Thursday, March 31, 2005

had so much fun in school today! woots!
in the morning, jasmine and jonathan were like HILARIOUS!
both of them were like doing 'reactions' with the dustpan.
WHOAA. -feigns being blown away-
now that i think about blowing away, then i think abt jonathan & ervin
doing the chua sai thingg. WAHAHA.
- she sticks out hand
- says WAIT
- jonathan & ervin feign being blown away
- then both does matrix pose
-tickled to death-
i've reached nirvana!!!
i'm a pig
i'm a glutton.
ahhs. whatever mans.
i'm feeling so down and out now
although that feeling that hyperness is still brimming! x)
now then my results hit me.
just now, you bet i didn't feel anything.
i was laughing & talking alot,
basically behaving like any other normal day [sort of]
guess my results has dropped.
my mom hasn't seen my report book.

i slept at 6pm - 9.42pm
OMIGODDESS, like it's a giant sin la!
i was so shocked that i woke up so late.
i thought it was seven or something like that.
ERG. i missed dinner again. -feigns starvation-
okay - and now i can't sleep.
that's the best thing that could ever happen. hahas.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

a thousand hairy sandwiches
sat down to lunch
gobble gobble gulp gulp
munch munch munch

i'm rather annoyed with my mom.
she's been saying a lot of mean things to me lately
and i hate it. it's beyond insulting.
now i'm friggin' pissed.
my whole life is just falling apart.
my mom's not helping either.
my plan's for the month are so screwed.
all thanks to band and whatever other stupid courses.
i'm SO super annoyed.
weekends are gonna be taken away by the band - how fun!
-claps hands sarcastically-
as if.
which is equivalent to me not going to church at all.
what a nice nice experience. pah.
with the new system of services and all.
i don't think i can even make it for sunday service.
not to mention even if i do, i'll be bored to bits as i'll be the only one there.
Ahhh. FINE.

i'm getting a headache from getting all my friends birthday presents.
not to mention, a couple more holes in my pocket.
oh well. give cheerfully! x)

my teeth hurts.
lower right molar.
i've got separators put in. ouch.
in two weeks the bands and brackets will be in.
then the braces.

i have no mood to blog nowadays.
i'll just end here.

Jesus i will live for you
In everything i do
I'm holding onto you
Always!Always and forever
And when my world is falling down
In you i will be found
I'm staying in ur arms today
Always! always and forever

Monday, March 28, 2005

what is with boys?
talking to four people online.
two loves talking about the stupid drug advert
"we are students by day, brothers by night"
stop it!
just finished revising geog for tomorrow's test.
i was exhausted today!
school til 1.35pm
I & E workshop from 2.30-5.30
the entrepreneurship programme was LAME.
L.A.M.E. lame.
only when they started the chopstick game.
everyone was busy 'selling' chopsticks in the lab.
while i was sitting there collecting money.
ain't i the best?
$81 + 6 chopsticks
started with $90
lost $3
blame it on my grp

Sunday, March 27, 2005

i'm not tired.
i just finished my english homework.
ay, when i think about homework,
i always feel so small although it's great to be young! x)
i'm in hysterics again.
why aren't people surprised? HAHA.
well. today i didn't have piano lesson
[woots to that!]
'cause i had the baptism interview. yupps.
it's going to be next sunday. That's fast!
we all got the mail today in church.
ayy. the roster for doorkeepers and host.
wooo. my group is rather nice! x)
we're starting this sat and guess what? I'm on duty!
how would i know what to do?
jeralyn and i are together! =p heh hehs.
we didn't go to host training. ARGGHHH again.
stayed in church til about 3.40pm then jeralyn and ii went off ourselves to gallavant.
not exactly gallavant okay?
it's called getting presents for ourselves, okay maybe myself.
she had NO money. nyahhs.
okay. so mean. i shan't laugh
-controls then collapses with laughter-

"i told you so!"
somebody's disturbed.
aww, poor thing.
-pats head-

Saturday, March 26, 2005

let's say.
the day started off pretty well although i practically dragged myself to meet the other seven percussionists to go to the percussion workshops & clinic [4th day of Percussion by P.A.S] at the Young Musician's Society Arts Centre.
Hey! I took my piano practical examination there before! xp
we met at amk mrt station and wt and nicholas eng was complaining that this horde of bowen students forced them to support nkf and buy the stupid & spastic $2 pen - and they bought.
so when some deyi peeps, bowen and amk sec peeps came along, they wanted to sabotage me!
-hides behind wall- haha. it was kinda funny la.
wt was so totallie nice. nicholas was saying "saboh her la. we got cheated!"
wt said "no laa. don't be so bad." then she made a face.
i felt like hugging her at that moment, literally! [haha!]
the rest came along. we hung around guardian pharmacy for a while while i bought strepsils -cough- my nose hurts and my throat hurts. it's like i'm talking through my nose. I feel so uneasy! -sniffle-
we took 166 from the bus stop opp. jubilee. was quite a long ride there. we chatted about graduatings and stuffs like that. -boring! then, urmms, we reached.
it was raining.
we walked in the rain.
wt led the way.
danial was annoying me to ashes.
went kopitiam to eat a little.
jas and i shared a longan drink thingy [served in a bowl!]
bijay had his stupid ice kacang which he didn't finish anyway.
beiyu just sat there stealing longan-y syrup from jas. hahas.
went back to the yms ac. collected the stuff outside.
went in the auditorium.
the workshops rocked.
although i was afraid they'd call me up or something.
tamagoh ; drumset
mr maniam ; ethnic fusion drumming
jonathan yip ; cymbals masterclass
kelvin kew ; west african drumming
it was really really interesting. i liked the one by tamagoh (what a weird name.. tsk)
mr maniam's one was funny 'cause he was a lame joker and his insts were [are they supposed to be instruments?] a claypot and some monitor lizard skin hand drum. [yuck] -question marks-
jonathan yip was scary! he kept pulling people from the crowd to try out jazz set parts.
EH! after that then anybody who came up got a pair of sabian drum sticks. i wouldn't mind going up if they had told us earlier! errs. okay. i'm tired now.
after the entire workshop, they walked to bugis.
i was lamenting how much i didn't want to be there.
it was degrading okay!
i messaged people and jeralyn replied! =p
she said she just reached home so couldn't meet me.
in the end, while they scrambled about to look for food. i was rather pissed 'cause i was STARVING and they couldn't make up their mind where to eat even though they were just as hungry. like hello?! i didn't eat LUNCH! while they were buying old chang kee, jasmine and i just left.
just like that.
-snaps fingers-
she walked towards the opp direction while i went down the escalator to the mrt.
they didn't even notice we weren't there.
tsk tsk.
whatever mans.
i'm pissed.
i hate singing sessions, piano recitals and more.
why not you two just move out?!

