Saturday, March 05, 2005

040305 - friday
everything's hitting me right smack in my face.
my responsibilities. yeah.
i've got tons of things to do for my section.
silly things, ahh!, everything!
- buy party poppers
- settle treasury problems
- clear debts asap
- get treasury book from liyana
- box liyana's face!
liyana and shikin (the two sls) left early and i was left in charge, how nice.
even wen theng was spared from the responsibilities. urgh.
and they just decided to plonk it all on me. wow. i'm so honoured.
PAH. as if.
let's go into the details.
hmm. band was FUN except the sl stuff. besides that. the start of the band prac was quite relaxed 'cause loadds of people weren't there yet as everyone had some sort of class or somehow just lazing around downstairs. lol. the sec one ex-trumpeters are SO adorable. they're somehow plump in the cute way. it just makes you wanna pinch their cheeks and start exclaiming how cute they are. to add, they're even better trumpeters than the current trumpeters. ahahas.
hmm. we ran down to the netball court. the band did three rounds of their chinese dance .. while the percussionists played the 'music' .. the bell players (me! me! me! plus two others) played the moonlight kungfu bell solo laas. then after that we ran up to the band room (fourth storey!) .. we were all panting after that, esp. the percussionists huhs. we practically died.
okaes. later we did music, yay! i haven't come for band practice for rather long. i mean two practices. but anyway. i love it when they do music and i totallie hate it when they do drills and formation. 'cause beiyu and i are always get friggin' ticked off by jezebel. like whatever manns.
"you all are ncos right? not a word of encouragement i hear
from you to the band. you must set good examples.
you (points at me) know how to command the band right?
it's so simple. how come you don't know."
(me purse my lips) then jezebel scolds beiyu about smth else. then we are dismissed. how nice. ERG. okay. we did sectionals. percussion did warm up at the second floor - whaddya call that- air well? nahhs. well. it was somehow some kind of balcony laas. it's a nice open aired place. heh. very good for tanning! ((:*
ahahas. errs. then they did the school opening stuff which i didn't have a clue at all. thanks jas for guiding me! *gratefull.
i feel so darn accomplished man. i learnt the stupid russion sailors' dance in a very short while. yay! and not to mention, i learnt the entire programme. like when to start on which song laas. but i hate it. 'cause i've got to play the stupid vibraphone. it just simply echoes and echoes. how annoying. it only sounds nice when it's played with the bell, together at the same time. if not, it just sounds weird. i tried playing this song in a minor key. it sure sounded like some ghost band rm after that. lol.
after prac, c.w.m (cai wei ming) sir checked our confetti stuff. failed. i failed badly.
wen theng got one out of six poppers left after popping.
i got four out of six poppers left after popping although my pop was more powerful 'cause i tied tighter. ahhhs. not to mention, after popping, all the sirs made us pick up all popped rubbish like roarr.
woke up.. yeah yeah. i'm gonna meet jeralyn later and we're gonna go walkk walkk. i found like 80 bucks in my savings. like where did it come from? hrmm! ((:* i'm like so darn happy laas. i've got stuff to buy with my money! yay! go buy skirt later. heh heh. shopping spree. not for her though. she's like totallie broke laas. hrm. maybe i shouldn't rub it in. i still haven't bought myself a lot of hairbands yet. ahh.
still hyper. i couldn't even sleep last night manns. but conked out eventually. nyahahas.
i'm bored.

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