Monday, October 31, 2005

Dampened moods

Uncle David, my parents, Lynette and I went to send off the two maids just now. Quite saddening actually. Ah, my maid burst out in tears before she went in, aiyah. While Rini (cheryl's maid) was just grinning her face off (hrmm, that seems a bit wrong) but anyway, after we sent her off then went to Changi Kopitiam IN the airport.

"I think next time don't want maid already, everytime send off very sad one leh" -Lynette

Now I'm home, and looking at the freaking amount of clothes and housework I've gotta do, considering the fact that my eldest sister is practically non-existent if you're talking about work that she doesn't get paid for. I see a lot of work are gonna be dumped on Lyn and me, even my mom is treating me like a maid now! (For that, I really can't stand my mom) So I proposed.

"Don't have maid anymore, but better allowances for us" That sounds like some communist messages in my history textbook like, "More pay! Government unfair!" Typical.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Which part?

I'm talking to Laura now!
And watching her two monkeys-cum-brothers on webcam.
Doesn't it feel great to have younger siblings?
Ah, so totally English kids.
I wanna go England!
But her school is gonna start tomorrow
when vacation for me starts.


  • Delifrance Breakfast Buffet
  • Badminton
  • Got cheesed off (during badminton)
  • Macdonalds
  • Slack, slack, slack
  • Watched Kai play Fifa / =.=
  • Slacked
  • Watched Kai demonstrate his MCP-ness
  • Slacked with Chris & Mic
  • Novena!
  • Food!
  • Chris left for soccer, bah!
  • Took train with Mic to Marina Bay
  • Slacked and crapped on the train about boys, boys, boys (nay, they're not that interesting. I prefer bitching. )
  • Home
  • Ate Pizza Hut (Home delivery, thank you!)

Ah, I need to buy something tomorrow, but I'm so lazy. Stupid Kai Xun, Stupid Christopher, Stupid Michelle, Stupid Glenn (HMM, JINGHAN IS GOING WITH KAI KAI! BAHAHA) AH, let's set them up for a datey! How fun. / =.=

I'm so bored, I desperately need amusement.

Save me.

Sorry, I am not going to be your life buoy anymore, sunken ship. Just because you have no friends! You always find me when your friends disintegrate into thin air, well, don't call me, don't sms me, don't talk to me on MSN, don't find me at home/town because you are only using me loser. I'm sure you've got lots more friends to talk to and help you get your sorry ass out of problems. (well that's what you think, ha ha ha.) So long, sucker.


By the way, I think password-locked blogs are so overrated especially when they're not popular at all! Haha. Losers!

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Let's kill boredom

I'm getting helluva annoyed with those people with their anonymous comments, they comment to advertise for their dumb products! Excuse moi, if you want to advertise, don't advertise on personal blogs please!


Should I go play Sims?

Friday, October 28, 2005

Food, glorious food!

  • Went out with Michelle
  • Town-ed
  • Met Jeralyn
  • Went Home together with her
  • Changed clothes
  • Went Gardens (5 mins awayy -forsuaningpeoplehurhur) - CHOMP CHOMP! =D
  • Ate STINGRAY (yum, spicy), Satay Bee Hoon, Sugar Cane Juice(drank), Carrot Cake, Egg Milk Beancurd and some soursop dessert. YUMMY.
  • Homie!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Trippin' .. tripped.

My post just vanished.
Power trip!
I hate landed property!
I was just talking about "The lightning is like frightening me, and hurrying me to finish my post, I just have this feeling that the bolt will strike my computer and kaboomas!"
And then,
I am far too lazy to rewrite it!
  • Went Shopping
  • Went Chomps (last dinner with maid)
  • I wanna buy lotsa stuff!
  • I'm darn pissed with the massive rainy season! Gah!

My post was actually very detailed, now it's reduced to this stupendeous pathetic amount of crap.

Ah, I better publish this before it gets zapped off again!

A conversation between poles.