Friday, March 25, 2005

yesterday was a busy day for me.
thank god i hibernated the previous night. hahas.
school : 7am - 1.35pm
band : 2.15pm - 6.45pm
drama rehearsal : 7.30pm - 11.30pm
ain't it packed?
although i wasn't tired during the rehearsal, i practically was trying very hard not to conk out in uncle fred's car. my head was - guess! - swinging around, literally. gosh. how embarrassing. lols. =) okay.

we had training as in... DRILLS.
i practically wanted to cry during the training.
i didn't know a single thing 'cause i didn't come for the last two thursday which were drill days.
what the heck laas. i got pumped 5 by meifen mam for not having v shaped for my legs and i could bet that i did! maybe not enough. -sigh- sianying got pumped quite a lot individually. i really pitied her. i guess she wasn't really into the drills thing so she was quite unfocused and stuff. ay. i don't mind being pumped, tortured, whatever. just don't push it too far. they like scolded us, individually. HUMILIATED a few of us. they split the squad into three sections.
sec ones.
i was so pissed. firstly, i was in the nco one which is equivalent to ultimate scolding and torture. tell you what, i was annoyed and pissed with one of the ex members. she was so darn fake. only smiling to those people from her ex section. oh please. like get a life laas. -
how can one of the excos keep talking to the exmembers when she herself said we shouldn't talk to ex members during band prac as band is band and outside band is outside band. she herself can't get the rules right. i personally think it's unfair and that you aren't setting a good example. after a short session of drills, we did warm up then school opening stuff. it was quite fun! but jasmine and i were in a super bad mood. aish.

it was FUN.
jeralyn, lynette, eric, glenn and i were the backstage crew.
the smallest part in the entire thing.
we didn't do much actually -
just the shifting of the white cloth. lols.
so we were quite sillyly doing nothing. x)
ahhs. went back in kevin's dad car (uncle fred) with lyn, christina, hazel and myself.
hahas. i don't know how jeralyn went home though.
'cause shawn and jamin were going to nic's house. tsk.
abandoned her there. lolls.
went home.
took a long bath.
waited like ten minutes for my hair to dry.
jumped into bed (with hair still wet?!)

good friday! =p
went early to church to prepare stuff [?]
after the service, went to eat with my parents.
they were annoying me to ashes laas.
ay. i don't wanna say anything.
-sticks out tongue in disgust and horror-
let's say -ponders- i stuck out my tongue A LOT today.
errs. yupps.
after that we went to cck cemetery.
went to my granddads grave then my dad's godma and gabriel's grave.
sang a song at my granddads. =p
then later we went to find my dad's godfather's grave. gone.
we couldn't find it.
spent like half an hour finding it.
i walked here, clar and friend walked here, dad walked himself. lyn and mom walked there.
how fun!
it was peaceful.
somehow i felt secure walking around there myself.
although some tombstones freaked me out .. nono. the decor.
i walked past one with loads of pots of cacti about seven like that.
and they were all big and pricky looking.
you know cemeteries, their walkways are SO small 'cause they pack all the graves next to each other ... the walkways are the size of your two feet put together only, i mean in between graves laa. in the end, we couldn't find my dad's godpa's grave [grandgodpa?], i was carrying the flowers for him. so i stuffed them into this poor guy's grave which had an empty vase. how nice can i be. wahhs.
[ one of the orchids was broken at the stalk and i broke the leaf into two 'cause i used it to fan myself (hey i was hot okay?!)] haha.
hmm. then went to my uncle's house to visit my grandma.
four dogs there. wooh.
all leashed ['cause of lyn!]
two in the back, two in the front.
the golden retrivers were a beauty. BEAUTIES i mean. xd
So darn cute laas.
i'm off now.
i'm lazy to type anymore. -yawn-

i hate people intruding my privacy.
my house's not mine anymore.
it's a hotel.
YUCK. i hate this.
my house used to be the only place
where i could feel safe somehow and be like my refuge and shelter.
now, it's been intruded by some 'tribe' that decided to start settling down here.
i can't even tie my hair in the way i want it.
i can't even dress the way i like.
it's unfair.
i hate this.
intruders should be paying to come here.
if not,
they ought to be slapped.
heard that?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

i should go nurse my anger
and go to sleep early.
but i just woke up from my nap.
we had a free period today!
science. well, only science.
chinese was quite okay.. so so.
ms lin [haha!] gave out this free gift thing from ordering friday weekly.
a dumb notebook with loads of post it notes inside.
[cool! jonathan's going to have a chair full of it!]
aish. school is boring. there is no fun in going at all.
i kinda sick and tired of the school already.
ahh. i'm not in the best of moods today.
i tried my best to be enthusiastic and nice.
but if the other side keeps quiet ..
you know what you've got.
i'll be super annoyed.
well, i am now.

yay. tim lent me the for all you've done cd.

okay. today was a free day.
i could go out and do anything i wanted.
everybody just had to spoil my plans.
so i spent my day AT HOME.
like whadd a loser laas.
who made me that?
and now,
i feel like slapping everybody's face.
and this time i'm serious.
if i can slap my cousin's face out of annoyance.
i can do so to anyone.
thank you.
so darn pissed la.
i can't help it.
ahh. i don't even want to blog.

it rocked when i was hyper
now i'm simply miserable.
i don't know.
quote new paper's headline
"Red Indian teen who wanted his tribe's bloodline kept pure."
i find it exceptionally disturbing.
how can such things keep happening?
is god testing our faith?
what if it happens here in Singapore?
what would the singaporean christians do?
isn't this case the same as the columbine one?
"Do you believe in God?"
his obsession with Hitler
all these.
i've got the entire thing sorta planned out.
the outing will be on MY birthday.
at sentosa.
at 9am.

