Tuesday, February 15, 2005

why do someone always seem to burst
my little bubble of happiness before school actually starts?
in the morning, someone went to burst my bubble,
unfortunately, it was done unknowingly. what was it?
someone told me ;
i have sec one band to go, 'cause i'm the friggin' on probation percussion sl.
wen theng was going to the doctor so i had to go.
it can't be possible that both probation sls ran away from band.
that's really nice. hoho.
cut the crap. i'll go on to how much i agree with lyn.
she know what she said?
haha. this is really on the girl's side
& not to mention sounds really bitchy.
sorry guys. hahas!
this was what i concluded from our little 'talk' ;
guys have too much pride.
they have to find a date on valentines' day
'cause they carnt bear to be rendered dateless.
and they can't bear to be seen without a girlfriend
or worse, without a flower. ahahahas.
that was the shocking thing.
then they go to an extent that disgust people.
yeah. i don't wanna talk about it.
er, this didn't happen to me, so don't worry. ahahas.
[i didn't have to be stuck with a guy complaining he hasn't got a girlfriend and
see him resort to... er. THAT. -looks above-]
i spent my day in a daze. i was counting letters on my worksheets.
like since when did i act SO retarded? -knocks own head-
i was bored, i am bored. -yawn-
i really think i'm in a dream.
i accidentally fell asleep for twenty minutes.
suddenly, i woke up and i was in the toilet, bathing.
i didn't bring any clothes in,
so i had to go out in my towel. yuck.
then my mom started yaddering away,
saying how unthankful i was.
seriously, i was lost.
i was confused.
i didn't know what she was talking about.
i'm dazed.
yes i am.

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