Momo: Your flabby arms!
Louisa: Sorry, I am underweight, BMI 15, weight 40
Momo: all the fats go to your arms cannot meh
Momo: eeew
Momo: you pole
Louisa: I have no fats ok! You're a pole too!
Louisa: Hahaha.
Momo: !!!!!
Momo: I am 9-10 kg above you ok
Louisa: Yeah, but you're still a pole
Momo: Argh, I hate you
Louisa: Haha, are you underweight?
Momo: Ya

Lou: why not trying to put on weight, you're such a pole eh
Momo: I am eating like Gerald (some fat guy)
Louisa: yeah sure, me too. I eat more than everybody
Momo: they hate me when i eat and eat and not get fat
Louisa: Who doesn't
Louisa: for girls they get super pissed then you can't eat in front of them
Momo: It's not like it's our fault
Louisa: Yeah la!

Momo = Mo Mo Monster eats lamb chops
Hurhur. =D

Not short!

I am not short!

Mo Mo Monster eats lamp chop may be 175cm

but I am still, not short!

Soleggiatto miei stare is 172/3cm!

I am, 162/3. Hurhur.

But that's different, different gender lah. Ah.

Therefore, Mo Mo Monster can go kiss the wall! =D


Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Let me thank those people who have prayed for me while I was wailing and complaining about my lousy grades because my grades have miraculously improved! Up 12 whopping places, nothing exactly awesome, but good enough for me. I almost thought I was at the end of my line already and that I had nothing else left to bank on and I feel much better too!

Being put through this short period of time, during which I experienced the ultimate horrible feeling taught me to trust in God and just hope for the best after much prayers and bible reading. Now, after all the hullabaloo (wailing and etc) I feel that I can let go more easily than usual, and leave it to the hands of God.

If you're wondering why I'm suddenly like so holy-moley. Well, now I know what it is like to depend on God and to submit to his plans for my life and it indeed results in better results! YES. This almost feels like breakthrough or maybe just not that drastic. Hurhur! =D

For the others with sucky results, pray, trust in the Lord and hope for the best, because it might be God's will for you to go to this certain education route! =D

Because the glory is His!

Yours is the Kingdom, Hillsong

Yours is the Kingdom
And the power
And the glory forever is Yours
Heaven and earth bow down
In the wonder of Your Name
Heaven is open
Death is broken
And the glory forever is Yours
Nothing can overcome
The power of Your Name

King above kings
All the universe will sing
Everlasting God
You are wonderful
You are wonderful

And the shout of the earth
Will be Your praise
God forever
And the light unto all
Will be Your wonderful Name
For the glory Lord is Yours
God forever
All the glory Lord is Yours

For all that glory is yours, I thank God for miracles, I thank, thank, thank Him ever so wholeheartedly. =D

Monday, October 24, 2005

Tight pants.

Because God doesn't care how stupid you are, clever, tall, handsome, pretty, popular you are.

Woke up really late, then went out with Lyn for a short while. I bought a skirt and two other pretty things! Finally! Saw Kai too, in his extremely white(and tight) SJI uniform. Hurhurhur!

Sunday, October 23, 2005


If anything that people say hurts you so much, then don't have friends, don't have acquaintances, be a loner, because you're a loser anyway.

I had CG in the morning, which I, unfortunately was late because of my male-chauvinist-pig dad who took his sweet time bathing and had my eldest sister, my mom, my maid and I waiting for him in the living room! Pfft, we can just take his keys and drive off!

After CG, we went for 'lunch'. Michelle, Jinghan and I were so darn lazy we just ate instant noodles - talk about pathetic! But I'm still saving up for my spree-dom(shopping spree) so, I'm considerably broke now! By the way, listening to Jerlayn complain about her broke-ness since like last year is not at all entertaining and I'm not planning to be like her, she's not a very nice role model! It sucks to know a person too well, she becomes predictable, annoying and ah, upsetting.

Home, and talked on the phone long long longg. (: Which is nice since I haven't talked to anyone on the phone for a long time, always meeting them to chat instead! =D

The one who laughs last laughs best!
I fully agree with that! Ah, whatever I predicted happened tonight, not that I'm psychic, but they're becoming far too predictable. Like Mich said, Thank God I did not go! Ha, I spent my time slacking and sleeping, far better than a barbecue with no food and lame quarrels. See, I don't need to be present to laugh at them. Now I see them seething with anger(if they read this, duh, they'll feel like airheads), and it's awfully entertaining. Ciao!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Who has to know?