`byinvitation! =p
Lost for words with all to say
Lord you take my breath away
Still my soul, my soul cries out
You are holy

And as I look upon Your name
Circumstances fade away
Now Your glory steals my heart
You are holy

You are holy
You are holy Lord

Evermore my heart, my heart will say
Above all, I live for Your glory
Even if my world falls I will say
Above all, I live for Your glory

With all my heart I'll say
I'm living for Your name
With all to give You praise
We're living for Your glory Lord
i love you!
you love me!
we are happy family
with a great big hug and
a kiss from me to you
won't you say

retarded! WAHAHA. =p

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

how did he inveigle me into writing this!
my hands! my hands! haha.
ay. like what can i say?
except that he's the LAMEST arse i've ever come across
in my thirteen years! HA!
he's probably going to kill me.
-uses arms to defend herself-
nyeh. you can't catch me!
-imitates nick


i don't know why, these days i've been having this feeling of inertia.
i think it's really bad and it's affecting practically everything in my life
because my friends get annoyed at how lazy i am at times and
my studies - ahh let's not talk about it.
hmm. i haven't blogged about today yet. hehs.
the sec four posting results came out today. yupps!
we had five free periods again.
i'm rather annoyed at the school teachers.
they all run off to seminars and expect us to pass.
when we don't, they blame it on us and
say that it's our inability to be hardworking or something.
why do teachers behave or speak with such blithe ignorance?
well. okay the periods were spent doing absolutely nothing.
we were assigned some work though but it was really simple and we finished it in a short time.
my clique was like busying decorating the class, with what?
old newpapers! -smacks hand on forehead-
it was kinda funny. i joined in at the start but got so bored that i sat at my seat and just watched them 'decorate' the class. not to mention, i was continuously messaging and messaging and messaging. how bored could i be? we had five periods in a row of freedom.
music then recess. double english and double science.
wasted time!
everybody was on their phones when there was no relief teacher taking over.
well. exactly when i hung up on the phone, this uber strict teacher walked swiftly in,
carrying - maths papers! ms chua was smart to ask us to do the ws during the free science period and erica was complaining about how much she wanted to slap her face.
i personally wanted to slap her face too!
during the second science period, the teacher was hanging around, so i went to the toilet to use my phone. hehs. like michelle said, i held her hostage in the toilet.
actually, that's not true 'cause i didn't force her to stay in there. she asked me whether she could leave first, i just said no. HEY! she asked me!
meiyi and shuwen were like super funny. they were eating seaweed chicken in the loo!
shuwen was messaging her friend to buy food for them! hehs.
then later we got stuck in the toilet.
'cause mr zaman [discipline teacher] was patrolling and we had no passes. crap.
well, eventually we came out - duh.
we had double maths period. today's was okay. i kinda understood her teaching a lil better than usual. maybe 'cause of all the free periods. hoho! =)
hrmm. didn't go band today 'cause i wanted to see the doc but my mom was like not at home when i went home so i just went to check my results on chowiz then go and sleep. -yawn-
just finished half a 'tub' of ben and jerry's chunky monkey ice cream.
bleagh. all i do is eat and sleep.
i've got to find something exciting in my life! i feel so darn dead.

`almost meaningless.
i love this skin so much =))
well, the blue's a bit blinding but i LOVE it!
that's what matters most. -waves at imaginary crowd-
hehs. sorry you might not be able to see some stuff 'cause i posted them in very light colours. whoops. okaes. tag me and comment okay!
i hate the stupid blogger bar - *smackk
home alone
how nice.
i've found it! i've found it!
-waves imaginary thing-
i've found the song i liked.
well. only the chorus
'cause the verses are kinda offensive somehow.
hehs. okay.
here's it.
i thank jasmine thian who gave me the idea!

pink ; god is a dj
If God is a dj
Life is a dance floor
Love is the rhythm
You are the music
If God is a dj
Life is a dancefloor
You get what you're given
It's all how you use it

Monday, March 21, 2005

eating ;
ben's & jerry's
oatmeal cookie chunk
this is so silly.
i'm so darn amused.
why? why? why?
what is wrong with all teachers?
i feel like i've wasted my time going to school.
guess what? out of ten periods of thirty five minutes each.
i had five free periods.
history, lit, moral education, 2 periods of science.. gone.
i kinda like history and lit although the teacher's quite yucky.
aish. she's always not coming. going for stupid seminars.
and the stupid relief teacher who took over her was totally uncaring.
she dumped everything on the chairperson -- jasmine!
jasmine was like pulling a face at mdm lok everytime.
some might think the free periods are fun but it's quite lame.
we didn't even do much.. the relief teachers of the day were horrible.
they just dumped all the worksheets to us.
how fun. x/
normally we got this really nice relief teacher who's kinda helpful when you ask her things.
mr lee - d&t crap teacher, so darn strict
mdm lok - stern as ever, inflict non-physical pain subtly!
some teacher - weird, fierce, a nutcase.
oh well.

i'm sick. i'm sick. i'm sick.
look at me. ahhs. -covers face-
i have a sore throat.
i have the flu.
my calves hurt frm sat's jumping.
i have a throbbing headache.
why am i put through such pain?!
erh. i'll blog later.
lynette's kicking me out of the chair.
rwahh! -tumbles off chair-
okay okay!
i'll be back later! hehs.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

back to school tomorrow. sigh.
the government made us think we had a week of holiday.
to think we believed them.
synergiz rocked! woohoo! =p the workshops were really fun and the worship was great! planetshakers rocked! oh well, EVERYTHING rocked! i thank god i went! sorry michelle, you couldn't get the tix. i told you so! ay. i'm so lazy to blog. haven't blogged in four days.
okay, let's see.
i spent like tons of money during the conference. basically, all on food - what a sin! crap. i bought the synergiz shirt and a loudhailer shirt that said 'warning this shirt does not depict the size of my god' .. i wore it on sat [the last day] and when i was taking the train.. people were like staring at me. quite weird. but there were quite a few people going synergiz in the train so it wasn't that bad. hehs. =p aish. blog later, tomorrow.
who is that boy i see staring straight back at me?
i'm hyper
et cetera.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

