Saturday, February 12, 2005

1. what kind of first impression do you think people say when they first see you?
- you'd know, wouldnt you? and you wouldn't like to know me after that. haii. [read 11 and 26]
2. what's one thing you like to do alone? - think. about everything.
3. are you a giver or a taker?- a giver and taker! haha. i mean its not like i'm so static or something.
4. what have you stolen before? - even if i have ever stolen before i wouldnt tell you right?
5. how many drinks before you're tipsy? - i don't drink miister.
6. do you ever have to beg for sex? - firstly, don't be stupid. secondly, that is plain desperation
and thirdly, it just shows you can't find love anywhere. *pity
7. what kind of books do you like to read?- romantic novels. with a lot of action. i happen to like such movies too.
8. do you think you're cute? - oh don't be gross.. it'll be b.h.b thank you!
9. do you have a problem changing clothes in front of your friends?- if my friends are girls well no.
10. favorite communication method? - no pref. face to face probably.
11. do you care? - i do, but people think i dont because i like to pretend i dont. but i really do. really.
12. what do you eat when you raid the fridge at night? - icecream.
13. if you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? - yuckk. i wouldn't like that.
14. do you know anyone famous? - maybe. aha. people famous - were just helplessly talent-spotted. so maybe they're just trying to get through their life without getting spotted as famous and there you go spoiling it. TSK.
15. describe your bed? - why should you care? it's mine.
16. spontaneous or planned? - depends on situation.
17. do you know how to play poker ? - yeah. um so.
18. what do you carry with you at all times? - wallet. handphone.
19. what do you miss most about being little?- being doted most on. freedom. all the harmless fun and no work at all. just play.
20. are you happy with your given name?- goodness knows how glad i am that my father is such a genius to give me the name i have. i love it! (: `quote zeslene.
21. how much would it take to give up the internet for 1 year? - as long you can entertain me for the whole year, i'll be off the net.
22. what color is your bedroom? - purple.
23. have you ever been in a play? - uh. if part of the acting no. but part of the whole thing yeah.
24. do you like yourself and believe in yourself? - no, i hate myself and i believe in God.
25. do homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? - i know this is bad but yes
sometimes they annoy me loads. other times i really feel sorry for them
26. do you consider yourself to be a nice person? - i'm really a nice person. not a really nice person. you get the difference?
27. do you spend more time with your girlfriend/boyfriend or your friends? - i'm not close to gettin a boyfriend - but i love my girlfriends!
28. what's one thing you wish you could do but can't? - play the violin.
29. what is your ideal marriage location? - ay, don't talk about that.
30. what instrument did you wish you played? - flute
31. something you love and hate? - my ever so sordid life.
32. what's one language you want to learn? - i wouldn't use it anyway, why bother.
33. what do you order at a bar? - i wouldn't go there. tsk.
34. have you ever pierced your body parts? - beisdes my ears, nah.
35. do you have any tattoos? - nope. not going to. gross.
36. would you admit to getting plastic surgery if confronted? - no.
37. what traits you hate in a person? -the inability to amuse but tries too hard, it's annoying. too much sensitivity. humourless. always putting themselves down, expecting people to console them and put them up, that sorta thing. tsk tsk!
38. do you consider yourself materialistic? - almost.. but sometimes hardly.
39. what do you cook best? - cup noodles and sweet corn. aha.

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