Let me know what I've done wrong
When I've known this all along
I go around a time or two
Just to waste my time with you

Tell me all that you've thrown away
Find out games you don't wanna play
You are the only one that needs to know

I'll keep you my dirty little secret (dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone
Or you'll be just another regret (just another regret)
Hope that you can keep it
My dirty little secret

Who has to know?

Somebody Told Me

Breaking my back just to know your name
Seventeen tracks and I've had it with this game
I'm breaking my back just to know your name
But heaven ain't close in a place like this
Anything goes but don't blink, you might miss
'Cause heaven ain't close in a place like this
I said heaven ain't close in a place like this
Bring it back down, bring it back down tonight
Never thought I'd let a rumour ruin my moonlight

Somebody told me you had a boyfriend
Who looked like a girlfriend
That I had in February of last year
It's not confidential, I've got potential


Some birthday wishes.

Birthday Boom =D

  • 20 Oct - Rachel Woon
  • 21 Oct - Shu Wen
  • 22 Oct - Liyan
  • 22 Oct - Katrina
  • 23 Oct - Ammy!
  • 26 Oct - Stephanie Bay
  • 26 Oct - Bevis (not sure about accuracy)
  • 30 Oct - Deniece!
  • 31 Oct - Jasmine Thian

Thursday, October 20, 2005


I went to school this morning, with supposed enthusiasm, but I merely deflated on reaching school at 6.40am, an unbearably early hour don't you think? Out of sheer boredom, I spent my time until assembly reading Dan Brown's Angels & Demons and I just finished the book an hour ago.

We checked our English and Maths papers, to me, I wouldn't have called that checking at all, our answer scripts were given to us, and one look at the mark and the teacher requested all papers to be collected again, what a waste of our time! (And of course, the students prestiged enough to give out and collect the papers, hur)

We spent the rest of the day slacking off and boy, I never felt so horrible in my life, wasting my precious time away, when I could be playing sims 2 or at least doing something slightly more productive (although I didn't mind the 2 hour book read). I don't even want to wake up early to go to school tomorrow, it is seriously a waste of time and energy, I could be spending the wee hours of the morning sleeping, something I desperately need.

The class was darn chaotic the whole day. Horrid, the noise drove me crazy, and I still am suffering the after effects of all that whacking-of-tables, screaming, hyena giggles and more mortifying stuff. They're all reverberating in my ears now.

After school, I called my Dad and whoop-de-dooh, he picked me up (to bring me to the doc) but we went to Plaza Singapura to change the StarHub controls and he brought me to Ajisen Ramen! Ooh heavenly, we spent $26.90 altogether, not much la? But I have not ate with my dad together since a long time, considering the fact that he is a busy workaholic and everybody knows everybody stays out of the house to avoid my menopausal mom (she can become much like a maniac if she wants to). Well, I fully agree with my philosophy that women are nuisances, sometimes also telling myself that when I start whining unconsciously.

We went to the doc's later, and my uncle said I sat too much (BOY! I haven't heard of such a thing before). He also said that he has it too. Hurhur, I felt insulted like hey, I'm a teen and you're an old fellow and we've got the same physical problems?! So my back problem's solved for the moment, although I'm still not as flexible as my younger days (I sound uber chao lao) =p Uncle (my family doc/uncle) kept telling me silly jokes, and somehow I felt something was different in his character. He wasn't as carefree as previously, somehow deaths in the family do change a person, especially a well-loved spouse.

For a moment there in the clinic, I pictured Aunt A. walking to her room in the clinic as she always did, at least when I was there then I would always say the same thing "Hello Aunty*". She would come out of her office, go to the dispensary and settle some stuff then go back into the office. I even forgotten for a short moment that she was gone already. I mean, I just pictured her there, and then chided myself that she wasn't. And if that can affect me even though I'm not so close to her, then what more her own husband?*

*Terms unnamed to protect privacy and no sarcasm in this two paragraphs of sheer curiosity and a little grief.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Losing my head.