acerbity is sharpness or bitterness in a remark,
or in your voice and manner.
[so there is a word that describes my speech!]
well that is how some perceive my 'talk'.
laura replied!
her message length was -pauses & ponders- short.
really short.
i wrote like thrice of her amount. aish.
guess she's got nothing to say.
i can't believe i spent monday on the phone.
with cheryl! of all people!
oh well. she was my entertainer for the day.
not really. but she was supposed to go and meet me
and then her dad like ruined all our plans. tsk tsk.
what's with parents and their meddling hands?!
ahh. i'm tired.
i'm eating my lunch now - macaroni!
i don't really like macaroni though. i prefer cheese pasta.
oh yeah. don't complain!
i like making that! you know what.. since i'm feeling rather free today ..
i thought of - BAKING COOKIES. yumm!
haven't done that in a long time. woohoo.
i love my cookies.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

kill me!
am i dead yet?
how does she manage this?
sonatinas through the night.
i like wanna play my twelve variations of twinkle little star.
it may sound silly.
but trust me,
it's a beauty to see/hear miss koh playing it
you see, im not as good as her.
i'm self-destructing.
more sonatinas, piano recitals and singing sessions.
oh my goodness me.
i need someone to talk to.
-feigns death-
i don't think i need to feign it.
I am dead, or at least, in the process of dying.

Monday, March 14, 2005

rainer is annoying me to ashes on msn
oh well. i've got formation meeting tomorrow. gotta go check steps. at 10am in the morning at school then after that i've got nco meeting. ahh. i hope it ends early. beiyu ahh - like 10 am in the morning do you want to kill me? i will be probably sleeping. hoho. xD well. ahh. i'm bored. my leg is kinda okay!

I like the one in the middle xD haha. i wasn't supposed to be doing that man!  Posted by Hello
bore me to bits.
my leg hurts.
i'm bedridden.
i spent my entire afternoon chatting on the phone.
like i couldn't help it!
my mum was like screaming at me.
i'm dead.
i emailed laura.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

oh yeah.
i forgot to add.
the boxers were... or had?
navy blue and
it's checkered.
i'm observant.
i sound like cheryl's friend, keefe.
to add -
he's metrosexual.
-judder judder shudder

i'm drunk.
`once i start,
I can't STOP!
true true. =d

from now on, i'm going to be myself.
starting now!
okay. today was the fyf tribute thingy. we performed. yeap. the dancers was like whooosh. cheryl was like not to mention ogling with her mouth open at them. someone's boxers could be seen. the whole congregation was like 'ahhh..'. it was darn funny laas. i couldn't help but hiccup a snort. [you see, i was controlling myself but i couldn't anymore.. then it came out as a hiccup - haha, i'm lame] ernest like looked so stressed up and serious while marcus looked like he was enjoying himself or at least, acting like he was. haha. i was like having the hyperactive thing going again - laughing at nothing, smiling at everyone. aish. basically embarrassing myself and doing silly things. i don't know why, the weekends are always weird. like i'm so hyper and active [hyperactive!] during the weekends and when i'm back to school, sleepy, falling asleep in class. it's odd. oh yuppers. jinghan didn't talk much today. wonder why, wonder how. teehee. =p
you know what? i feel like punching someone now.
i find the word 'punching' so amusing! rahhs. okay. enought about that. i have no appetite. i don't feel like eating. i went to visit my gram's just now. she's like really sick 'cause of high sugar content. whoaa. why are all the older people [older than me] getting like sick or you know having problems. erg. it's like is the world coming to an end? -pause and ponder- i keep feeling like i want to vomit or have throbbing headaches when i take my dad's car. is it 'cause i haven't taken a car for quite long? i mean. like i haven't taken a ride from him for a rather long time 'cause he was busy and all and the most i did was like short rides from school. but hardly those. oh never mind, i'm so lazy to type. -glaze- okay! miss koh [music teacher] like didn't scold me just now. just like forced me to play scales - sixths. it was difficult man! how am i going to pass my grade 8! ahh! i'm afraid! if i don't pass... i don't wanna think about it! nyah! -smackks herself-
okay. i'll go off first.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

