Saturday, March 12, 2005

today. was simply boring.
jeralyn and i planned to meet at 11.30am - look whadd happened.
i reached tp at 13:12
she said she was reaching in ten minutes.
she reached at about 13:37.
ten minutes, haha. funny, funny.
we were supposed to go to the acs[br] fair - like roars.
duh. we didn't.
'cause we were late to meet the tour guide.
ahahas. kidding ernest! hoho.
so i asked him to go first and i cancelled out.
i'm such a mean person.
i hate this!
i was so annoyed and pissed
for god-knows-what reason man!
i was like screaming inside!! of course, i can't scream in public.
like everyone will look at me, give disapproving looks and
someone's gonna call woodbridge. aha.
that would be really nice. erg.
so i called cheryl and i complained and complained and complained
about my ever so awful plight.
it's like i'm always stuck in between decisions and i hate it lots.
it's so stressful man.
then when i make a choice to not 'support' either one of them.
both get angry with me.
that is unfair!
like mr wall, please read this!
well, it applies to school people also ...
but it ain't so bad with them huhs.
so we were supposed to go to the fair.
didn't go.
rahhs. darn upset!
so we went to koufu to eat lunch.
i was starving man!
i ate hokkien mee. yumm.
and drank fruit punch. yumm again.
then we left tp to go where?
we went to my house!
i went home to change. she changed too.
she was like wearing my shit-coloured shorts today and was complaining loadds.
like truthfully, i don't wear that shorts 'cause it looks like shit. ohohos.
no la. i'm not that materialistic, somehow.
it's a little big for me u see.
but she went to my house and changed and blogged too.
'cause her dad like blocked blogspot and that means,
she can't blog!
so we were like LATE for so called yf laas.
we reached at 16:33
thirty three minutes late.
pamela was like complaining loadds about how tired she was. poor her!
we did the rehearsal and we saw the dance and all.
it's a little strange. that's all i've to say.
some people seemed a little too enthusiastic.
while some were a little -physically here soulfully not here-
i was somewhat in a bad mood 'cause i was feeling FAT.
i didn't put on weight or anything .. well i did. 1 kg?
my shoulders are now so broad and ugly.
and my thighs have expanded.
ERG! budd the thighs aren't so bad
but now i can't fit into my clothes 'cause my shoulders are like GIANTgantic.
gwad. okay.
i accept it.
i think it's 'cause my marching glockenspiel.
like i carry it everytime on my shoulders.
yeeyuck. i want to quit band!
like all band people come out of band having a physical deformity
errs. okay.
so after the song rehearsal.
jinghan, jeralyn, cheryl and i headed to tp to eat dinner.
i ate delifrance.
erg. so darn bloated.
i wanted to eat at koufu but it was like friggin' crowded and
full of disgusting people not to mention.
okay. after that they left.
all the RR peeps were at the 163 bus there.
which delifrance hav a whole big see through wall.
guess what's on the other side - the stupid 163 bus theres.
erg. i couldn't eat my fruit tartlet in peace.
'cause jeralyn was chasing me out
they were like asking her why she didn't go.
ahhs. haha. she's a naughty girl
budd practical yaas. like ME!
okays. pardon me!
jamin saw all our plates .. thinking it was ALL ours.
msged me and said.
"you are gonna get fat eating that."
that was like jeralyn's plates + my plates + jinghan's plates + cheryl's plates.
they like left first to buy water.
i was like so amused with myself.
i was pissing somebody off and it worked perfectly.
just like i planned it.
jeralyn and i are so mean.
well. 'it' needs it!
'it' was like proving to us she knew the 'other it' so well.
and it's like get a life la.
ahh. i don't wanna say anything. hoho.
so after deli we walked around for like fifteen minutes.
then left for home.
she waited with me for her bus.
like first time someone actually waited.
[cause i asked her to. HAHA!]
its like i feel like a man -
no a gentleman!
i wait with my friends for their buses before i go home
well, CERTAIN friends.
and it's like people i go out with.
CAN'T wait to go home. that's the image they're projecting
really really bad.
so i also don't want to wait with them for their bus.
esp at interchanges.
CAN'T wait to get rid of me.
like it's so obvious.
and i'm like quite sensitive to people's vibes.
so you don't have to tell me anything.
i know a lot already.
that's why i'm like that.
that's why i'm so mean.
'cause i know what you're thinking!
so don't blame me if i'm mean to you.
get the point?
`out mans.
i'm feeling miserable.
i'll blame it on you!
although jinghan brought me much amusement!

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