Oh Wednesday, oh Wednesday, how sweet the summer birds sing. Okay wait, that makes no sense.


I need to shop.

I need money. No WAIT, I've got money.

I need my hyperactive energy.

Oh, unleashed.

I need mental help.

Now what am I talking about?


I don't know.

Oh what a screwed up mind.

Am I going church later?

Man, go church for what?

Oh yeah I'm going!

Eh, Bible Blueprint or what?

AH? BS in Ephesians?

Erm, what's that?

I don't know.

I don't know.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Picture us.

M. J. L. C

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Ah, the O's are kinda here, considering practicals are beginning next week. Hmm, the best of luck to the lovely people I know taking their O's and A's (I'm not quite sure of when the A's are).

Just got home ten minutes ago, I'm darn exhausted. Towned a bit and oh man, I hate it when everyone flocks to gardens to eat at chomps. It's annoying, but it's fun because it's less than 2 km away from my house.

Heavenly! =D

So who wants to date me for a bit of chomps tomorrow night? -chuckle.

Friday, October 14, 2005

#871 The Queen writes.

I am back! Actually I haven't been blogging much because of my ever-so-happening life! This morning had school (even though it's a marking day) because most sec 2/3 councillors were on duty and I was under the guestbook committee. Ha! Yes, yada yada, after that I went out and later on, Cheryl is staying over at my place, and Jeralyn and I are shopping spreeing tomorrow! Ooh, don't I love the post-exams times.

Thank God it's Friday!

Yesterday had a fun time with Lyn and Cheryl at some nice place. (Everyone will know where we went on Saturday when they see us!) Heh heh heh.

Ha, movie with Kai, Tim, Chris, Glenn, Han & Mich on Tuesday. Ah eventful. (:

That's when I decided
Why should I care?

Thursday, October 13, 2005

On overdrive.

Summary of my papers:
  • English - Challenging?
  • Chinese - Mind throttling
  • Geography - Made for the intention of killing the do-er
  • D&T - Shit, I left one page blank
  • Literature - Oh almost no time!
  • History - WHOA, my mind blanked out
  • Maths P2 - It's so horribly murderous!
  • Art - Ha, my artwork looked morbid.

Ah my mind is on overdrive.

I'm currently typing this at Cheryl's place. After school and councillor meeting I popped by her house, and I was just playing with poor ol' Justin the whole time while talking to her about school stuff and such. Justin was clamouring for attention the whole time, and man, he half-climbed on my head as well. FYI, he isn't wearing anything besides his shorts and singlet (like no underwear people!) Ee gross. And when I came, he started stripping and saying "Me pee pee" like, oh my god! Thank god I'm like his cousin so it's not so bad. I betcha it would've turned off any stranger, unless they found that cute.

Grams didn't even recognize me, as you know I got my hair chopped off and I was in school U, she thought that I was Cheryl's primary school mate and was exceptionally rude to me. -scowl. Uh, so this is probably so family ties-ish. Pooey.

Ciao. I'll be back!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

James Blunt, because he's back to bedlam

I love his album cover, just that he's not exactly very nice looking. Maybe that's why the cover is like prettaye.

Buay tahan.

Note: This post does not speak of any of my classmates but if it happens to be coincidental, no apologies because it wasn't meant for you in the first place. (: - And anyway, this is so not racist.

1. When Malays/Indians speak China and when Chinese speak Malaysia (You see, they can't speak Tamil, it's too complicated) :
I find it awfully weird when Malays/Indians speak Chinese. Don't you think it's odd that even they have their own mother tongue, they go speak other mother tongues, talk about being creatively hardworking and gifted! -.- FYI, some of them can't even master their own mother tongue. Pooey. Hmm, normal speech like "Eh you eating fan(rice) not?", maybe that's alright but "Ehhs, nii shi wo de hao beng you neh" (Eh, you are my good friend neh!" I think that sounds more like you are SO trying to get into an ah lian clique.