i'm gonna be so screwed.
i haven't practised my piano.
i'm going to be screamed at by my piano teacher.
like omigod.
i wouldn't like that.
today. was simply boring.
jeralyn and i planned to meet at 11.30am - look whadd happened.
i reached tp at 13:12
she said she was reaching in ten minutes.
she reached at about 13:37.
ten minutes, haha. funny, funny.
we were supposed to go to the acs[br] fair - like roars.
duh. we didn't.
'cause we were late to meet the tour guide.
ahahas. kidding ernest! hoho.
so i asked him to go first and i cancelled out.
i'm such a mean person.
i hate this!
i was so annoyed and pissed
for god-knows-what reason man!
i was like screaming inside!! of course, i can't scream in public.
like everyone will look at me, give disapproving looks and
someone's gonna call woodbridge. aha.
that would be really nice. erg.
so i called cheryl and i complained and complained and complained
about my ever so awful plight.
it's like i'm always stuck in between decisions and i hate it lots.
it's so stressful man.
then when i make a choice to not 'support' either one of them.
both get angry with me.
that is unfair!
like mr wall, please read this!
well, it applies to school people also ...
but it ain't so bad with them huhs.
so we were supposed to go to the fair.
didn't go.
rahhs. darn upset!
so we went to koufu to eat lunch.
i was starving man!
i ate hokkien mee. yumm.
and drank fruit punch. yumm again.
then we left tp to go where?
we went to my house!
i went home to change. she changed too.
she was like wearing my shit-coloured shorts today and was complaining loadds.
like truthfully, i don't wear that shorts 'cause it looks like shit. ohohos.
no la. i'm not that materialistic, somehow.
it's a little big for me u see.
but she went to my house and changed and blogged too.
'cause her dad like blocked blogspot and that means,
she can't blog!
so we were like LATE for so called yf laas.
we reached at 16:33
thirty three minutes late.
pamela was like complaining loadds about how tired she was. poor her!
we did the rehearsal and we saw the dance and all.
it's a little strange. that's all i've to say.
some people seemed a little too enthusiastic.
while some were a little -physically here soulfully not here-
i was somewhat in a bad mood 'cause i was feeling FAT.
i didn't put on weight or anything .. well i did. 1 kg?
my shoulders are now so broad and ugly.
and my thighs have expanded.
ERG! budd the thighs aren't so bad
but now i can't fit into my clothes 'cause my shoulders are like GIANTgantic.
gwad. okay.
i accept it.
i think it's 'cause my marching glockenspiel.
like i carry it everytime on my shoulders.
yeeyuck. i want to quit band!
like all band people come out of band having a physical deformity
errs. okay.
so after the song rehearsal.
jinghan, jeralyn, cheryl and i headed to tp to eat dinner.
i ate delifrance.
erg. so darn bloated.
i wanted to eat at koufu but it was like friggin' crowded and
full of disgusting people not to mention.
okay. after that they left.
all the RR peeps were at the 163 bus there.
which delifrance hav a whole big see through wall.
guess what's on the other side - the stupid 163 bus theres.
erg. i couldn't eat my fruit tartlet in peace.
'cause jeralyn was chasing me out
they were like asking her why she didn't go.
ahhs. haha. she's a naughty girl
budd practical yaas. like ME!
okays. pardon me!
jamin saw all our plates .. thinking it was ALL ours.
msged me and said.
"you are gonna get fat eating that."
that was like jeralyn's plates + my plates + jinghan's plates + cheryl's plates.
they like left first to buy water.
i was like so amused with myself.
i was pissing somebody off and it worked perfectly.
just like i planned it.
jeralyn and i are so mean.
well. 'it' needs it!
'it' was like proving to us she knew the 'other it' so well.
and it's like get a life la.
ahh. i don't wanna say anything. hoho.
so after deli we walked around for like fifteen minutes.
then left for home.
she waited with me for her bus.
like first time someone actually waited.
[cause i asked her to. HAHA!]
its like i feel like a man -
no a gentleman!
i wait with my friends for their buses before i go home
well, CERTAIN friends.
and it's like people i go out with.
CAN'T wait to go home. that's the image they're projecting
really really bad.
so i also don't want to wait with them for their bus.
esp at interchanges.
CAN'T wait to get rid of me.
like it's so obvious.
and i'm like quite sensitive to people's vibes.
so you don't have to tell me anything.
i know a lot already.
that's why i'm like that.
that's why i'm so mean.
'cause i know what you're thinking!
so don't blame me if i'm mean to you.
get the point?
`out mans.
i'm feeling miserable.
i'll blame it on you!
although jinghan brought me much amusement!
How many roads did I travel before I walked down one that led me to You?
And how many dreams did unravel
before I believed in a hope that was true?
And how long? How far?
What was meant to fulfill only emptied me still
And all you ever wanted

Only me, on my knees
Singing holy, holy
And somehow all that matters now is
You are holy, holy

How many deaths did I die before
I was awakened to new life again?
And how many half-truths did I bear witness to,
'til the proof was disproved in the end?
And how long? How far?
What was meant to illuminate, shadowed me still
And all you ever wanted

And all I have is gratitude to offer You

Holy, holy
Somehow all that matters now is you are holy

Only me on my knees
Singing holy, holy
And somehow all that matters now is
You are holy, holy

Holy, holy, holy

Friday, March 11, 2005

`silly boys, pathetic actions and wasted time
typical desperate boys.
don't waste your time. ((:*
today is the deyi amazing race.
also known as the ultimate deyian challenge [ahh, boos.]
school ended early at 10.40am.
then before that, was art.
like omigodd.
the 2/1 guys [gangsters, hooligans! normal techical kids]
came to our class and hung around.
just because we had no teacher sitting in.
gross manns.
i was totally disgusted.
erica was disgusted.
jasmine was disgusted.
rachel was disgusted.
pei shan was disgusted.
MAN, was it bad.
i like carried my bag and walked around the class.
'cause like the zhu rong ji sat on MY table and his dear friend sat on MY chair.
when i walked into the class after going to the toilet with erica and pei shan.
they saw me and the stupid z.r.j (zhu rong ji) gave me that kind of kp ["kiam pah"] face.
just because i'm a friggin' councillor!
hello! I have nothing against you all man.
don't give me that, 'cause i hate it.
after school, i went to watch hitch with erica,
hengjie, tingfong, timothy and brandon (some guy frm NCC and not frm my class)
at first erica like cancelled out 'cause her mom last minute butted in.
budd in the end, ahh, she has her ways of pleading? hohos.
she was supposed to go with the four guys herself.
i was like complaining that no one wanted to go out with me.
then she said go with her.
and i exactly wanted to watch hitch too.
like i love her LOADS.
that chili gurll.
so i went with her.
thank god i went.
after the movie we left first while the guys hung around ps.
we took train to tp.
then we went off our separate ways.
that's when i went to go meet cheryl.
she was totally spastic.
when i was at the red circle, she didn't see me,
'cause she was busy smiling at her handphone.
like GROSS!
budd seriously she really did look silly [spastic].. =p
we went places.
(too lazy to type)
i bought stuff,
i like love the safety pin earrings i bought.
so darn adorable!

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

currently eating mac's
its like my dad read my mind
and bought stuff to eat!
i'm currently chewing on
savoury tempura chicken burger!
was eating fries just now
yummers again!
i love being a pig!
i love food!
i love sleeping!
talk about gluttony!

Under the silver stars
Right where he broke your heart
Girl you know I'll give you anything
I wanna hold your hand
And say the words he never said
I'll make you promises you can believe

Let me be the one
Telling you it's alright
Sharing the smiles and tears you cry
Let me be the one
Lovin' you when you're weak
For all the strength you need
You can come to me

When you're down and you feel so lonely
Turn around
You can come to me
When you're down baby
I will be the only
Come to me

You can just be yourself
'Cause I don't want nobody else
All of your secrets are safe with me
For the kind of love you can trust
For more than just a crush
Baby why don't you just
Come to me

When I've got you in my arms
Say it's where you wanna be
'Cause girl I'm down on my knees

