Tuesday, February 22, 2005

i felt so heavy-hearted in the morning.
trust me, i was dying of everything.
i've been so easily irritated this few days.
i don't know why. tsk.
though people like ray etc. deserve being yelled at,
i don't suppose i want to do that.
it's simply so mean.
i've got the right during band to scold anyone,
esp. in the percussion section.
people like ray - watch out!
ah, how nice.
common tests.common tests. common tests.
maths. geography. music.
whoa. had geog, maths and music test today. ughh.
i think i'm so gonna flunk maths.
i'm still so annoyed that i can't remember a thing.
i think i need to go back to miss chan for 'lessons'.
who cares about mr jo anyway.
i can't be bothered to bitch about him anymore.
seems so pointless. like it's gonna change anything.
geog test was kinda okay. except that the mcq were kinda tricky!
miss rachael is so smart to give us those questions.
seemed like the second section was simpler than the mcq.
well, to summarise, the mcq was simple but it'll make you keep doubting your answers.
and then you'll keep looking at it, over and over again.
you get the feeling?
music test! oh, the one about the orchestra blah. it's rather simple..
to add to it, i've got a piano grade and not to mention i'm in band.
jasmine, hwee en, beiyu and i were feeling like it was peanuts to us.
-waves at crowd, bhb-
note: bhb is buay hiao bai.
the only one which got us thinking was the position of all the sections in the orchestra.
well, but i learnt that just in the five minutes she gave before the test hoho.
i'm positive i'm gonna get a1, maybe full marks if i don't get the orchestra seating
arrangement wrong! woot!
i was falling asleep in class today. -yawn-
esp during maths.
i told you, i always tend to fall asleep in maths test only. that explains the red marks on my paper. -sigh-
okay. band was okaayyy today.
sec one band. ugh!
whoaa. but today was rather fun and i'm glad i went.
although i'm still really tired.
i didn't really do strokes nor help liyana teach the juniors.
i was playing my bell at the staircase and danial was playing tom there too.
sermin - olgc girl
she's in band! her sister is MABEL! amagadd!!
it's like mabel is huimin's sl.
huimin's my sl.
and huimin has always had good stuff to say all about her.
i've never seen her before but anyway, she sounds really funny! haha!
mabel was a bell player - my ancestor!
[hey, she isn't dead yet! -monologue-]
sermin is gonna join percussion.
she was a ex-choir member but not syf choir laas.
so it's really funny.
the school choir is the lousy one. bwahahas.
i mean in ij-olgc. ha.
she can be a really good snare drummer.
i think her whole family has the gift of the sticking stuff.
mabel was a really good bell player & organist.
she's an organist too. but stopped at 9B.
so rather pathetic.
and she carn't sightread!
i was testing her with jasmine.
she doesn't know her c, d, e, f, g, a, b, c ...
she just knows her do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, do
but anyway, she learnt what we taught the sec ones in three weeks in five minutes.
not to mention, she is the best among the new sec ones -
including the stupid china ex-drummer. yuckks.
although we tested her separately, we can tell!
she immediately got the point of everything.
like how do you hold your sticks in the traditional way.
she is probably the only one besides afiqah who can hold the stick properly and play.
sri-whatever just drops the stick onto the drum everytime.
leon is fine.
jie yu (china pig) is a show-off.
i just hate that face. -piak
i remember the auditions.
twenty overs wanted to join percussion.
i hated those that were showing off but couldn't play.
they failed anyway.
they were so friggin' proud and overconfident that they would get in.
i feel like smacking this piece of information that is reality that:
if you can't play,
can't pass the auditions,
you don't have to say anything to redeem your unfortunate failure,
you're just out.
woot. that's really nice. my stomach kinda hurts.
i'm not hungry.
i didn't eat my dinner.
but it still hurts.
ah, whatever.
i'm gonna find food...

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