Ah, now let's go to when Chinese speak Malay:
Firstly I think that's pretty interesting because Englishy Chinese can't manage their own MT so they won't bother trying, yet those Chinesy Chinese who can't manage their Main Language(english) attempt speaking Malay and it's quite funny thinking about it.
"Busoh la!" (Smelly!) -flicks hand continuously in front of nose-
"Taboleh tahan eh!" (cannot stand it anymore/buay tahan)
"Sabun sabun!" (soap soap/probably short for 'bring the soap!')

Hmm. Lemme try this:
Gossipy people who wanna act like they are bitches shouldn't.
Because they:

  • DO NOT call the shots - I repeat do not!
  • They don't have the money
  • They don't have peer support (ugly people, yes, but they don't count)
  • They don't have the clothes (pretty things, not what they called sTyLexXx)
  • They don't have anything branded at all. (that is worth >$20)
  • Do not have a all-pretty-girls clique (but fat & ugly people in it)

By the way, bitches either don't have boyfriends (because they diss every single ugly person who dares to ask them "youu gt stead nort. wna bii my stead?" and then later whine/moan/slit their wrists when they(bitches) reject them(monstrosities).) Hey you asked whether they wanted to be your stead. Apparently they do not!


They have hunks for boyfriends.

So face it, if you're not a bitch you're not a bitch. And if you are, you're born one, you can't learn to be a bitch. That is like so fake.

Aww, now I hear your hearts shatter to a fraction of a hairpin. There you have it! Bitches domination! .. and act-bitches - invisible to the human eye but not to the dogs!

*Remember they are dead because their hearts stopped beating and reduced itselves to fractions of hairpins? Ha ha ha.

Stand Up For Love - Destiny's Child

Listening: Mary J. Blige - Never Too Much

There are times I find it hard to sleep at night
We are living through such troubled times
And every child that reaches out for someone to hold
For one moment they become my own
And how can I pretend that I don't know what's going on
When every second and every minute another soul is gone

And I believe that in my life I will see
And in to hopelessness of giving up of suffering
We all stand together this one time
Then no one will get left behind
Stand up for life
Stand up and hear me sing
Stand up for love

I'm inspired and hope for each and every day
That's how I know that things are gonna change
So how can I pretend that I don't know what's going on
When every second of every minute another soul is gone

Stand up for love
For love, for love

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Running skywards.

Snip, snap and kaboom. Go figure.

From now on, you guys can call me King Aloysius/Aloy or Queen Louisa. Doesn't matter anyway. (: As long it's royalty.

Nails symbolise abstain-tion from manual labour for women - that's me.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Ah, ah lian slang.

From this:
Try me because even if you despise me for my ability to speak English I can speak Ah Lian slang too!

To this:
triee moiix larhhs, coshh eben ibbx euu despiisee moiix 4 i cann sayy enggrish denn eu gud nerhs? ii cann sayy ah lian language okiee. kekex.

What is the world coming to?

Sunday, October 09, 2005

CG bonding.

6.30am : Woke up
7.10am : Left the House
7.20am : Met Michelle at AMK station
7.45am : Reached Bishan station
7.50am : Started raining
7.52am : Cabbed to Bishan Sports Hall
8.00am : Into the courts!
9.30am : Macdonalds' for Breakfast
10.40am : Left Macs after stoning for ages
11.30am : Walked til now!
11.40am : Headed to boys' wants - Arcade -.- / CLOSED !
SLACK & SLACKED until 1.30pm
1.40pm : Home-ed
2.30pm : LOCKED OUT
2.45 - 3.45pm : On the phone
4.00pm : Mother came back/ INTO THE HEAVENLY HOUSE.

Ah pooey. How many times will I get locked out? More about Badminton later - I need a nap n-o-w.

Good music is when I lose my body and soul.

"Relac relac lah." Ps Lindseyy say Hangg Loose eh. -NOT

I slacked off the whole weekend.

I am so dead.

I haven't finished my art.

I haven't started studying my D&T.

I haven't finished studying for my Geography.

I haven't started on Science.

Therefore I repeat -
I am whomped.

Friday, October 07, 2005

"Press PLAY"

Haha, call me some egoistical big-headed girl.

I call myself the Queen (actually for a long time already) and insist that you must bow to me.