Promising my heart
Oh my heart
Let me be the one
Telling you it's alright
Sharing the smiles and tears you cry
Let me be the one
Lovin' you when you're weak
For all of the strength you need
You can come to me
Let me be the one
Telling you it's alright
Sharing the smiles and tears you cry
Let me be the one
Lovin' you when you're weak
For all of the strength you need
You can come to me
Whenever you need me [I'm always here]
Whenever you need me girl
Whenever you need me [I'm right here]
Ohh, I'll be there
Whenever you need me [Just reach out]
Whenever you need me girl
Whenever you need me I'll be there
i'm not lesbian. thank you.
`ankle guards, more jinxed legs and twenty six dollars.
that's the summary of my day.
i ate so much just now!
and i'm eating dinner now.
call me a pig mans.
lol. xD
still feeling super hyper.
i totally love talking on the phone.
but she's always not free to talk to me
'cause she has 'her friend' to talk to.
i'm like so in pain.
emotional pain
not physical pain.
well. maybe both. [?]
i ate a chocolate muffin (i wanted to eat two but lynette took the other!]
i bought a pair of choc muffins at sweet secrets just now after i visited the clinic.
then i ate soon kueh (there was only one!)
and now i'm eating my dinner.
i want to eat prata.
i want my dad to bring me to chomps.
chomp chomp if you don't know.
i want to eat stingray [with less chilli?]
i want to drink sugar cane.
eat chicken wings.
hokkien mee.
my usual minus the stingray. xD
i'm a pig right?
let's proclaim it! ahahaha!
i'm NUTS and i'm SO proud of it.
isn't it better than my usual hostility?
there's gotta be more to life man.
currently positively charged.
i'm crazy and acting silly.
being an imbecile at times even.
i love this.
it just rocks.
it's cool.
`let me be the one
loving you when you are weak
for all the strength you need
you can come to me
i woke up to go to school, as usual
ended up crying out of excruciating pain.
my right foot. -cries out
i spent like ten minutes getting to the toilet.
as you know, my toilet is furthest away from my bedroom.
talk about how unlucky i am.
my feet are jinxed little things.
youth camp - swollen last toe
reason: fell off double decker bed and landed on it.
school - knee injury
reason: running. someone stepped on my shoelaces.
now - excruciatingly painful right foot
my mom said i walked too much.
shopped too much.
"overworked your feet"
funny, funny, not funny at all.
my feet are always getting injured.
yeah yeah.
blame it on the weatherman.
tsk tsk.
gosh. i'm like nuts again.
the aftereffect begins again.
help me!
i remembered the times when jon kept using the words
- imbecile.
- unglam situation.
it was so darn funny and i also remember
cheryl's rolling on the floor laughter.
she rolled on the floor in laughter and knocked her head
against the computer table legs.
that was amusing.
while i was "sitting there refinedly and silently laughing".
that was what jon said.
apparently, we were at his house for his party two years ago
jeremy KECK [jon's friend i didn't want to associate with]
quote jason` that piece of pastry
those times were super amusing la!
jonathan's friends were all so typical me!
esp his best friend.
so.. me..
not to mention jon's from montfort.
his friends are all boys.
it began quite awkwardly laa.
budd anyway we got used to it! ahahas.
they're pretty nice and funny people.
and i don't wanna say funny.
'cause you can tell by counting how many head hitting injuries cheryl had.
i hope you get the joke.
'cause some people are darn wols.
i'm nuts.
hee hee.
merry christmas!
santa claus is here.
i'm drunk.
extremely drunk.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Oh, you're a hard one
I know that you got your reasons
These things that are pleasin' you
Can hurt you somehow

Don' you draw the queen of diamonds, boy
She'll beat you if she's able
You know the queen of heats is always your best bet

Now it seems to me, some fine things
Have been laid upon your table
But you only want the ones that you can't get
esperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no younger

Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home
And freedom, oh freedom well, that's just some people talkin'
Your prison is walking through this world all alone
Don't your feet get cold in the winter time?
The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine
It's hard to tell the night time from the day
You're losin' all your highs and lows
Ain't it funny how the feeling goes away?

Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
Come down from your fences, open the gate
It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you
You better let somebody love you, before it's too late
councillor investiture!
i was reallie scared.
and my source of comfort [and entertainment!]
was so NOT replying mee. ahhs.
i was dying there mans.
i cried for no reason today.
i'm like NUTS. tsk tsk tsk.
i mean, it had something to do with me losing my new councillor tie.
budd i think it was linked with some other reason i don't know about.
we got our new ties today.
it is HIDEOUS.
i'll show it to you!
it's GREEN.
like my uniform is blue.
i LURVE the old navy blue tie.
so sophisticated looking.
not to mention, this tie is SO CHEAPO.
so thin and gross laas.
then the collar pin, let's not talk about it.
they scrapped the name tag
and did away with the tie pin.
i preferred those.
my mom said they wanted to make it like jc.
as if laas.
my foot's bad.
it's like SWOLLEN at the back.
i don't know why.
i woke up limping around laas.
so hmm.
i don't know. ahhs.
i was limping around the school the whole day.
that was why i was so worried i might trip and fall
down the stage stairs during the investiture.
that would be totally EMBARRASSING.
rahhs. i would just DIE.
i'm going to do my home ec write up stuff.
i hate the new home ec write up system.
it's shitty.

it hurts my eyes.

Monday, March 07, 2005

i've committed a sin. rahhs.
sins too many.
yes yes.
ahhs. i'm so darn guilty..
my right foot hurts.
i have no idea why.
i went to meet cheryl after school today.
i was feeling sickk but i just endured a little
and you know what? i felt F-I-N-E fine after that.
hohos. met other people after that.
even one person i didn't even know.
but she was like shupper friendly.
called adelyn. woot.
cheers to that.
i'm like nuts la.
ahh. whatsoever.
you can call me anything you like
'cause nothing's gonna extinguish my reason-less happiness.
call me crazy.
send me to woodbridge.
it's perfectly fine with me!
i went home late.
i somehow got screwed by my mom over the phone.
budd she was kinda understanding.
and she didn't scold me or anything after i reached home.
hrmm. -questions
i bought a pair of earrings (again?!) and two hairbands.
i think they are the colours phyllis has.
no no no!
this is such a nightmare.
you know cheryl just cut her hair and we all look alike now.
michelle, jeralyn, jinghan and cheryl and me.
michelle, jeralyn and me look kinda alike.
cheryl and jinghan look alike.
yaas. ((:*
i've got nothing to say.
today is some labour day or smth right?
[although i thought labour day was like may 1st?]
wisma was like freaky laas.
we were in isetan and you know whadd?
they were CLOSING.
and we felt TRAPPED.
the feeling was just like .. -shudder
you should get the point.
`whooshh out. hehs.

