took one hour to complete ONE pathetic chapter on Communism and all the riots that happened in ancient times. To me, it seemed more like barbarianism. If anything wasn't good or the people were unhappy with the British government, riots would start and everybody will just start fighting. People? Ever heard of rationalising and not jumping in rioting first-thing? Pooey. I understand that there weren't much educated people then so no offence there, but I was forced to study all that, resulting in my cynicism and my total disinterest in one of my favourite subjects. Haha, but I think Communism now is alright.

Liyan and I were discussing about our examination topics - I tell you that girl is good. She is a very, very good influence and sitting next to her kinda disciplines you to shut up and do your work - not that I'm very talkative in school but to her, maybe yes. Haha. Well, and I'm the sort of person who either totally shuts up or talk non-stop. Talk about a case of extremes.

We were talking about how money was worth so much last time, with our parents constantly reminding us of their very 'happy' childhood and childhood stories. What with their 3 cents allowance a day with a cent on their bus ride, another cent for their food and probably another cent for own expenditure / a drink. Now, everything is so expensive and 3 cents doesn't even pay for your GST alone! Not to mention presently, seeing a one-cent coin on the floor doesn't even tempt you to steal it or put it in your pocket (Stealing from nobody is a sin as well ok? Lol), in fact if you happen to have a one-cent coin, you'll probably throw it out of your wallet - like why would I want a dirty bronze & filthy-looking mini coin. (I still find the one-cent coin awfully small in size)

We had a compulsory councillor meeting after school and Beiyu and I were complaining non-stop and were all ready to jump out of our seats out of the AVA room as quickly as possible, but Mrs Remesh took like FOREVER. We were supposed to plan the stuff for the graduation concert (WE HAVE TO COME TO SCHOOL ON THE 14th while everybody is probably sleeping because of marking days!) and basically be manual labour. -.- Yeah yeah, councillors is not about prestige but about serving others. Pooey, like kill me, I'd rather not wear that neck-strangling, so called 'prestigious' tie at all - It's hot you know?

Oh well, I better stop here lest my eyes pop out from overstraining. Man I haven't even taken a bath yet, and I've got to sleep early. My Chinese paper's tomorrow. Errgh. No need to study but all the more mind-throttling with SO MANY, I really mean SO MANY comprehensions to do, not to mention I've got to pass at about 60 to pass my SA2 (combined mark of all marks gained throughout the year which all failed borderline-ly) Guess I'll incorporate the Ashley & Mary Kate little tagline for what's-that-book? So much to do, so little time - Oh yeah.

Oh I'll just runaway.

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