I might be taking off the cbox. So learn to use the bow-downs! (:

Ah it's Friday. Man I love Fridays. They signify the end of the week and the start of a new week and it really gets me up and ready to have fun and just slack off during the weekend. Unfortunately the whole of next week's my exam week and on Thursday when my school ends at 10am after my Science paper, I have to stay back with all the Student Councillors to help with Graduation (the Rehearsal) and on Friday when I actually have a holiday because it's a marking day, I have to go back to school at a whopping 8 in the morning for the real Graduation Ceremony. I really hate the role of student councillors "To Lead And To Serve Others", or something along that line of serving others anyway.

What an insult! We're manual labour! -protests with unstoppable laughter-

Fridays mean Hyperactivity for me. Haha, I'm always Miss Smiley, Happy, Friendly, Laid-back on Fridays. Oh heavenly.

*Please use the comments & not the cbox. Thanks.

Brilliant (you have read until here and you deserve to be applauded) -

Now, have you bowed down yet?

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Listening: Feeder - Just the Way I'm Feeling
Eating: Nissin prawn instant noodles

Suffering from: Body ache!
Next Paper: Maths paper One and History
Last thing I drank: Coffee Bean Apple Caramel Ice blended (ooh sweet)

I'm feeling nice!
Yet everyone I talk to on MSN is like studying/mugging, lazy to reply or just not reading my instant messages. Garrarr! Pooey, suddenly I feel like I have such a lack of friends.

Oh well, doesn't matter. I'd rather have good friends and less acquaintances than many, many, many acquaintances and no real friends. (: Guess the latter's the problem of most too-popular kids.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Brain-fried, brainfreeze.

Liyan and I kept commenting about ourselves that we were getting obsessive with our study materials - especially me. Every single short free period of time, my eyes would be scanning my textbooks quickly and noting them down on my foolscap, with more than 15 double-sided pages worth of Geography and History notes on it.

I even gave up eating during break! (Considering the fact that I would die without eating, that is one noble act.)

I spent so much of my time and effort on my Geography and due to my lack of time, I can't even finish my History notes by tomorrow therefore, I even resorted to doing it on the computer - but I took one hour to complete ONE pathetic chapter on Communism and all the riots that happened in ancient times. To me, it seemed more like barbarianism. If anything wasn't good or the people were unhappy with the British government, riots would start and everybody will just start fighting. People? Ever heard of rationalising and not jumping in rioting first-thing? Pooey. I understand that there weren't much educated people then so no offence there, but I was forced to study all that, resulting in my cynicism and my total disinterest in one of my favourite subjects. Haha, but I think Communism now is alright.

Liyan and I were discussing about our examination topics - I tell you that girl is good. She is a very, very good influence and sitting next to her kinda disciplines you to shut up and do your work - not that I'm very talkative in school but to her, maybe yes. Haha. Well, and I'm the sort of person who either totally shuts up or talk non-stop. Talk about a case of extremes.

We were talking about how money was worth so much last time, with our parents constantly reminding us of their very 'happy' childhood and childhood stories. What with their 3 cents allowance a day with a cent on their bus ride, another cent for their food and probably another cent for own expenditure / a drink. Now, everything is so expensive and 3 cents doesn't even pay for your GST alone! Not to mention presently, seeing a one-cent coin on the floor doesn't even tempt you to steal it or put it in your pocket (Stealing from nobody is a sin as well ok? Lol), in fact if you happen to have a one-cent coin, you'll probably throw it out of your wallet - like why would I want a dirty bronze & filthy-looking mini coin. (I still find the one-cent coin awfully small in size)

We had a compulsory councillor meeting after school and Beiyu and I were complaining non-stop and were all ready to jump out of our seats out of the AVA room as quickly as possible, but Mrs Remesh took like FOREVER. We were supposed to plan the stuff for the graduation concert (WE HAVE TO COME TO SCHOOL ON THE 14th while everybody is probably sleeping because of marking days!) and basically be manual labour. -.- Yeah yeah, councillors is not about prestige but about serving others. Pooey, like kill me, I'd rather not wear that neck-strangling, so called 'prestigious' tie at all - It's hot you know?