Sunday, March 06, 2005

i've never seen such a loser before.
-thumbs down
*rolls eyes
some people just don't know that they're being made used of.
maybe they do but they brush it off and pretend they're not.
haha, funny. funny.
pathetic laas.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

this is simply so darn fun laas.
went off to meet jeralyn at one.
she was late.
i reached at 1317
she reached at 1350
like i waited a million years.
went to the toilet.
went popular.
when i met her, we went to j8.
but we took the wrong train.
i think we were so used to taking to orchard then we just walked to the left
and tooked the train.. we were wondering how come novena was part of the journey then,
oh no! wrong train!
we came out and crossed over to the other side laas.
we went there. shopped around.
she was like so spending all her money on food!
she bought the same brand of shorts as me budd different colour.
then i bought a wallet.
it's like so nice canns. i lurve it loadds.
turquoise + flowers. wooooh.
hmm. it only had one there. so well. i had to take it.
so later when we were planning to go find food to eat (again!)
we saw jinghan and michelle.
we went to eat.
jeralyn bought takopachi and a mrs fields brownie
i bought only takopachi laas.
i wasn't as piggish as her.
then we took neos.. 'cause jh wanted to take.
we were late for yf. 10 minutes late.
well, there were people later than us
and when we went, they hadn't even started.
AHH. made us run for the stupid 145 laas.
-tumbles off chair-
after yf, cheryl and i went to tp.
yaas. to take bus home.
but we went mos to chat again.
lol =)
hrmm. i'm tired of writing anymore.
she's sleeping over at my house! whoopee!
ahh. tired manns.
bodily tired. mindly hyper.
control me!


i'm starting to type lyk jeralyn.
oh no!
losing myself again.
;extricated - reallies?
i reallie amm hyper.
040305 - friday
everything's hitting me right smack in my face.
my responsibilities. yeah.
i've got tons of things to do for my section.
silly things, ahh!, everything!
- buy party poppers
- settle treasury problems
- clear debts asap
- get treasury book from liyana
- box liyana's face!
liyana and shikin (the two sls) left early and i was left in charge, how nice.
even wen theng was spared from the responsibilities. urgh.
and they just decided to plonk it all on me. wow. i'm so honoured.
PAH. as if.
let's go into the details.
hmm. band was FUN except the sl stuff. besides that. the start of the band prac was quite relaxed 'cause loadds of people weren't there yet as everyone had some sort of class or somehow just lazing around downstairs. lol. the sec one ex-trumpeters are SO adorable. they're somehow plump in the cute way. it just makes you wanna pinch their cheeks and start exclaiming how cute they are. to add, they're even better trumpeters than the current trumpeters. ahahas.
hmm. we ran down to the netball court. the band did three rounds of their chinese dance .. while the percussionists played the 'music' .. the bell players (me! me! me! plus two others) played the moonlight kungfu bell solo laas. then after that we ran up to the band room (fourth storey!) .. we were all panting after that, esp. the percussionists huhs. we practically died.
okaes. later we did music, yay! i haven't come for band practice for rather long. i mean two practices. but anyway. i love it when they do music and i totallie hate it when they do drills and formation. 'cause beiyu and i are always get friggin' ticked off by jezebel. like whatever manns.
"you all are ncos right? not a word of encouragement i hear
from you to the band. you must set good examples.
you (points at me) know how to command the band right?
it's so simple. how come you don't know."
(me purse my lips) then jezebel scolds beiyu about smth else. then we are dismissed. how nice. ERG. okay. we did sectionals. percussion did warm up at the second floor - whaddya call that- air well? nahhs. well. it was somehow some kind of balcony laas. it's a nice open aired place. heh. very good for tanning! ((:*
ahahas. errs. then they did the school opening stuff which i didn't have a clue at all. thanks jas for guiding me! *gratefull.
i feel so darn accomplished man. i learnt the stupid russion sailors' dance in a very short while. yay! and not to mention, i learnt the entire programme. like when to start on which song laas. but i hate it. 'cause i've got to play the stupid vibraphone. it just simply echoes and echoes. how annoying. it only sounds nice when it's played with the bell, together at the same time. if not, it just sounds weird. i tried playing this song in a minor key. it sure sounded like some ghost band rm after that. lol.
after prac, c.w.m (cai wei ming) sir checked our confetti stuff. failed. i failed badly.
wen theng got one out of six poppers left after popping.
i got four out of six poppers left after popping although my pop was more powerful 'cause i tied tighter. ahhhs. not to mention, after popping, all the sirs made us pick up all popped rubbish like roarr.
woke up.. yeah yeah. i'm gonna meet jeralyn later and we're gonna go walkk walkk. i found like 80 bucks in my savings. like where did it come from? hrmm! ((:* i'm like so darn happy laas. i've got stuff to buy with my money! yay! go buy skirt later. heh heh. shopping spree. not for her though. she's like totallie broke laas. hrm. maybe i shouldn't rub it in. i still haven't bought myself a lot of hairbands yet. ahh.
still hyper. i couldn't even sleep last night manns. but conked out eventually. nyahahas.
i'm bored.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

jesse mccartney songs are so nice.
i hate this.
i'm having such bad headaches.
i had to miss band, councillor and school.
but after my nap (4.30-5.30)
i was fine!
i went junction 8 and bought stuff with lyn.
i bought:
- a pair of shorts
- two shirts
a totall of around 50 buckks.
ahhh. i feel so darn guilty!
budd i totallie lurve the shorts laa!
'cause it was on offer... so i save more money!
hrm. i better not eat during recess tomorrow!
arhhs. i'm not broke.
but seems like it huhs?
i'm so mad today.
was laughing and laughing my head off at
everything at junction 8.
tell you what, i'm in a good mood!

