Monday, February 07, 2005

it's the happiest day of my life! :))
i'm gonna scream myself hoarse! i've found myself back! -hugs herself- really, really!
i had so much fun, trust me. my fun level is totally brimming and overflowing despite my maths test results. tsk-tsk. okay, let's talk about maths now - the bad news. mr johari sucks, seriously, i failed my maths test, badly. liyan failed too. i'm so peeved, not with my results or myself, but mr jo, his teaching skills/style is so bad, i'm speechless. firstly, i never ever failed any of my maths test since primary five and the only one i failed was the topic i didn't understand. he is rewarding those with good results and good improvement and you know what, he's using candy and stickers. i felt SO insulted. we are secondary two not primary three and below. thank you. tsk. he's the new teacher and hod for maths - talk about a lousy teacher. he is making people think we do well for our tests to get stupid cheap sweets that we've never seen before, not because they're rare but 'cause they're those chinese-y and weird tasting sweets that are the size of erasers and taste horrible. i know where he probably got them. i saw them sold at two shops in ang mo kio central. oh yes it is from there. definitely. -smacks hand on table for effect- so in conclusion - mr jo sucks to the core. miss chan is ten times better.
i've got this feeling that during sec one they purposely gave all the good teachers so that you won't transfer out then secondary two, you get all the lousy teachers. so pissifying. erg.
let's go to the happy part noww. miss chan was being such a joker today. haha. she dressed like a bush - rwahhahahass. she wore this black plain top and dark green 'jeans'. it was quite funny but she dresses quite well basically. ah, okay. -fast forward to the fun part- today after school, we celebrated lin lao shi's birthday. her b'day's tomorrow. heh. cool. jasmine, hwee en, michelle and i were holding her back from going home while the others went to buy the necessary products for the party heh. so rachel was the so called lurer. smsed lin lao shi saying she wanted to talk to her and blahdy blah. lin l.s really thought it was serious. it really did sound serious anyway, that's the point! haha. so we had this flour thing. got her caked with flour and whoever else around caked too but i was the only one flourless. skills man! hahahas. okay, after that we went to fix our chingay costumes. so annoying, my costume - mask and vest- were in perfect condition but i still had to stay back to fix other people's costume. tsk. hahas. -brag- talk about sl standard. haha. no la, just kidding. liyana and shikin were coming late so, wen theng and i were unfortunately left in charge of the whole section. we were making a whole lot of noise outside. screaming and whatever else. later after everyone was leaving [without permission mind you]. we sent the masks for checking - failed 'cause we didn't know must tape all the masks. tsk. so that's what the thick tape i bought was for. so we taped it then we passed. woots. we quickly grabbed our bags and left the room, in hope of yingmei not checking the masks and calling us back to fix the spoilt ones. hahas. okay then was wondering whether to meet my girlfriend [not a church person, thank you] , but in the end, I tossed her aside and went home. haha. so here i am ... happily writing this post. okay. done about band and school.
about me finding myself back. heh
i totallie did today, i realised. i love my usual self. in school, i'm no more the "almost-rebecca". i'm not quiet anymore, i'm not prim and proper. call me the fallen councillor. thankss! i've stop being the stupid pair of goody-two-shoes. i've opened myself up, i've become my usual 'in-church- self.
i dance around, i sing, i scream, i jump around, hop to class, it's almost like the joy of the lord. maybe the joy of freedom ay? cool. i'm back to insulting people or annoying people haha, being mischievous and not to mention, childish yet matured. ahh. that's the word.. hahaha! i was insulting ray today during the fixing of costumes. he had five girls against him. definitely he'll lose. he was like so lame. let me show you whadd we say. it was beyond spasm!
ray : i feel raped.
lou : like who wants to rape you?
ray : you la!
lou : who wants to rape you? excuse me, you're so not my type.
bei yu : yee, then you go for which kind.
lou : oh i'm not gonna explain. hahas.
steph : -laughs helplessly-
wen theng : ray, don't try to quarrel with four girls la, you're so definitely gonna lose.
lou : ya, like precisely. tsk tsk.
steph asks a question and ray starts blabbering away.
steph : ray, will you shut up? i wasn't asking you.
lou : hey, that's a good one -rolls on floor in laughter-
bei yu : -laughs with pained expression-
lou : ray, i think you need companionship is it? you like to answer even though no one's asking you anything.
steph : -laughs- ya lorh.
during science lesson, it was really funny. mr wong was talking about how poisonous iodine solution was, blah. jasmine and i were talking super lame 'cause it was boring.
louisa : he said 'don't drink iodine, you will die', haha, imagine if we drank iodine, we'll all be blue in colour.
jas : -laughs so loudly-
louisa : he's so lame. hahahahahaha.
jas : all of us will be smurfs.
louisa : -gets the joke after two seconds and collapses with laughter-
oh that's a good one!
jasmine : -laughs loudly, madly and with a pained expression-
mr wong : -laughs along at imaginary joke- what's so funny.
lame. you cann tell how happy i am. i blogged SO much. rwahhhahahahahahahas.
i'm mee. finally!

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