Oh well, I better stop here lest my eyes pop out from overstraining. Man I haven't even taken a bath yet, and I've got to sleep early. My Chinese paper's tomorrow. Errgh. No need to study but all the more mind-throttling with SO MANY, I really mean SO MANY comprehensions to do, not to mention I've got to pass at about 60 to pass my SA2 (combined mark of all marks gained throughout the year which all failed borderline-ly) Guess I'll incorporate the Ashley & Mary Kate little tagline for what's-that-book? So much to do, so little time - Oh yeah.

Oh I'll just runaway.

Natalie - Where Are You (with Justin Roman)

I know you're out there baby
There's someone out there for me (I know there's somebody out there)
I know she's waiting so patiently
Can you tell her name (Won't somebody tell me her name)
This lifelong search is going to drive me insane (That's right)
How does she laugh, how does she cry
Whats the color of her eyes
Does she even realize, I'm here
Where is she, where is she, where is she
Where is this beautiful girl
Who is she, who is she
Who's going to complete my world
Where is she, where is she, where is she
Where is this beautiful girl
Who is she, who is she
Who's going to complete my world
Where are you

I'm staring out at the sky (I see you baby)
Praying he will walk in my life
Where is the man of my dreams (I'm right here) yeah yeah
I'll wait forever, how silly it seems
How does he laugh, how does he cry
Whats the color of his eyes
Does he even realize, I'm here
Where is he, where is he, where is he
Where is this beautiful guy
Who is he, who is he
Who's going to take me so high
Where is he, where is he, where is he
Where is this beautiful guy
Who is he, who is he
Who's going to take me so high (Where are you)

There's someone out there for me (There's someone out there for me)
I know she's waiting so patiently (so patiently)
Can you tell me her name (can you tell me his name)
This lifelong search is going to drive me insane; Thats right

How does he laugh, how does he cry
Whats the color of his eyes
Does he even realize, I'm here

Where is she, where is she, where is she
Where is this beautiful girl
Who is she, who is she
Who's going to complete my world

Where is he, where is he, where is he
Where is this beautiful guy
Who is he, who is he
Who's going to take me so high
I know you're out there
Where are you
I'm going to look all over the world baby
Because I know you're out there
I know it might sound crazy but I think I love you

Where are you

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Sidebar, where art thou?

Sidebar, where art thou? Hmm, my sidebar is nowhere to be found. I think maybe it's happening only to my stupid spastic computer so oh well, will rectify it some other time then. It's the exams, and now I'm really cramming like Miss KCMM Lydia. Haha, therefore making me Miss KanChiongMAMA number TWO. EE! Sounds like I'm really old and auntie. Lmao.

I might not be coming back often to blog as my comp's a bit screwed-loosed and cannot connect to the Internet at times, ah annoying.

Well, I'll be back! Soon.


Sunday, October 02, 2005

Feminist notions.

Hmm, I actually wrote a post just now at about four plus, but somehow it didn't get published, anyhows, I got so pissed waiting I just closed the window... so oh wells! I'll just rewrite the post.

Church was pretty fun, had care group. It was really, really good, talking about The Parable of the Ten Virgins and about heaven bound-ness. We kept shooting questions at Sharon and she was annoyed! Hahaha! (: Shan't elaborate more.

Talked loads with Michelle (the pretty one *gasp) til about three plus.

Aye, I really don't feel like talking.

We like it better when it hurts.


THE WEEKENDS ROCK, just that it'll be back to weekdays again - which duh-really sucks. Church on Sat was good - and fun! Dinner-ed with Jinghan and Cheryl at BK,

andd lyk burgerr kiing lyk veri de gud norhs...roxx laass...**

YEAH, I had mushroom swiss (my favourite!) and Cheryl had some turkey thing. Lol.
Homer-ed !



We did the parable of the ten virgins, yada. Had a very exciting and mind-throttling discussion, ended up our CG lasted for an hour and a half (half hour longer) but it was a pretty valuable lesson yeah.

Talked with Mich(the pretty one *gasp) for an hour!

Gorged myself on gummy bears (now I'm feeling sick la. -.-)



Oh well, no more comments. !


Note*: Blog posts about less mundane things will come after my exams.