`Twinkle, twinkle, little star
So I’ll know where you are
Gleaming in the skies above
Lead me to the land I dreamed of.
And when our journey is through,
Each time we say good night,
We’ll thank the little star that shines,
The second from the right.
Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart
It's the end of the world in my mind
Then your voice pulls me back
Like a wake-up call

I've been looking for the answer
I couldn't see that is was right there
But now I know, what I didn't know

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself
When nobody else can help
Because you live girl
My world
Has twice as many stars in the sky

It's all right. I survived. I'm alive again
'cause of you, made it through every storm
What is life? What's the use?
If you're killing time

I'm so glad I found an angel
Someone who
Was there when all my hopes fell
I wanna fly looking in your eyes

Because you live...I live

Because you live, there's a reason why
I carry on when I lose the fight
I want to give what you've given me

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself
When nobody else can help
Because you live girl
My world
Has everything I need to survive
Because you live
I live
I live
Don't leave now
Not yet
There are words
I Regret
And I'm sorry
Somehow I only
Wanted to make you proud

If I could only let you know
I'd give up everything I own
For just one more day with you
There's nothing I wouldn't do
I could not let it pass me by
If I make every sacrifice
To bring me back your love
If only we could live twice
If only we could live twice

When you told me
I froze
It still echoes
In my soul
Please forgive me
If I didn't say
I love you
Every single day

Nobody told me we'd only get one chance
I didn't know that our tide would turn so fast
Why we have to say goodbye I don't understand

If I could only let you know
I'd give up everything I own
For just one more day with you
There's nothing I wouldn't do
I could not let it pass me by
If I make every sacrifice
To bring me back your love
If only we could live twice

I could not let it pass me by
Nothing I give to sacrifice
To bring me back your love
If only we could live twice
If only we could live twice
We'll meet in another life
If only we could live twice
half-quotes jerallyn`
the day i stop complaining about her.
it means that i really don't care anymore.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

i'm darn irritated.
cheesed off.
how bad can this be?
i just hate to slam people publicly.
but i had to.
sky's the limits?
not for me.
it doesn't take much to piss me off.
not that i'm hot-tempered or something.
i beg to differ.
it's just that.
this has been happening since forever.
more than one year i can say.
thank god i'm not putting her name down.
and tell you what.
she has a chinese name.
there are limits to doing whatever you did to me and my best friend.
it's just SO, SO unfair.
life's unfair .. yes i know.
but still.
don't always act like you're always right.
don't act so BIG.
your head is like SO swollen red when that is not needed.
mind you, you are like SO blocking all the light with your big head.
i don't understand why is it that your head can be SO big,
when you are totally just copying whatever we do.
hmm. that's a nice word to describe you.
if we really copyrighted whatever we wear,
do, write, type.
you'll be in jail now, literally.
people say we should feel honoured.
i don't feel anything at all.
more like disgusted, horrified, mortified, turned off.
what more can i say?
a few times is fine.
but not everytime.
oh ya, and STOP acting like we are best friends.
me and my bestie. we insult each other and laugh it off.
you can't do that to us.
you are NOT our best friend.
maybe not even a good friend.
worse still. a friend.
but still, there's such thing as an acquaintance.
don't push our friendship too far
when it's supposed to be a stone's throw away.
you like to make it sound like we are copying you.
your dress sense. your LOUSY dress sense.
your language. your disgusting cheena language.
your drawings. your pathetic copied-from-somewhere [!] drawings.
like stop it.
like i said, there's LIMITS to everything.
you just have to know when to stop.
and you don't.
you just continue and carry on with all these rubbish.
until you get slapped by a guy,
i guess, you wouldn't stop.
this isn't some pringles advertisement.
once you pop, you can't stop.
you should stop!
i mean. the advertisement and slogan is totally ironic.
it's like if you don't stop eating, you're gonna die of hbp
and all sorts of diseases and sicknesses.
trust me.
let's come back to her.
i'm so unamused and so turned off.
turned off!
i only become turned off when one person pisses me off.
oh ain't that YOU?
i shall stop this bitching exercise with myself.
far, far too sarcastic.
guess you still don't understand my point?
i shan't say no more
and agitate myself even more.
today i was falling asleep in double pccg.
it was like. they didn't even teach laas.
just gave us a 1hr 10mins pep talk.
wow. that's so nice.
-sarcastically applauds
i was trying my very best to keep my eyes open, to no avail.
i saw tingfong, meiyi and jasmine ang trying hard to too.
ahahas. it was really amusing!
today was quite boring and i was pretty much miserable the whole day
all thanks to my dearest friend & my attachment. -hint
and my problems [!] it's about that again.
i felt like crying in maths today & pep talk.
i mean we had 3 periods of home ec.
cooked spaghetti.
we were the last grp yeahhs.
how nice.
our spag took half a million years to cook manns.
and timothy was helping us by testing it.
more like eating it rightts. lol.
we had to try the spag before taking it out of the pot.
and it's like i tried it four times.
not cooked enough.
and unfortunately for us,
it got stucked in our teeth.
oh by the way, my tongue ulcers are real bad.
i sound like i have a short tongue now.
it only worsened today.
the last two days, i could eat and talk comfortably.
now? let's not talk about it.
i have to keep sucking on my saliva to keep my mouth dry.
but my lips are so dry.
so i have to keep wetting it.
so you get how troublesome it is.
i drank a lot of water already.
and it hurts to drink... ahh!
my tongue ulcers are on both sides of the tongue.
that really really hurts.
councillor after school was kinda fun.
we had the rehearsal for the investiture of NECs.
then i was so confused and messed up a few times.
i hate this. ah.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I was lost
And you were found
You seem to stand on solid ground
I was weak
And you were strong
And me and my guitar,
we strummed along, oh
Sweet misery you caused me
That's what you called me
Sweet misery you caused me
I was blind
But oh, how you could see
You saw the beauty in everything,
everything and me
I would cry
And you would smile
You'd stay with me a little while
Sweet misery you caused me
That's what you called me
Sweet misery you caused me
And in my heart I see, oh
What you're doing to me
And in my heart I see, oh
Just how you wanted it to be
Sweet misery
Sweet misery you caused me
That's what you called me
Sweet misery you caused me
And in my heart I see, oh
What you're doing to me
(What you're doing to me)
And in my heart I see, oh
Just how you wanted it to be
(Wanted it to be)
Sweet misery... sweet misery
sweet misery
I was weak
And you were strong
And me and my guitar,
We strummed along